Wednesday 26 July 2023

A Miracle for David Patron Saint of Wales - Steffan Lloyd and Brett Breckon

A Miracle for David - Patron Saint of Wales
Steffan Lloyd
Brett Breckon (Illustrator)
Pont Books
Gomer Press Limited
ISBN 1848511655
ISBN 9781848511651

This is one of a number of books I have read about Saint David of Wales, or Dewi Sant. Most of the books I was able to find were for young readers. This is one of two by Steffan Lloyd written about this saint, the other is A Boy Called Dewi. And it actually precedes this volume. I was unaware of that until after finishing this volume and reading the back cover.

This is a short picture book on Saint David of Wales, or Sant David Dewi, it was originally published in 2011. A few years ago I read Dewi Sant: St David Patron of Wales, by J.B. Midgley which started my interest in this saint. And my son found out this is the patron saint of his school Saint David’s in Waterloo, Ontario so I decided to look for more books about him. This one was harder to track down and as such is the fifth volume about David I have read this year to that further study.

Description on the back of the book:

“Llanddewi Brefi may only be a small village, but for Welsh people all over the world, it has a special importance. It was at Llanddewi Brefi that Saint David performed his most famous miracle. In this companion volume to A Boy Called Dewi, glowingly illustrated by Brett Breckon, author Steffan Lloyd weaves fact and fable in telling of our patron saint's most famous exploit.”

Even though this was a short picture book I highlighted a few passages while reading it. Some of them are:

“This story begins when Dewi was still a young monk. He travelled all over the country, just as his teacher Paulinus did before him, taking the word of God to remote villages and settlements. He loved to see the faces of the children as they heard about Jesus for the very first time.”

“People would come from far and near to listen to Dewi. At that time not everyone had heard about Jesus'. Monks like Dewi were eager that everybody should understand his message of love.”

“This is a holy place,' said Dewi when he had chosen the site for the new monastery. 'I believe that there will always be a church on this spot.'

Saint David's cathedral still stands where Dewi set up his original monastery.”

“For others the synod was important business. At that time there were no newspapers, televisions or computers, and there was certainly no internet. Chieftains and princes needed to find out about any changes which were likely to affect the way they lived. They came to the synod on horseback, riding long distances to reach such an important meeting.”

“And even today, whenever people talk about Dewi Sant, they remember the miracle at Llanddewi Brefi.”

“Do the little things in Life.
Gwnewch y petau bychain.”

This is another wonderful little volume about this saint. Great for the home, school or church library. It was great to track it down and give it a read, and I look forward to the volume that precedes it. I encourage you to give it a try, I am certain it will inspire and challenge readers of all ages.

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