Sunday 16 April 2023

Mary's Way of the Cross - Richard G. Furey CSsR

Mary's Way of the Cross 
aka Praying the Stations With Mary the Mother of Jesus
Richard G. Furey CSsR
ISBN 9780896221987

This volume was recommended by one of the readers of my blog. It took me a while to track down a copy in Canada. Twenty-Third Publications has it listed still but it is listed as out of stock. I found two different editions of this in English and one in Spanish, the three titles it is published under are:

Mary’s Way of the Cross
Praying the Stations With Mary the Mother of Jesus
Praying the Stations Mary’s Way of the Cross

And in Spanish as either:

El Viacrucis de Maria
Elvia Crucis de Maria

This edition does not have an opening prayer but does have a 15th station that is the closing prayer. I did find online a Ministers Book for leading this and it has all the usual prayers. I wish the booklet edition had the Opening “we adore you O Christ” and the act of contrition and Sabbat Matter. I just had the minister’s edition open on the computer while praying it. Other than that it is an excellent edition. 

Sample Station for this edition:

Jesus Falls the First Time

I followed close behind my son
as he stumbled toward Calvary.
Nothing had ever hurt me more
than to see him in such pain.
I saw the cross digging into his shoulders.
My heart dropped when I saw him fall
face to the ground,
the heavy cross landing squarely on his back.
For a moment I thought my beloved son was dead.
Now, my whole body began to tremble.
Then the guards kicked him.
He rose slowly and began to walk again,
yet they still whipped him.
I wanted to protect him with my own body.
But, I knew this had to be,
so I walked on and wept silently.

Lord, how often have I seen you fall,
and, unlike Mary, have left you there without concern?
How often have I seen people make mistakes
and laughed at them?
How often do I find myself getting angry
when someone does things differently than I?
Mary offered you her support
through your entire passion.
Help me to do the same for you
by the support I give to others.
Lord, have mercy on me.”

Ministers Guide Sample Station:

“The 3rd Station: 

Minister: The 3rd Station: Jesus falls for the 1st time. 
We adore you O Christ and we praise you. 

All Respond: Because by your Holy Cross; you have redeemed the world. 

Reader: I followed close behind my Son, as He stumbled towards Calvary.  Nothing could ever hurt me more than to see Him in such pain. I saw the Cross digging into His shoulders, my heart dropped when I saw Him fall; His face to the ground. The heavy Cross landing squarely on His back. For a moment, I thought my beloved Son was dead. Now, my whole body began to tremble. Then, the guards kicked Him, and, He rose slowly, and began to walk again.  Yet; they still whipped Him!  I wanted to protect Him with my own body, but, I knew this had to be.  So, I walked on, and wept silently.

Act of Contrition: 
O Jesus who for love of me 
didst bear Thy Cross to Calvary. 
In Thy sweet Mercy grant to me 
to suffer and to die with Thee. 

Minister: Let us pray:
Lord Jesus: how often have I seen you fall and, unlike Mary, have left you there without concern; How often have I sinned, or made mistakes, and laughed at them? 
How often do I find myself getting angry when someone does things differently than I? Mary offered you her support through your entire Passion, help me to do the same for you by the support I give to others. Lord, have mercy on me. Let us make this our prayer, through Christ our Lord. 

All: AMEN.
Oh, how sad and sore distressed; 
was that Mother highly blest. 
Of the sole-begotten Son”

The preface of the book states:

“Isn’t the Way of the Cross the way of every person’s life? Doesn’t every life have suffering, falls, hurts, rejections, condemnations, death, burial…and resurrection?

It has been a Catholic tradition through the centuries to meditate on the Way of the Cross, so that it becomes our way of life.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, made that first Way of the Cross. These Stations attempt to present that viewpoint. In this booklet we see through Mary’s eyes what Jesus was going through on the way to Calvary. Then we try to make practical applications to our own lives.

This booklet and these words are not the heart of the matter; the heart of the matter is to go deeper and deeper into the sufferings of Christ so that we might come out of this spiritual journey with an appreciation of what Christ did for us, and a deeper love for him and for our brothers and sisters.”

The epilogue of the book ends with:

“This book attempts to enkindle within the reader a sense of both prayerful repentance and grateful redemption as it lets him or her walk Jesus’ last steps with his Mother. To feel with her the “sword of sorrow,” the confusion, the feelings of helplessness, as well as her ever-present faith, will hopefully lead the reader to a personal experience of redemption, one which may bring about conversion where it is needed. Hence, the second part of each Station is designed to point out a practical way of rooting out of one’s life those areas which one has not yet allowed redemption to touch.

Mary stood by her son throughout his passion and, in her faith, experienced the joy of his resurrection. This booklet allows the twenty-first-century Christian to do the same in hope that he or she will, with Mary’s assistance, deepen his or her faith and allow Jesus to rise once more in his or her life.”

This is an excellent stations of the cross. It is one I know I will return to often. I wish it and other in the series were available digitally. With my dual form of dyslexia I greatly prefer eBooks so I can change the font, font and page colour to make reading easier. I will endeavour to track down a few of the other volumes in the ‘Praying The Stations Series’ from Twenty-Third Publications. It is a great station for personal, family, or corporate use. I can easily recommend this Station to you, your family and your parish.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2023 Catholic Reading Plan

For all other reviews of Stations of the Cross click here.

Books in the Praying The Stations Series:
Praying the Stations with Seniors
The Mystery of the Cross
Praying the Stations of Mercy with Pope Francis
Praying the Stations with Pope Francis
Praying the Stations with Saint John xxiii
Praying the Stations with Catechists
Praying the Stations with Children
Praying the Stations for Healing
Praying the Stations with John Paul II
Praying the Stations for the Suffering, Ill, and Disabled
Meditando El Via Crucis El Viacrucis de Maria
Praying the Stations with Teenagers
Praying the Stations Today’s Disciples

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