Friday 3 February 2023

The Ghosts of Galway - Ken Bruen - Jack Taylor Book 13

The Ghosts of Galway
Jack Taylor Book 13
Ken Bruen
ISBN 9780802128638
eISBN 9780802188847

I somehow ended up with books 1 and 13 from this series on my eReader. This is the first novel I have read by Ken Bruen and I believe I have not read any of his works in anthologies. I could be mistaken about that but I doubt it. This was an interesting first foray into a series. The series currently sits at 16 novels and 2 shorter works. I think I picked up the first based on the plug from a different author I had been reading. And this one for the same reason but I believe, at the time of writing this his website does not resolve and I do not find much in the way of social media. There are a few different descriptions of this volume available online, two of them are:

“From Ireland’s most lyrical crime fiction writer, The Ghosts of Galway pits “perpetually falling Irish angel Jack Taylor” (Mystery Scene) against a dangerous band of heretics.

As well-versed in politics, pop culture, and crime fiction as he is ill-fated in life, Jack Taylor is recovering from a failed suicide attempt. In need of money, Jack has been hired as a night-shift security guard. But his Ukrainian boss has Jack in mind for some unexpected off-the-books work—getting his hands on what some claim to be the first true book of heresy, The Red Book, which is currently in the possession of a rogue priest hiding out in Galway. Despite Jack’s distaste for priests of any stripe, the money is too good to turn down. Em, the woman-of-many-guises who has had a vise on Jack’s heart and mind for the past two years, reappears and turns out to be entangled with the story of the same blasphemous book. As the novel twists toward a violent end, Jack is increasingly plagued by ghosts—by the disposable and disposed of in a city filled with as much darkness as the deepest corners of Jack’s own mind.”


“Jack Taylor is recovering from a mistaken medical diagnosis and a failed suicide attempt. In need of money, and with former cop on his resume, Jack has been hired as a night-shift security guard. But his Ukrainian boss has Jack in mind for some off-the-books work. He wants Jack to find what some claim to be the first true book of heresy, The Red Book, currently in the possession of a rogue priest who is hiding out in Galway after fleeing a position at the Vatican. Despite Jack's distaste for priests of any stripe, the money is too good to turn down. Em, the many-faced woman who has had a vise on Jack's heart and mind for the past two years, reappears and turns out to be entangled with the story of The Red Book, too, leading Jack down ever more mysterious and lethal pathways.

It seems all sides are angling for a piece of Jack Taylor, but as The Ghosts of Galway twists toward a violent end, he is increasingly plagued by ghosts--by the disposable and disposed of in a city filled with as much darkness as the deepest corners of Jack's own mind.”

The description of the series states:

“Still stinging from his unceremonious ouster from the Garda Siochana--The Guards, Ireland's police force--and staring at the world through the smoky bottom of his beer mug, Jack Taylor is stuck in Galway with nothing to look forward to. In his sober moments Jack aspires to become Ireland's best private investigator, not to mention its first--Irish history, full of betrayal and espionage, discourages any profession so closely related to informing. But in truth Jack is teetering on the brink of his life's sharpest edges, his memories of the past cutting deep into his soul and his prospects for the future nonexistent.

Nonexistent, that is, until a dazzling woman walks into the bar with a strange request and a rumor about Jack's talent for finding things. Odds are he won't be able to climb off his barstool long enough to get involved with his radiant new client, but when he surprises himself by getting hired, Jack has little idea of what he's getting into.

Stark, violent, sharp, and funny, The Guards is an exceptional novel, one that leaves you stunned and breathless, flipping back to the beginning in a mad dash to find Jack Taylor and enter his world all over again. It's an unforgettable story that's gritty, absorbing, and saturated with the rough-edged rhythms of the Galway streets. Praised by authors and critics around the globe, The Guards heralds the arrival of an essential new novelist in contemporary crime fiction.”

In some ways this reads like J.D. Kirk’s Bob Hoon Series but without any redeeming character traits or actions. The story is dark, and violent. It has its moments as far as humour goes. I am gonna go back and give book 1 a try and see if the story has potential there, if not, I will be done with the series. 

If I had already not picked up another book by Bruen I likely would not have. Maybe it was starting this far in the series but an ex copper who does lines of coke to go beat up a guy is not really my thing. I am hoping book 1 will shine a different light on Jack Taylor. For right now it feels like he took a dive like Michael Garibaldi but has sunk much much deeper! 

If this was book 1 I would have given it 2 or 3 stars at most, because I am jumping in I give it the benefit of the doubt and give it 4. I am hesitant to read more in the series or by the author. But I will give both a second chance on The Guards.

Books by Ken Bruen:
Funeral: Tales of Irish Morbidities 
Shades of Grace 
Sherry and Other Stories 
All the Old Songs and Nothing to Love 
The Time of Serena-May & Upon the Third Cross 
Rilke on Black 
The Hackman Blues 
Her Last Call to Louis MacNeice 
London Boulevard 
Dispatching Baudelaire 
American Skin 
A Fifth of Bruen: Early Fiction of Ken Bruen 
Once Were Cops 
Killer Year 

Jack Taylor Series:
The Guards 
The Killing of the Tinkers 
The Magdalen Martyrs 
The Dramatist 
The Devil 
Green Hell 
The Emerald Lie 
In the Galway Silence 
Galway Girl 
A Galway Epiphany 
The Dead Room
Jack Taylor: A Mysterious Profile

Inspector Brant Series:
A White Arrest 
Taming the Alien 
The McDead

Max Fisher and Angela Petrakos Series:
The Max 

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