Wednesday 27 July 2022

Too Close to Home - Andrew Grant - Paul McGrath Book 2

Too Close to Home 
Paul McGrath Book 2
aka Andrew Child
ISBN 9780525619642
eISBN 9780525619635

I have now read nine volumes from Andrew Grant. The first two in each of his series, the stand alone novel Run, and the two he co-wrote with his brother, Lee Child, under the name Andrew Child. When I started reading his works I was not sure if I would read each series sequentially or in parallel. It has worked out that I am reading them in parallel. Currently this is the last volume in this series, but Grant has indicated he is likely to return to the character, which is a blessing to fans of these two books. I enjoyed each of his books that I have read, but to date this is my favourite. I believe Grant has 9 books published under the name Andrew Grant, and two contributions to anthologies. He has also contributed to one anthology as Andrew Child. I have picked all of his books and just have the two book 3 in two trilogies left to read. I have enjoyed his contributions to the two books in the Reacher series, but I greatly enjoy his solo works as well. He has not published any solo works since he began his collaboration on the Jack Reacher books with his brother. But he did respond on social media indicating a possibility of more stories in this series.

The description of this book is:

“An intelligence agent-turned-courthouse janitor, Paul McGrath notices everything and everyone—but no one notices him. It’s the perfect cover for the justice he seeks for both his father and the people who’ve been wronged by a corrupt system. Now he’s discovered a missing file on Alex Pardew—the man who defrauded and likely murdered McGrath’s father but avoided conviction, thanks in large part to the loss of this very file. And what lies behind its disappearance is even worse than McGrath had feared.

Meanwhile, at the courthouse, he stumbles on the case of Len Hendrie, a small businessman who’s been accused of torching a venture capitalist’s mansion. Though Hendrie admits starting the fire, McGrath learns how the VC has preyed on average Joes to benefit himself—and his extensive wine collection. McGrath can’t resist looking deeper into this financial predator and soon finds himself in a gray area between his avenging moral compass and the limits of the law.

Then, just as the Hendrie case is heating up, McGrath receives word of the death of his father’s former housekeeper, sending him back to his family home to confront unfinished business from his past. And he’s about to find some unwelcome truths about the mother he lost as a child—and the father who hid even more secrets than he realized.”

I have not read the description of any of Grant’s books before starting them. An author friend calls me a ‘completionist’ in that when I find authors I like I tend to read everything they publish. For example I read the first 23 Reacher novels in under a year, after reading my first. Grants writing is. When I started the first in this series, I assumed it was going to be a spy novel. Boy was I wrong. In Some ways it feels like The Equalizer, and others like Jack Reacher if he settled down in one place. 

In this story Paul is still trying to track down the man he believes is responsible for his father’s death. He continues to work as a janitor at the court house. Here he encounters many people, some need his help and advice, and some need his judgement and punishment. He has several investigations on the go. And sometimes just does a job to help out a friend. He has a very strong sense of moral justice, what is right and wrong. And if someone abuses their power he has a knack for getting them back. But he always seems to give them a choice to do the right thing before facing consequences. He finds the work as a janitor contemplative, and uses the time doing the manual and sometimes menial labour to reflect and think, and work out the pieces he has put together. He cleans upo the trash at work. And in New York City he is cleaning us things a little bit here and there. The twists and turns in this plot were masterfully written!

This second Paul McGrath book was a great read. I mentioned it has a bit of an Equalizer feel to it, but also a Spencer for Hire. I loved the Spencer TV series when I was young, watching it with my dad, and reading several of the Robert B. Parker books when in university. Reading this was a like a trip back to those days, reading just for the pure joy in the story and the characters. Paul McGrath is an excellent character and the stories are great. A fantastic read.

I have said it before, but I am certain fans of Reacher, Bourne, Jack Ryan could all appreciate McGrath and how he gets the job done. It is a great read from Grant’s pen a fun story on many levels! And I hope there will be more in this series, sooner rather than later. 

Books by Andrew Grant:

David Trevellyan Series:

Detective Cooper Devereaux Series:

Paul McGrath Series:

As Andrew Child with Lee Child:
Jack Reacher Series:

Books Andrew Grant Contributed To:
In the Company of Sherlock Holmes
Murder and Mayhem in Muskego

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