Saturday 2 July 2022

Miracle at the Mission - Joseph Lewis - Westthorpe Academy Book 2

Miracle at the Mission
ISBN 9781649495662
eISBN 9781649495686

This book surprised me. I did not really know anything about the author when I was approached to review this book. I admit a really enjoyed it. And even though it is the second in a series it is well written enough to more than stand on its own. There were no moments while reading where I felt missed gaps by not having read book one first. The book reminded me of several others, and all in good ways. In part it reminded me of The Relic of Perilous Falls by Raymond Arroyo Will Wilder Book 1, and like Mystic Informant by Carissa Douglas the Douglings Adventures Book 1 but this is for an older audience. I would put this book as for tweens, teens and young adults. However it is strong enough written for readers of all ages to enjoy. Part of the description of this book states:

“During a summer trip to California, Joe and Pete visit Mission San Antonio de Padua where they meet an old Franciscan monk who warns them of the dangers they will soon face. The boys are drawn into a series of events filled with suspense, mystery, espionage, a high-speed car chase, and an assassination attempt by Russian operatives on the President of the United States.

Caught up in the pursuit of the assassins, the boys discover they have become suspects in the investigation. They must prove their innocence while also counting on the guidance of the old padre, who happens to bear a strange resemblance to Saint Junipero Serra himself.

With the world teetering on the brink of an international crisis, the story reaches its climax at another mission—Mission San Carlos Borromeo in Carmel—where the boys and a large gathering of people witness an incredible miracle that changes their lives forever.”

And is this story ever current for our times. It includes elements of defacing statues and church buildings. It includes the Russian – Ukarian war. Political intrigue, assassination plans, and more. But the core of the story is faith, friendships, family and trying to do the right thing. There are three main story arc’s all heading for a collision course in Southern California. 

The friendship between Joe and Pete and Joe’s brother Pet. Their dynamic and interactions are masterfully written. The Franciscan’s at the Mission are interesting element. And There is also an unexplained occurrence or 5 that have the hint of the miraculous, and unexplainable by people who do not have faith.

I absolutely loved the history of California, the Missions, and St. Junipero Serra. It made a good story a great story. The Francian Friars elements in this story brought to mind Theresa Linden’s Standing Strong a West Brothers book. This is an excellent read and I would have no concerns picking up the next to come out from the author.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

Blog Tour:

June 26, Theresa Linden 

June 27, Ellen Gable

June 28, Leslea Wahl

June 29, Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

June 30, Carolyn Astfalk

July 1, Amanda Lauer

July 2, Steven McEvoy

Books by Joseph Lewis:
Westthorpe Academy Mysteries:
The Ghosts of Westthorpe Academy

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