Monday 28 March 2022

Perdition's Heirs - Jane Lebak - Seven Archangels Book 6

Perdition's Heirs 
Seven Archangels Book 6
Jane Lebak
Philangelus Press

ISBN 9781942133476

First oof! Second Wow! This is the 19th story by Jane Lebak I have read in the last few years. This one is very different from other stories in this series I have read. And the author states it is a standalone novel set in the Seven Archangels world. This story focuses on spiritual warfare, Lebak delves into the other plane of existence and we see angels and demons and ways they work. As someone who has been through deliverance ministry, and specifically for generational curses this novel really hit home. It was an amazing read. But I won’t say it was an easy read and at times a hard read. Lebak at the beginning of this story in the section About This Book states:

“THREE POWERFUL SIBLINGS are poised to continue their grandfather’s deal with the devil.

Cosmiel’s angelic Special Ops team takes the assignments no one else wants. Too dangerous for the ministerial corps and too delicate for the army, these assignments require the best of the best, the angels who go where other angels fear to tread. The pressure is unrelenting, and even one distracted moment could leave an angel stabbed or chained in Hell—but the humans need them.

The Ellington siblings seem to need nothing at all. Their recently-deceased grandfather, Linus Ellington, bequeathed them his money, his influence, and his Fortune 500 company. But they’re also heirs to Ellington’s pact with Hell, and now the demons are coming to collect. Cosmiel needs to guide his team through the most intricate case of intergenerational evil he’s ever faced, or else these three human souls—and the thousands more under their influence—will perish.

This standalone novel in the Seven Archangels Saga combines heroics, espionage, ingenuity, teamwork, and the heart of the human family.”

And the description of the story is:

“Cosmiel’s angelic Special Ops team takes the assignments no one else wants. Too dangerous for the ministerial corps and too delicate for the army, these assignments require the best of the best, the angels who go where other angels fear to tread. The pressure is unrelenting, and even one distracted moment could leave an angel stabbed or chained in Hell—but the humans need them.”

Many years ago I read and was fascinated by Frank E. Peretti’s This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. They were fiction but they presented the spiritual realm in a relatable way. And each time I read them it stirred my prayer life. Eventually I stopped reading Peretti because it started feeling like a Christianized Stephen King and I felt unclean after reading them. Lebak has managed to walk that line without crossing over it. Prior to beginning the story Lebak provides a lesson on the 9 Choirs, she states:

“You’ve likely heard of the nine choirs of angels, but here’s the refresher cheat sheet.

The trillion or so angels whom God created are organized in nine categories. Humans call them choirs for the same reason cows are “herds” and crows are “a murder” and executives are “a meeting.” That is to say, English makes no sense. Angels can sing, but they don’t always. We also call these groups “orders.” 

The choirs each have a rank, and from most powerful to least powerful, they go like this:

• Seraphim
• Cherubim
• Thrones
• Dominions
• Virtues
• Powers
• Principalities
• Archangels
• Angels

Because human language is imprecise, humans tend to lump all of those together as “angels” even if they’re not from the choir of Angels. When it’s capitalized, you’re referring to the choir. When it’s lowercase, you’re referring to any of the beings who were formed directly by God before the creation of the universe, spiritual but not physical. (Humans are made differently and don’t turn into angels after death.)

Angels who rebelled with Satan are now demons, but they’ve retained their choir status as well as all the abilities and tendencies that come with each choir. 

In general, if it matters what choir the angel is, they’ll tell you. Cherubim, for example, are God’s academics. The Seraphim are the fiery ones, emotional and generous. Most guardian angels are chosen from the lowest two choirs. Over time, the middle three choirs have gravitated toward defense and guidance, and that’s where you’ll find Special Ops.

Welcome to a world you’ve never seen, the world of unconventional spiritual warfare.”

In this story we encounter many, guardians, Archangel Michael, and we have Cosmiel’s angelic Special Ops team who are trying to save the souls of the three grandchildren of a man who signed away not only his soul but up to 4 generations of his descendants. Each of the siblings must decide for themselves. But each has been raised, and trained, and primed to make that decision. In this story we watch as their guardians and special ops try and guide them against how they were raised and to choose light over darkness. 

I mentioned previously I had been through deliverance ministry. Part of that work was breaking generational curses going back up to 7 generations. This story really hit home. Lebak has captured a spiritual reality many modern people do not want to believe or deny is a reality. She captures perfectly the spiritual realities, and the role of faith, hope, and prayer. 

This is an amazing read in an excellent series. And to be honest the best and I believe most important book Lebak has written. It is Christian fiction at its best. And Catholic literature that readers will be challenged and blessed by reading. Even if you have not read anything else from Lebak, I encourage you to give this book a read.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Jane Lebak:
Pickup Notes
Love's Highway
Half Missing

Relic of His Heart
With Two Eyes Into Gehenna
Rain in Hell
The Space Between

Father Jay Series:
Bulletproof Vestments
The Boys Upstairs
A Different Heroism


Seven Archangels:
1.0 An Arrow In Flight
2.0 Sacred Cups
3.0 Shattered Walls
4.0 The Wrong Enemy
5.0 Annihilation

Seven Archangels Short Stories:
2.1 Damage
2.2 Even A Stone
2.3 Hired Man
2.4 Winter Branches
5.5 Once Only

Seven Angels Short Story Bundle 2.1-2.4

The Adventures of Lee and Bucky:

0.5 Upsie-Daisy
1.0 Honest And For True
2.0 Forever And For Keeps

Rails of Sweet Grove:
2.0 Love's Rules of the Road

Carrying to Term: A Guide for Parents after a Devastating Prenatal Diagnosis


Contributed to:

Author profile and interview with Jane Lebak.

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