Saturday 1 July 2023

A Walsingham Prayer Book - Philippe Lefebvre and Lawrence Lew O.P

A Walsingham Prayer Book
Philippe Lefebvre (Editor)
Lawrence Lew O.P. (Photographer)
ISBN 9780852448533

This is the second volume I picked up that Father Lawrence Lew O.P. has a part in creating. This one he provided the photographs the other he wrote and provided the photographs, it was: Lenten Devotions Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine. I have also read a couple of books about the shrine at Walsingham and have a great personal interest in it. The first of those was Message of Walsingham The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham by R.W. Connelly part of the CTS Christian Shrines Series. As soon as I saw that Fr Lew has contributed to this volume I started tracking down a copy. The description of this book states:

“For nearly one thousand years, pilgrims have been finding their way to England’s national shrine of our Lady.

In 1061 in the small Norfolk village of Walsingham, the Saxon Lady of the Manor, Richeldis, received an instruction from the Virigin Mary to build a copy of the Holy House of Nazareth where the Annunciation occured. Here a venerable image of Our Lady was enshrined and began to attract pilgrims from all over Christendom.

Walsingham was one of the four major places of pilgrimage in Europe until the Reformation in 1538 and the destruction of the shrine. However, the restoration of the Slipper Chapel in 1896 marked the return of the pilgrims and today 'England's Nazareth' attracts some 150,000 visitors each year.

This prayer book contains the most popular prayers, litanies and hymns associated with devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham, as well as beautiful colour photographs of the shrine itself. It is ideal for both individuals and groups.”

The chapters and prayers in this volume are:

Our Lady of Walsingham
Prayer of Erasmus
Prayers of Blessing for Pilgrims
Prayer to Mary Queen of All Creation
Prayer at the Holy House
0 Blessed Virgin Mary
A fifteenth-century Prayer
Litany of Our Lady of Walsingham
Prayer at the Feet of Our Lady of Walsingham
Prayer to Our Lady of Walsingham
Our Lady of Ransom
Visit to the Holy Ghost Chapel
Mary Star of Hope
Prayer for England
1hc Mysteries of the Rosary
The Angelus
Salve Regina
Regina Caeli

Walsingham Pilgrim Hymn
In Splendour Arrayed
O Queen of the Holy Rosary
O Mother Blest
Ladye of Walsingham
Immaculate Mary 
I'll Sing a Hymn to Mary
O Mother, dear Mother
Daily, Daily Sing to Mary
Mary of Walsingham
Ave Maris Stella
Hail Queen of Heaven
Lady of Walsingham

Consecration to Our Lady

The beginning of the book gives thanks to Fr David Hartley, Fr Joseph Welch Cong Orat and Fr Noel Wynn SM. In the introduction Fr Hartley states:

“I first came to Walsingham in my teens, as part of a parish pilgrimage, and have been back many times since, to a place that changes little, while my life seems to chat 1ge so much. Walsingham speaks of the eternal, but most importantly the entry into our time and space of the Creator of all. The eternal Word of God was born as a baby in a village to be our Saviour, and here in a small settlement the Saxon Lady of the Manor, Richeldis, received the news that she was to build a copy of the Holy House of Nazareth. Here a venerable image of Our Lady of Walsingham was enshrined, and began to attract pilgrims from all over Christendom. In time the whole village has grown to be a place of encounter with God, at Our Lady's invitation, as she shows us how we can be at home with God because he has made his home with us.

Our individual pilgrimages of life turn out to be part of something so much greater than our family, our parish. Our ups and downs of life and faith are set in a new perspective.

Whether you are on pilgrimage, in Walsingham, or at home, this book will provide prayers and hymns to give shape to your personal prayers, and will inspire you with its beautiful photographs.”

Many of the prayers I was familiar with but a few were completely new to me. Including the Litany and the Consecration to Our Lady of Walsingham

The Litany of Our Lady of Walsingham:

Mary pray to the Lord for us.
Mary, without sin, pray to the lord for us.
Mary, God's Mother, pray to the Lord for us.
Mary the Virgin, pray to the Lord for us.
Mary taken to Heaven, pray to the Lord for us.
Mary at Bethlehem, pray for all mothers.
Mary at Nazareth, pray for all families.
Mary at Cana, pray for all married couples.
Mary at the Cross, pray for all who suffer.
Mary in the Upper Room, pray for all who wait.
Mary model of womanhood, pray for all women.
Woman of Faith, keep us in mind.
Woman of Hope, keep us in mind.
Woman of Charity, keep us in mind.
Woman of suffering, keep us in mind.
Woman of anxiety, keep us in mind.
Woman of humility, keep us in mind.
Woman of poverty, keep us in mind.
Woman of purity, keep us in mind.
Woman of obedience, keep us in mind.
Woman who wondered, remember us to God.
Woman who listened, remember us to God.

Woman who followed Him, remember us to God
Woman who longed for Him, remember us to God.
Woman who loves Him, remember us to God.

Mother of God, be our Mother always.
Mother of Men, be our Mother always.
Mother of the Church, be our Mother always.
Mother of the World, be our Mother always.
Mother we need, be our Mother always.

Mother of the Unborn, pray for all children.

Mother who went on believing, we thank God for you.
Mother who never lost hope, we thank God for you.
Mother who loved to the end, we thank God for you.

All Holy and ever-living God, in giving us Jesus Christ
to be our Saviour and Brother, you gave us Mary, his
Mother, to be our Mother also; grant us, we pray you,
to live lives worthy of so great a Brother and so dear a
Mother. May we come at last to you the Father of us all,
through Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace
with you.

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.

Let us pray

Father, give your people the joy of continual heath in
mind and body. With the prayers of the Virgin Mary to
help us, guide us through this life to eternal happiness in
the life to come. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

The consecration is an amazing prayer as well. Both have been added into my daily prayers. This is a wonderful little resource. While it was sitting on my desk my youngest two children ages 15 and 11 both loved it so I have had to order them copies of it as well. 

I am thankful I picked up this volume. And believe it would be a great addition to any church, school, or home library. Like many volumes I have read from Gracewing I absolutely loved this book, I just wish it was available electronically as well. I have a dual form of dyslexia and prefer eBooks so I can change the page colour and font and font colour as well, and my son has eye tracking issues and prefers eBooks. And the added advantage of eBooks is you can have them with you all the time on your phone or tablet. But even without a digital copy this is an excellent little prayer book that I can easily recommend.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2023 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Lawrence Lew OP:
Mysteries Made Visible 

Books with Photographs by Lew:
A Short Guide to Praying as a Family

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