Thursday 17 March 2022

My Den – Home Office 2022

My Den – Home Office 2022

I did not have a den or personal space for the last 11.5 years. The house we were in was smaller, 3 bedrooms and 4 of us when we moved in and 5th in under a year. For a long time I had a desk in the basement, beside my wife’s crafting desk and supplies. For the last 2 years with Covin-19 and working from home full time, I had a small desk in the living room. It placed me on the central floor of the house and when all three children were doing remote learning I could hear anything brewing on the floor above or below. Then the house we have been renting for over 11 years was put on the market. We moved to a very beautiful hose. The children each have their own rooms now. And my wife and I share a space. It is my den/home office, and her scrapbooking space. For the first 6 months I did not put anything up in the den. I had stuff that had been around my desk at home, and always had stuff up in my cubicle at work. But I wanted to plan this out. 

After that initial 6 months I put up a few icons I already had. And started planning what I would like my office to look and feel like. It has taken me another 5 months but this is where my set up now. Work, Play, Pray!

Across the top above the desk:

St Benedict Praying the Rosary
Our Lady Immaculate Heart 
Saint Josemaria Escriva
Divine Mercy (To be replaced by a copy of the one in our church.)
Mary (Have had this one for years from my grandmother)
Our Lady of La Salette 

The two coming down from these are 2 of my children's confirmation saints, a third will be added next year.

Beside these:

4 Archangels
Our Lady of Perpetual 
Saint Brendan
Saint Patrick

On the bookcase behind me:

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Saint Joseph

Beside bookcase:

Crucifix with soil from Jerusalem
Saint Damien of Molokai
Saint Brigid of Ireland
Saint John Paul II

On the desk:
Memento Mori Skull
Homeless Jesus - Timothy Schmalz
When I Was a Stranger - Timothy Schmalz
Statue of Mary
Saint Benedict Cross

The new icons and artwork come from a variety of sources, for some I have linked to the sites above. Some more detailed pictures below. 

Timothy Schmalz has some incredible sculptures, and they are all over the world.

These are icons from Theophilia on Deviant Art. I love that they are younger versions of the saints than often we encounter. I picked up Saint Patrick for me, Joan of Arc for my 26 year old daughter I just found out about last year. And the other three for my children here at home. 

These are 3 of 6 Greek Orthodox Catholic Icons I purchased. They are smaller than I expected. But on a nice thick piece of stained wood. The Smaller icons come from Holy Art.

Finally the two painting on either side of the entrance were both painted by my youngest. She is 11 now Jack Skellington was painted a few years ago. The Fall Scene this last fall at school.

The Divine Mercy at out church was painted by a local artist for a previous pastor. I love her rendition of it.

The main sources for my religious art are:

As a side note about the confirmation saints for my children I pray for them each time the icon catches my attention. When they are older and moving out for work or school I plan on taking them down and giving them to them. I hope you enjoyed the tour of my space. And maybe it will inspire you to add an icon, sculpture or two to your own work space. 

1 comment:

  1. :) Your home office is a great deal more orderly than mine.
    Which wouldn't take much. ;)
    Thanks for sharing.
