Wednesday 25 January 2023

World's Greatest Liar - Barry Hutchison - Beaky Malone Book 1

World's Greatest Liar
Beaky Malone Book 1
ISBN 9781847156730
eIBSN 9781847157607

Several months before reading this I encountered the works of J.D. Kirk I also discovered that Kirk publishes children’s books as Barry Hutchison, and other adult fiction as Barry J. Hutchison. I have read 20 stories published under the Kirk Name and am now branching out to the ones under the Hutchinson names, this is the 6 under that name. He is coming up on 175 books across the three pen names. If I had known that or I might not have picked up this first one. But I am very thankful I did. Friends call me a ‘completionist’ in that when I find an author I like, I try to read everything they have published. I have enjoyed all I have read from his pen and this one was no different.

The description of this story is:

“Dylan Malone, aka Beaky, has a habit for telling porkies – every time he opens his mouth, out pops a whopper… But then his long-suffering sister shoves him into the truth-telling machine at Madame Shirley’s Marvellous Emporium of Peculiarities. Now Beaky can't tell a lie – not even a teeny-weeny one – and a truth-telling Beaky is even worse..."

This story is an early chapter book. Or middle grade read. It is in a series that currently has four titles:

The World's Greatest Liar
Worst Ever School Trip
Super Creepy Camp 2017
Weirdest Show on Earth

It appears that some of the four are also available in French and German. It is an interesting story. At first I was unsure, for me it started a little slow. Yea Beakey told lies, in fact he seemed to hardly ever tell the truth, maybe never. But after the experience truth-telling machine at Madame Shirley’s Marvellous Emporium of Peculiarities he cannot tell a lie, and even has a compulsion to answer questions. To answer them as bluntly and honestly as possible., for example:

“No, no, wait,” said Dad, holding up a hand. “I’d like to hear Dylan’s thoughts.”

I shook my head quickly. “No, you wouldn’t.”

“Yes, I would.”

“Trust me, you definitely wouldn’t.”

Dad smiled. “I can take a bit of criticism, Dylan. Don’t worry. Go for it.”

“OK. You asked for it,” I said. I took a deep breath, then launched into a detailed review of Dad’s book. I tore apart the flimsy characters, the boring writing, the non-existent plot. I ripped into his mixed metaphors, his rambling sentences, and the fact that none of the story – not one thing – made the tiniest bit of sense whatsoever.

“Oh,” Dad said, but I wasn’t finished.

“And you’ve got a really boring reading voice,” I added, “which made the whole awful experience ten times worse. I even tried faking a nosebleed at one point, but that stupid machine wouldn’t let me.”

Slowly Dad sat down, his face an ashen grey. I looked around at the rest of the family. Everyone – even Max – was staring at me in disbelief. I smiled weakly. “Well, he did ask.””

And things go from bad to worse from there. Soon Beaky and his sister are working together to try and find a way to stop his truth telling. And even though this new Beaky causes some problems his truthful ways also seem to be having some positive effects.

This book marks the 28th offering from Hutchison I have read in the last 10 months, under the three names he publishes under. They have all been entertaining reads. Some have been excellent. This story was an entertaining read, but with the ending it will leave you desperate for the next instalment. Another good read from the pen of Barry Hutchison, aka Barry J. Hutchinson aka J.D. Kirk.   

Books by J.D. Kirk:

DCI Logan Series:

Robert Hoon Thrillers:

DI Heather Filson Series:

Contributed to:
Everyday Kindness: A Collection of Uplifting Tales to Brighten Your Day

Books as Barry J. Hutchison:
Dan Deadman Space Detective Series:

Space Team Series:
The Search for Splurt 
Song of the Space Siren 
The Guns of Nana Joan 
Return of the Dead Guy 
Planet of the Japes 
The Time Titan of Tomorrow 
The King of Space Must Die 
Sting of the Mustard Mines 
Sentienced to Death
The Hunt for Reduk Topa
A Lot of Weird Space Shizz: Collected Short Stories

Sidekicks Initiative Series:

The Bug Books Series:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Complete Season One

Other Books:

Children’s books as Barry Hutchison:
Invisible Fiends Series:
The Crowmaster 
Doc Mortis 
The Beast 
The Darkest Corners 

The Missing Remote of the Apocalypse
The Book of Doom 

Benjamin Blank Series:

Beaky Malone Series:

Generator Rex Series:

Living Ted Series:
Revenge of the Living Ted
Invasion of the Living Ted

Spectre Collectors Series:
Too Ghoul for School
A New York Nightmare!

Other works:

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