Tuesday 21 June 2022

Pray the Rosary - Patrick Peyton - Catholic Book Publishing Corporation

Pray the Rosary
ISBN 9780899420523
eISBN 9781937913243

I picked up this book by accident, I had done an advance search for new eBooks from the Catholic Truth Society, and this volume showed up. I am thankful for the mix up. I used this to pray through the mysteries. The volume states that the preface is by Father Patrick Peyton. We are informed that it is a new expanded edition. The subtitle of the book on the title page is:

Rosary Novenas
Family Rosary
Private Recitation
First Five Saturdays

The description of the booklet is:

“This new, expanded version of the tremendously popular Pray the Rosary by Catholic Book Publishing offers the traditional shorter devotion as well as a longer devotion which includes Scriptural texts. This extended edition of Pray the Rosary is designed to provide a greater context for praying the Mysteries of the Blessed Mother and Jesus, her Son. The additional text, which can also be used as alternative text, enhances the celebration of the Rosary by focusing more deeply on the Mysteries.”

And the chapters are:

Rosary Novenas
The Family Rosary
The First Five Saturdays
Prayer before the Rosary
The Mysteries of the Rosary
The Five Joyful Mysteries
The Five Luminous Mysteries
The Five Sorrowful Mysteries
The Five Glorious Mysteries
Prayer after the Rosary
The Prayers of the Rosary
The Apostles’ Creed
The Hail! Holy Queen
The Litany of Loreto
Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary
The Five New Luminous Mysteries

This booklet looks like one I remember my grandmother having over 30 years ago. My assumption is that the ‘new expanded edition’ is because of the 5 Luminous Mysteries and the section at the end of the volume about them. The copyright information states 2008.. The back of the physical booklet had the ISBN and booklet number No.52/05 with I assume is the booklet number and maybe month of publication. 

The booklet gives some great information about the history, especially of the 54 day novenas. The Luminous Mysteries and how they have been inserted into the traditional cycle and 54 Day Novena cycle. A Sample decade is:


Agony in the Garden
I Desire True Repentance for My Sins

Think of our Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffering a bitter agony for our sins.

1 Our Father. 10 Hail Marys.
1 Glory Be to the Father.

Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, You suffered a bitter agony because of our sins. Grant me true contrition.

*“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of Your mercy.”

*In her second apparition at Fatima, June 13, 1917, our Lady taught three shepherd children to add this invocation after each decade of the Rosary.

Lord Jesus, we offer You this first decade to honor Your Mortal Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, and we ask of You, through this Mystery and through the intercession of Your Holy Mother, a perfect contrition for our sins.

Say 1 Our Father.

Scripture Text
Say 10 Hail Marys, each preceded by a text given below.

1. Then they went to a place that was called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to His disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”
2. He took with Him Peter and James and John, and He began to suffer distress and anguish. And He said to them, “My soul is sorrowful even to the point of death. Remain here and keep watch” (Mk 14:32-34).
3. Withdrawing from them about a stone’s throw, He knelt down and prayed, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me. Yet not My Will but Yours be done.”
4. Then an Angel from heaven appeared to Him and gave Him strength. In His anguish, He prayed so fervently that His sweat became like great drops of blood falling on the ground (Lk 22:41-44).
5. Returning to the disciples, He found them sleeping. He said, “Simon … could you not keep watch for one hour? Stay awake and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
6. Again, He went apart and prayed, saying the same words. Then He came again and found them sleeping … and they did not know what to say to Him.
7. When He returned a third time, He said to them, “Are you still sleeping … ? Enough! The hour has come when the Son of Man is to be betrayed into the hands of sinners. Get up! Let us go! Look, My betrayer is approaching….”
8. At once, while Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him there was a crowd of men armed with swords and clubs.
9. Judas proceeded directly to Jesus and said, “Rabbi!” and kissed Him.
10. Then they seized Jesus and placed Him under arrest … and everyone deserted Him and fled (Mk 14:37-46).

Additional or Alternative Text
At the end of the first part of each Hail Mary after the Name “Jesus,” add a few words that remind us of the Mystery being celebrated, as below. (The second part, “Holy Mary … ,” is only recited once—at the end of the ten Hail Marys.)

(1) Who experienced anguish in the Garden. 
(2) Who prayed to be free of the cup yet accepted His Father’s Will. 
(3) Who deigned to accept consolation from an Angel. 
(4) Who endured a bloody sweat flowing from His sorrows. (
5) Who was betrayed by a friend. 
(6) Who spoke to those who saw Him with the power of His Word, rendering them prostrate on the ground and then uplifted them. 
(7) Who told those trying to defend Him to put away the sword. (8) Who handed Himself into the hands of His enemies. 
(9) Who was abandoned by His Apostles. 
(10) Who suffered for the sins of all of us.

Say 1 Glory Be to the Father.
May the grace of our Lord’s Agony come down into my soul and make me truly contrite for my sins.
“O my Jesus,” etc., p. 61”.

The page numbers in the text are links to jump around in the eBook version. Overall this is a great little booklet. Well written. Easy to follow. And scriptural rosaries are a great way to use this devotional. I can easily recommend this little booklet.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by and about Patrick Peyton:

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