Thursday 9 June 2022

Year of Faith Prayer Book - Edited by Barry R. Pearlman - CTS Year of Faith

Year of Faith Prayer Book
Barry R. Pearlman
ISBN 9781860828188
CTS Booklet D756

The ‘Year of Faith’ was from October 2012 through November 2013. I did not encounter any of these booklets during the year of faith, but from the two I have read so far, they are well worth tracking down and reading. So far, I have been able to discover 8 books and booklets that are marked as part of this series:

Companion to Faith
Praying The Creed In The Year Of Faith
The Essential Creed - Exploring the Apostles' Creed in the Year of Faith
Year of Faith Prayer Book
Year of Faith Stations of the Cross
Year of Faith with John Paul II
The Gift of Scripture
The Word of the Lord Discovering Verbum Domini

From those discovered some are clearly marked on the front cover and some have the Year of Faith logo on the back of the book. The description of this volume:

“Taking the main themes for the Year of Faith: the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Deposit of Faith, this booklet contains prayers and devotions to be used daily, and for periodic prayer and reflection. The reader becomes involved in praying for the Church, the faithful, the world and for the kind of ‘conversion to Christ’ that Pope Benedict asks for in this year of faith.”

About the editor of this volume, we are informed that:

“Barry R. Pearlman is a Catholic apologist and writer, with a PhD is Social Psychology, and a Bachelor of Theology degree from Melbourne College of Divinity, previous publications: A Certain Faith: Analogy of Being and the Affirmation of Belief; and Fatima: A Heart for the World.”

The chapters and sections in this prayer book are:

A Gift of Faith
The Holy Father’s Prayer for the Year of Faith
Prayers to the Most Holy Trinity
     For Faith in the Father
     For Faith in the Son
     For Faith in the Holy Spirit
The Blessed Virgin Mary
     The Joyful Mysteries
     The Luminous Mysteries
     The Glorious Mysteries
     The Hail Holy Queen
The Communion of Saints
     St Joseph
     Sts Peter and Paul
     The Angels
     Our Guardian Angel
The Church and the World
     For the Pope
     For Priests and Religious
     For the Deposit of Faith
     For the Unity of Christians
     For the Spread if the Gospel
     For the Conversion of Our Country
     For Peace
     For Religious Freedom
     For Marriage
     For the Sanctity of Life
     For the Sick
     For the Faithful Departed
Personal Petitions
     For Faith
     For Hope
     For Charity
     For Humility
     For Wisdom
     For Patience
     For Final Perseverance
Adoration and Devotion
     Before the Blessed Sacrament
     The Divine Praises
     Litany to the Holy Name of Jesus
A Novena in Thanks for Faith

One of the prayers that really moved me and that I have added to my daily prayers is:

O maiden most pure,
the wild story of my soul,
for you alone showed yourself on earth
to be the port
of all who set a course
through the perils of life.
You who gave birth
to the Light,
brighten, O Pure Lady,
the eyes of my heart.
You were given to us on earth
as protecting, bulwark and boast.
You were given to us as tower
and sure salvation,
O Maiden.
For this we no longer fear adversity,
we who devotedly glorify you."
     -Joseph the Studite
The other prayer that really touched me was ‘Prayer for the Conversion of England’, but I have been praying it for the conversion of Canada. This is an excellent little prayer book. I really appreciated some of the prayers that I had not encountered previously. I also appreciate that the prayers were attributed for example:

J. Michael de Coutances
Ludovicus Blosius
St Symeon the New Theologian
Joseph the Studite

A great volume and wonderful first read from this series. I look forward to reading other books in this series and have an ever growing list of books from the Catholic Truth Society I want to read. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the Year of Faith Series click here.

CTS Year of Faith Books:
The Essential Creed - Exploring the Apostles' Creed in the Year of Faith
Year of Faith with John Paul II
The Gift of Scripture
The Word of the Lord Discovering Verbum Domini

Other books from the Year of Faith:
Books edited by Francis Fernandez Carvajal:
Year of Faith Treasury: The Sacrament of Confession 
Year of Faith Treasury: The Virtue of Faith
Year of Faith Treasury: The Virtue of Fortitude

Books by Barry R. Pearlman:
A Certain Faith: The Catholic Alternative
Treasure in Heaven: A Study of the Sermon on the Mount Using the Four Senses of Scripture
A Certain Faith: Analogy of Being and the Affirmation of Belief

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