Tuesday 28 June 2022

The World of Marian Apparitions - Wincenty Laszewski - Mary's Appearances and Messages from Fatima to Today

The World of Marian Apparitions: 
Mary's Appearances and Messages from Fatima to Today
Sophia Institute Press
ISBN 9781644132029
ASIN 9781644132036

First this was an amazing read. A stunning book, full of photo’s, information boxes and well researched text. Wincenty Łaszewski, has written an incredible volume. And for the most part I thought it was excellent. I have a few concerns but will share them later. 

This is an English edition of, Świat Maryjnych Objawień, originally published in Polish and a fourth edition is releasing in 2022. This edition is based on the third edition published in 2020. Lately I have found several wonderful authors who publish in their native Polish, for example Father Jan Twardowski and Father Andrzej Muszala, and find that too few of their works are available in English.

The chapters are:


ROME 1884 - A Vision of the Church’s Future
SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO 1911 - Padre Pio’s Laughing Madonna
ALJUSTREL 1913 - Little Lúcia’s Madonna
FATIMA 1917 - The Message of Fatima
BASEL 1917 - A Mystical Wound
RADZYMIN 1920 - The Anti-Bolshevik Mother of God
FATIMA 1921 - Mother of Obedience
FATIMA 1921 - The Seventh Fatima Apparition
PONTEVEDRA 1925 - The Contemplative Mother of God
TUI, SPAIN 1929 - Patroness of Russia’s Conversion
ŁAGIEWNIKI, VILNIUS, AND PŁOCK 1930s - Intercessor for Mercy
BEAURAING 1932 - Madonna with the Golden Heart
BANNEUX 1933 - Our Lady of the Poor
HEEDE 1937 - Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory
SIEKIERKI 1943 - Holy Mother, Teacher of Youth
BALAZAR 1944–1955 - Mother of Light
GHIAIE DI BONATE 1944 - Queen of Families
TURZA ŚLĄSKA 1945 - Sorrowful Mother of the Battlefield
L’ÎLE-BOUCHARD 1947 - The Mother at the Annunciation
TRE FONTANE 1947 - Virgin of Revelation
MONTICHIARI 1947 - Mystical Rose
LIPA 1948 - Mediatrix of All Graces
WARSAW 1948 - Dispenser of Divine Omnipotence
NGOME 1955 - Mary, Tabernacle of the Most High
ROME CITY 1956–1959 - Our Lady of America
ERD 1961–1981 - Flame of the Immaculate Heart
ZEITOUN 1968 - Silent Lady
FATIMA 1972 - The Apocalyptic Heart of Mary
AKITA 1973 - Apocalyptic Madonna
BETANIA 1976 - Mother of Peace and Unity
DEIR EL-AHMAR 1976 - Our Lady of Lebanon
CUAPA 1980 - Mother of Sinners
MEDJUGORJE 1981 - Queen of Peace
KIBEHO 1981 - Mother of the Word
SAN NICOLÁS 1983–1990 - Our Lady of the Rosary
ASDEE, IRELAND 1985 - Madonnas in Motion
MANILA 1986 - The Lady Who Commands Soldiers
BELPASSO 1986 - The Immaculate Heart of the Queen of Peace
YAGMA AND LOUDA 1986 - Lady of Assumption, Mother of Peace
HRUSHIV 1987 - Madonna of Kiev
UNITED STATES 1987 - Harbinger of Change
KUREŠČEK 1989–1999 - Queen of Peace
LITMANOVA 1990–1995 - The Immaculate Purity
AOKPE 1992 - Mediatrix of All Graces
IRELAND 2003 - A Beacon for Our Times
MEXICO CITY 2007 - A Strange Light
WARRAQ 2009 - Royal Virgin of Giza
TREVIGNANO ROMANO 2014 - Apocalyptic Protector

The book is stunning, each of the apparitions cover span from 2 pages to 14 pages, and a number of them are either 10 or 12. They begin with a spanned two page image of the location and contain Name, Dates, and symbols as code for status of the apparition. Those symbols are one of 9 they are:

An apparition recognized by the Vatican
A visionary recognized as a saint, blessed, venerable, or servant of God
The pope visited the apparition site and/or gave it special privileges
An apparition recognized by the local bishop
An imprimatur or nihil obstat granted to the texts of the revelation
Devotion recognized at the apparition site
Unusual miracles at the apparition site
An apparition recognized by the Coptic Church
An apparition accepted by belief of pilgrims

The world map has the following Symbols:

Recognized by the Vatican after bishop approval
Approved by local bishop
Unconfirmed as supernatural
Marian apparitions to future saints

It is almost information overload. I read the volume over a couple of weeks. Sometimes stopping after one apparition and sometimes reading a few. I cannot help but wonder what some of the updates in the new 2022, 4th Polish Edition will include, and if anything is being dropped. My first concern is related to two sites, one omitted in this volume, Knock Ireland, and Medjugorje. When it comes to Marian apparitions most of us have a few favourites. Knock is one of mine, and the first thing I did was check the table of contents, and honestly was a little disappointed when it was omitted. Second the author hints at controversy around  Medjugorje, which started when I was still in high school and hit a peak of popularity when I was in University. I have read much about this site, and my personal feelings have changed a lot over the years, I am currently working Medjugorje Complete: The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries by Donal Anthony Foley. The author of this work does not go into some of the controversies around this site and the visionaries and seems to gloss over it. It seems very unbiased, especially considering I understand that both Saint John Paul II and Emiratis Pope Benedict XVI have had serious concerns about the site and messages. 

My second concern is the eBook edition. I have a dual form of dyslexia and usually prefer eBooks. I did purchase the eBook for this direct from the publisher, as there is no Kindle edition, the formatting was horrendous. The file is almost 90 MB in size, I tried reading it through a few eBook readers on my PC (FB Reader, Calibre, Kobo for PC), and even Google Play on the Web and it was terribly painful. And it was even worse on a tablet. I gave up on the digital edition and purchased a physical copy. In this case the eBook was more of a hindrance than a help. 

That being said this is a wonderful volume. I believe it is the only one by Wincenty Laszewski available in English currently. We are informed on the Sophia Institute site that:

“Polish theologian, doctor of dogmatic theology, writer and translator. Author of many books devoted to Our Lady , especially Marian apparitions. Member of the World Apostolate of Fatima. In his publications, he deals mainly with the history of Marian devotion in Europe and with apparitions taking place in various places around the world. He looks for connections between revelations and contemporary history.”
Part of the description of this volume is:

“The world-changing appearance of Our Lady at Fatima ushered in a continuing series of remarkable apparitions worldwide that the Church has either officially approved or marked as likely-authentic. Author and Mariologist Wincenty Laszewski summarizes the powerful and urgent messages of these apparitions in this unparalleled, encyclopedic work-instantly the new standard on the subject. Most of these riveting chapters include portentous warnings - some are ominous, others more hopeful. This stunning book serves as a wake-up call to the faithful and is a worldwide clarion call to deeper prayer and conversion. It includes:

     • Over 400 pages describing the fully documented miracles and visions
     • Fascinating accounts by eyewitnesses, including non-believers
     • 50+ maps of locations and pilgrimage sites
     • Photos and illustrations: documents, events, and faces of the visionaries
     • The finest works of art and reproductions of Our Lady

Each message and appearance is analyzed and quoted precisely. Their sheer abundance is enough to absorb believing Catholics-and many a skeptic-from all walks of life and reading habits.”

And I agree. This is a magnificent volume, great for any home, school or church library. With how many books I read a year I tend not to keep many physical books, this is one that will stay on my shelf, at least until the next edition comes out in English. A great read for all Catholics!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan!

Read as part of  Father Mark Gorings School or Reading click here.

Books by Wincenty Laszewski:
In English:

In Polish:
Apokalipsa wedlug Fatimy
Boży szaleńcy
Cuda Maryi w życiu Jana Pawła II
Cudowny medalik. Klucz do skarbnicy Ĺ ask
Czwarty wizjoner z Fatimy
Duchowa misja Polski
Ewangelia Zwycięstwa wedĹ‚ug Jana PawĹ‚a II
Fatima Stuletnia tajemnica
Ilustrowany przewodnik po Fatimie
Miłosierdzie Boże Droga krzyżowa
Modlitwy zatroskanych o Polskę
NaboĹźeĹ„stwo Pięciu Pierwszych SobĂłt Miesiąca
Nadchodzi kres: Mistyczne wizje końca świata
Największa tajemnica Guadalupe
Niewidzialna wojna
Nowy lepszy świat
Opowiem Ci o Guadalupe
Rewolucja Maryi: Opowieść o Niepokalanym Sercu
Stefan Błogosławiony Wyszyński
Swiat Maryjnych Objawien
Totus Tuus - Tota Tua
Wszystko o różańcu który może wszystko
Zwycięstwa z pomocą nieba

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