Thursday 23 March 2023

A Brief Life of Christ - Father Leslie Rumble

A Brief Life of Christ
Fr. Leslie Rumble
ISBN 9780895550965
eISBN 9781618902450

This volume is available as a standalone booklet or eBook it is also an addition often at the end of books from TAN Books, especially biographies of saints from F.A. Forbes. The booklet is listed as 66 pages. There are a few different descriptions of the book online. Some of them are:

“A Brief Life of Christ is a perfect, short rendition of the main events of the life of Our Lord. Designed to be an introduction or a refresher study, this version by the late Rev. Doctor Leslie Rumble (of Radio Replies Press fame) is excellent for the classroom – as a supplemental study to the main course of instruction or simply as an outline to give the chronological order of Our Lord’s life. Also, it is excellent for the general reader because it imparts an overall view of Our Lord’s life to which can be related the main events of the Gospel. The divine plan of Our Lord’s Public Life and the drama leading up to His Crucifixion are captured in this little book.”


“Absolutely excellent for students and for adult review. Capsulizes the main events and sayings of Our Lord. Map of the Holy Land. A chronological outline. Perfect for a refresher.”


“No biography in all of human history is more important than that of the God-Man, Jesus the Christ. A Brief Life of Christ details this perfect life succinctly, encapsulating all the most important events and sayings of the life of the Lord for easy review by both young students and adults. Also included in this volume are a Map of the Holy Land and a Chronological Outline. This is the perfect book for a quick refresher on the life of Christ, without knowledge of which we are at a loss to understand the meaning of His holy work for us.”

And we are informed about the author:

“Leslie Audoen Rumble, known as "Fr. Rumble," was a priest and apologist from New South Wales, Australia. Born in 1892, he grew up in an Anglican family, but he converted to the Catholic Church. In 1924, he was as ordained a priest for the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. After gaining a doctorate at the Angelicum University in Rome, studying with such teachers as Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, he returned to Australia in 1927 and for many years taught theology at the order's seminary in Kensington, New South Wales. He worked closely with his colleague, philosophy lecturer Dr. P. J. Ryan. He chiefly became famous for providing radio answers to questions about Catholicism broadcasted all over Australia and New Zealand. He also founded Radio Replies Press with Fr. Charles Mortimer Carty, an American priest from St. Paul Minnesota.”

The sections in the booklet are:

The Setting
Birth Of Jesus
Childhood At Nazareth
John The Baptist
Jesus Begins His Ministry
Journey To Galilee
The Kingdom And The Apostles
Manifestations Of Divine Power
Speaking In Parables
Increasing Popularity
Death Of John The Baptist
Miracle Of The Loaves
The Bread Of Life
Peter The Rock
Training Of The Twelve
Visit To Jerusalem
Clash With The Pharisees
Judean Ministry
The Supreme Declaration
Raising Of Lazarus
Last Missionary Days
Banquet At Bethany
Palm Sunday
Second Cleansing Of The Temple
Day Of Questions
Judas The Betrayer
The Last Supper
Arrest And Trial
Death On Calvary
Risen And Living Still

This was a fascinating little read on the life of Christ. It packs a lot of information into a condensed package. I am very thankful I gave it a read. And I am interested in checking out other volumes by Father Rumble. This is a great little read either as a standalone or appended as a bonus on other books. I can easily recommend this book.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2023 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Father Leslie Rubble:
Questions People Ask About the Catholic Church
The Incredible Creed of Jehovah Witnesses
The Presbyterians

Q and A Books:
Birth Prevention Quizzes to a Street Preacher
Confession Quizzes to a Street Preacher
Eucharist Quizzes to a Street Preacher
Hell Quizzes to a Street Preacher
Indulgence Quizzes to a Street Preacher
Marriage Quizzes to a Street Preacher
Purgatory Quizzes to a Street Preacher
True Church Quizzes to a Street Preacher
Virgin and Statue Worship Quizzes

Radio Replies:
Radio Replies: First Volume
Radio Replies: Second Volume
Radio Replies: Third Volume
Radio Replies - Volumes 1-3
Radio Replies: Classic Answers to Timeless Questions about the Catholic Faith

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