Tuesday 14 February 2023

Jake Drake, Teacher’s Pet - Andrew Clements - Jake Drake Book 3

Jake Drake, Teacher’s Pet
Jake Drake Book 3
Andrew Clements
ISBN 9781416939320
eISBN 9781442462465

This is the third of the four books in the Jake Drake Series that we have read. The books seem to have two or even three different order lists. I am uncertain if one is publishing order and the other chronological? Much as Narnia was reordered in some editions. So I am really not sure what order the books belong in. But no matter what order you read them in they are great fun. 

When I started reading this series I thought Jake Drake, Bully Buster was book 1. And the list we are working from has this os 3 of 4 in the Jake Drake quadrilogy. I enjoyed that book so much I mentioned it to my son, and he has since read to me both Jake Drake, Bully Buster and Jake Drake, Know-It-All, this one and is currently reading me Class Clown. My son is in grade 9, and yes, these books are below his reading level. But he has been dealing with some serious bullying for a number of years now. Most of it instigated by the same ring leader, a boy that would give Link Baxter, Super Bully, more than a run for his money. My son loved the first story he read and asked if we could read all four together. And even though the other Jake Drake books do not deal with bullying, we have loved reading these books together.

Six years ago, I discovered the works of Andrew Clements. I was instantly hooked and have now read almost 25 books from his masterful pen. Many consider him the ‘master of school stories’, and I would agree. I have a dual form of dyslexia and did not learn to read until after grade 7. So I never read ‘school stories’ when I was young. That combined with having my own school aged children has instilled a great appreciation for the genre and specifically for the works of Andrew Clements. Clements passed away in 2019 his last novel was The Friendship War, which is another excellent volume. He writes amazing stories for children, but they are also stories that any of us can learn from. Back then I set the goal of reading all of his works, but as my own children have outgrown these books and they had slid by the wayside. I have now returned to them yet again. I have read 1 a week over the last several weeks and plan to do so for a while yet.

This really is another great read in a really fun series. These are books I wish we had read with my son years ago. It is another excellent read. The description of this book is:

“Mrs. Snavin looked right past all those waving hands. She looked right at me and she smiled and said, "I think I'll have Jake take it." Then Mrs. Snavin said, "but be sure to hurry right back, Jake, because we're going to work on our number-line project, and you have to be my special computer helper, okay?" And I could feel every kid in the class looking at me. They weren't saying anything. They weren't even whispering. But right then, I heard what they were thinking anyway. They were thinking, teacher's pet.”

The chapters in this volume are:

Four Bad Days
Garbage Guy
Special Treatment
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Bad Jake
Bad Dream, Good Idea
Not So Special
Crash Landing, but Safe

Jake is getting a reputation as a ‘teacher’s pet’ and it is not a rep he wants. It starts in his class, continues in gym, art, lunch and even on the bus. He doesn’t like how others are now treating him. SO he comes up with a plan, a plan to be a stinker not a helper. But Things do not go as expected. Eventually in desperation he takes a big risk. And without risk there is not the possibility of reward, unfortunately there is also the risk of failure and punishment. To find out how it goes for Jake you will need to read this terribly fun little story.

This is an excellent offering from the masterful pen of Andrew Clements. This is a great early chapter book, for Middle Grade Readers. It is a wonderful read for young readers, and for those of us who just love a great story! It will leave you wondering what happens in the final Jake Drake adventure. 

Books by Andrew Clements:
Bird Adalbert
Noah and the Ark and the Animals
Santa's Secret Helper
Temple Cat
Mother Earth's Counting Book
Billy and the Bad Teacher
Who Owns the Cow
Bright Christmas: An Angel Remembers
(Adapter)Philipp's Birthday Book
Riff's BeBop Book
Real Monsters Go for the Mold
Things That Go EEK on Halloween
Real Monsters Stage Fright
Music Time, Any Time
Double Trouble in Walla Walla
Gromble's Haunted Halloween
Hey Dad, Could I Borrow Your Hammer
The Landry News
Look Who's in the Thanksgiving Play
The Mouse Family
The Janitor's Boy
Circus Family Dog
The Christmas Kitten
The School Story
Things Not Seen 
The Jacket 
A Week in the Woods
Slippers at Home
Naptime for Slippers
The Report Card
The Last Holiday Concert
Slippers at School
Slippers Loves to Run
A Million Is a Lot of Dots
Lunch Money
Things Hoped For
Room One: A Mystery or Two
No Talking
Things That Are
Lost and Found
Extra Credit
About Average
The Map Trap
The Friendship War
The Losers Club

Pets to the Rescue Series
Ringo Saves the Day!
Brave Norman
Tara and Tiree, Fearless Friends
Delores and the Big Fire

Jake Drake Series
Jake Drake Know-It-All
Jake Drake, Bully Buster
Jake Drake, Teacher's Pet
Jake Drake, Class Clown

Benjamin Pratt and the Keepers of the School Series
We the Children
Fear Itself
The Whites of Their Eyes
In Harm's Way
We Hold These Truths

Reading Program Books
Karen's Island
Three Wishes for Buster
Bill Picket: An American Original, Texas Style
Hurricane Andrew
Ham and Eggs for Jack
Life in the Desert
Desert Treasure
Inventors: Making Things Better, Steck-Vaughn
Milo's Great Invention

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