Monday 20 February 2023

Self-Portrait - Jim Sano - Father Tom Book 4

Father Tom Book 4
ISBN 9781987970500

This is the fifth novel from the pen of Jim Sano that I have read. It is the fourth that is in the Father Tom series. This one was hard to put down. Once I started it at first I wondered where it was going. Then I started putting the pieces together. It is not a locked room mystery, but it is an excellent story about a theft in broad daylight at a museum, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, with plenty of witnesses. But the pieces just seem to keep not adding up. One of the police investigating believes so and it keeps nagging at him. Father Tom and Angelo believe so and keep digging. And even the wife of the officer who loved the artwork at the museum, and is in desperate need of a medical procedure they cannot afford.

Like the other Father Tom stories this book has great characters, an excellent plot, and it has amazing pacing. With each volume from Sano that I read I appreciate his writing more. I love the Father Tom books and this story kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. I am certain the story will draw you in and keep you hooked.
This story is a contemporary fiction tale. It is a story about seeking revenge or vengeance, family, and faith. It is what Madeleine L’Engle referred to as realistic fiction. It is set in our world, in our time, and with our issues and struggles. In this story we have a few main characters, and several supporting characters that play key roles. But in some ways this one reads like a Christian or Catholic version of Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer or the Spencer stories by Robert B. Parker. The description of the book is:

“Thieves have struck again at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, the site of the largest unsolved and infamous art heist in history. This time the priceless self-portrait of Rembrandt is stolen. Detective Brooks isn't too happy to have Father Tom back poking his nose into another police case, but the surprising twist and turns and complex lives of the players involved make for an intriguing and emotional climax.”

William Patrick Quinn, Billy is set to retire soon. His partner is like a son. And his own son died many years earlier. Quinn has blamed himself. And does not feel the hero and man of honor many take him for. He is struggling with his own doubt, and inability to help his son, and is questioning how far he will go to save his wife. He is going to have to face his past, and see it in a new light. He will either learn to forgive himself or end up destroying himself. Fortunately he has a devoted wife, Father Tom, Angelo and his partner Sean O’Donnell.

This is another excellent read from the pen of Jim Sano. It is a story about faith, family, and finding our way in difficult circumstances. Very well written, and the characters will stay with you long after you finish reading the story. Reading this was like a visit with old friends and meeting up with Father Tom and Angelo again are great characters to spend time with.

This is another great read from Jim and Full Quiver. I highly recommend it. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2023 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Jim Sano:

Father Tom Series:

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