Tuesday 11 July 2023

Confirmed A Treasury of Faith & Prayer - Catholic Truth Society

Confirmed: A Treasury of Faith & Prayer
ISBN 9781784691851
CTS Booklet D821

Over the last several years I have read 358 different volumes from the Catholic Truth Society, many of them more than once. I have nearly 200 others I want to read. And each year they come out with new ones that often end up on my wish list. I picked this one up for my youngest daughter as a confirmation gift. It was an instant hit, so much so I have had to order a copy for her older brothers. And if there was an eBook edition available I would grab a digital copy for myself. This book is well put together great binding, and craftsmanship. It is a prayer book that should last my daughter a lifetime. The only complaint is the single ribbon, should has already added a few more.

The description of this book is:

“This treasury of faith and prayer includes everything the newly-Confirmed need to live life in the Church. Both prayer book and a guide to the Catholic faith, Confirmed contains an abundance of prayers, including basic prayers, traditional Catholic prayers such as the Angelus and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, morning and evening prayers, prayers to Our Lady, a collection of litanies and novenas, and prayers for various needs and occasions.

As a guidebook, Confirmed helpfully explains various Catholic prayers and practices, such as going to Confession, visiting the Blessed Sacrament, what a novena is, how to pray the rosary. The Order of Mass is also included, as are various forms of the Examination of Conscience.

Meanwhile, the newly confirmed are offered a reminder of the essentials of Catholic teaching, in addition to an in-depth explanation of the sacrament of Confirmation and the adult faith. Guidance is also given on how to live your Christian faith, and frequently asked questions on the faith are answered.

A beautifully designed, accessible book for people of all ages who are being confirmed, or have been confirmed. An ideal Confirmation gift.”

The chapters and section in this volume are:

The Effects of Confirmation
Basic Prayers
     Our Father
     Hail Mary
     Glory be to the Father
     I Believe (The Apostles Creed)
     Act of Faith
     Act of Hope
     Act of Charity
     Act of Resignation
     For the Faithfully Departed
     For help
     Prayer before a Crucifix

Morning & Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer
     Psalm 99
     The Benedictus (Luke 1:68-79)
     Concluding prayer
     Morning offering
During the Day
     The Angelus
Evening Prayer
     Psalm 16
     Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55)
     On going to bed

Prayers to the Holy Spirit
     Veni Creator Spiritus
     Veni Sancte Spiritus
     Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Penitential Prayers
     Sacrament of Reconciliation
     Essential elements of a good confession
     Prayer before Confession
     The Confiteor
     An Act of Contrition
     Examination of Conscience
          Sins against God
          Sins against myself and others
          For Spouses
          For Parents
          For Young People
     Going to Confession
          The Word of God
          After Confession
     The Way of the Cross

Devotional Prayers of the Church
The Divine Mercy
          The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
The Litany of the Divine Mercy

Prayers to Our Lady
The Holy Rosary
The Hail Holy Queen
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Memorare
The Regina Caeli

Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions
Prayer to St Ignatius
Prayer of St Richard of Chichester
Prayer to my guardian angel
Prayer to St Michael
Prayer for Life
In Temptation
In Trouble
In Sickness and Pain
Prayer for Chastity
In Thanksgiving
Prayer for the Pope
Prayer for Priests
Prayer for Vocations
Prayer for Others
Prayer for Christian Unity
Prayer for Peace

The Order of the Mass
Introductory Rites
The Liturgy of the Word
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Communion Rite

If You Can’t Get to Mass
Acts of Spiritual Communion

Prayers for Holy Communion
Prayer before Mass
Before Holy Communion
Prayer for Help
Act of Faith
Act of Humility
Act of Sorrow
Act of Adoration
Act of Love and Desire
Prayer of St Thomas Aquinas
Receiving Holy Communion
After Holy Communion
I give you thanks
Act of Faith
Act of Adoration
Act of Humility
Act of Love
Act of Thanksgiving
Act of Offering
For Yourself
For Perseverance

A Visit to the Blessed Sacrament

The Secret of Joy
Our God is a God of Joy
The Holy Spirit, Teacher of Divine Joy
Love and Joy in God

Prayers to the Holy Spirit
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit A Novena
Veni Creator Spiritus
Hymn to St Philip
Litany of the Holy Spirit
The Litany of St Philip

Litanies to the Saints
Litanies – A Short History
Litany of the Saints
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Litany of St Joseph

Novenas to the Saints
What is a Novena?
Novena to St Thomas Aquinas
Novena to St Josephine Bakhita
Novena to St Joseph
Novena Prayer to St George
Prayer to St George
Novena to St Dymphna
Novena to St Anthony of Padua
Novena to St Martha
Novena to Maximilian Kolbe
Novena to St Jude
Novena to St Martin de Porres
Novena to Blessed Charles de Foucauld

Living Life to the Full
Not Just following the Rules
Friendship with God
How to Decide
Tough Decisions
Honest Relationships
The Kingdom of God

As can be seen by the list above, it packs in a lot of prayers into this compact volume. It is a great book for confirmation preparation, confirmation, and even beyond. I just really wish there was an eBook edition. That way they could keep it on them at all times. This is an incredible resource. This would be a wonderful addition to any child’s library, church, home or school library as well.

An excellent resource the whole family loves, and one we can easily recommend.  

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2023 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

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