Wednesday 7 September 2022

Deus Vult - Declan Finn - Saint Tommy NYPD Book 6

Deus Vult
Saint Tommy, NYPD Book 6
Declan Finn
ISBN 9798821257710
eISBN 9798201353513

This was the tenth novel I have read by Declan Finn 9 in the last few months. I have now read the first six in his Saint Tommy Series, starting with Hell Spawn and Death Cult. I now understand why so many people rave about his works. Before reading book 1, I had also picked up White Ops Book 1, but got going on the Saint Tommy Series first. I have also previously picked up several anthologies that Finn has contributed to, that I have not got around to reading. They have been bumped up in my ‘to be read pile’. The hard part of discovering a new favourite author who is very prolific is there are many works to choose from. I believe at the time of writing this that Finn has 38 published books and short stories, including this series which is to be up to 12 books within a few months. As of late my fiction reading I have been alternating books by Finn, Andrew Grant (aka Andrew Child), and J.D. Kirk, but having finished Grant’s back catalogue Finns are now in more frequent rotation. I am currently reading 2 in this series and then a White Ops book, two more then a Pius Man book as well.

The description of this story is:

“God wills it. A Saint must find a way. All Tommy Nolan wants is some peace to enjoy his family. He’s been to hell and back, and now he needs a break.

But evil doesn’t need to take a breather, and now the Vatican is back on his doorstep asking for help.

A nearby monastery has been desecrated and the exorcist monks murdered in the most brutal ways imaginable. A legion of demons is gathering for something big, and Tommy’s the saint they need to help.

An old enemy is the ally he needs, but can Tommy trust him? Can they track down all of the demons in time?

And what does the Necronomicon have to do with it all?”

I said before I was a little hesitant to start this series. It seemed a little over the top. And from the authors, publishing people, and friends it was so hyped I was afraid it would disappoint. It did not! In fact before I had finished the first 3 I picked up a dozen other works from Finn’s pen. And this series is getting better and better. With each volume I appreciate the world building that Finn is doing even more. Often when series stretches out they eventually dip in quality and entertainment value. That is not the case with the Saint Tommy series. But, back to this specific volume. 

Declan likes to push the line with these works. He is not afraid to punt political correctness out the door. He uses fiction to write about issues, and concerns that most media completely ignores. And in this one, not only is he called back into duty early, and on American soil again, his police partner, his wife, children and even close friend a New York Medical Examiner, Doctor Sinead Holland are all in on the action. And in each novel the action gets more intense, and to some extent terrifying! In this one someone is trying to raise a demon and wipe out much of North America. But to get there they first start with an investigation of a massacre at a monetary. All the exorcist monks have been murdered. And the whole place has been desecrated. Tommy, his partner with NYPD Alex Packard, and Father Michael Pearson his partner at the Vatican a combat exorcist, are on the case and they soon realize not only is it serious but also very time sensitive. Soon it is a race against time to see if they can save the people of earth again!  

I really appreciate what Finn is trying to do in this book and in the other stories in the series. For some these books will be quick entertainment. For some they will raise serious questions or faith and faith in action. And For some they will raise awareness of situations going on around the world. However, I did not enjoy this one before this as much, but this was an excellent read! With my only family background in the Orange Order and occult this one really hit close to home. I love Tommy recalling prayers and praying his way through the battles, it is always entertaining. And I must admit I have added a prayer or two to my daily devotions.

This is a great story an excellent series. I continue to look forward to the rest of the books in this series, and other offerings from Declan’s always entertaining and masterful pen.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Declan Finn:
Love At First Bite Series:

Other books:

Anthologies contributed to:
Luna: Planetary Anhtology Series Book 2
Supernatural Streets
Starflight: Tales From The Starport Lounge
Mercury: Planetary Anthology Series Book 4
Venus: Planetary Anthology Series Book 5
Mars: Planetary Anthology Series Book 7
Places Beyond the Wild: A Z-Day Anthology
Shoot the Devil: Ten Tales of Humans Defeating the Demonic
Fantastic Schools, Volume 6

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