Sunday 27 August 2023

As Strong As Death - C And C Spellman - Shadows of Freedom Book 3

As Strong As Death
The Shadows of Freedom Book 3
Rosemont Books
ISBN 9781735259260
eISBN 9781735259253

This is the long awaited conclusion to the Shadow of Freedom Trilogy. I enjoyed book 1 in this series, but I loved book two, and book three is even better. Often when series go on the quality goes down. That was not the case this time. Each volume built on the story and each book was better than the last. This story is very well written, and leaves you desperate to know what happens next. And who knows maybe that is another story or even a few other stories. I had picked up book one, In The Shadows of Freedom, because two or three authors I enjoy reading had made mention of it. I knew nothing about the ploy or the authors. For a debut novel it is a good effort. The authors are a husband and wife team Cassandra and Chris Spellman. I stated of the first that “The plot and story are similar to a few other books I have read. But that did not detract from the enjoyment on their take on a dystopian future.” It was a good story and was worth giving a read. This second instalment took it to a whole new level. And this third even topped that. The description of this book states:

“Amanda Burrow is finally ready to fight the National Citizens Party, the political group that has persecuted her family, her religion, and her freedom.

Amanda and the opposition group, composed of her family and friends, find an unlikely ally in their fight against the NCP. But the stakes are higher than ever and—in the face of mass destruction—is such a war still justified?

Meanwhile Ethan Ramsey, choosing Amanda over his personal safety, wages his own battle. Can he overcome his old, selfish tendencies to prove his love for Amanda is true?

This final saga in The Shadows of Freedom series features the return of familiar faces and places, as well as the answers to all your questions. Amanda’s faith led to her hope. Now can she find freedom in the love she has always sought?”

This story continues in a world in the not very distant future. Amanda and her sister are trying to find their father and the resistance. Ethan is supposed to be headed to Europe. And the heat is on. The pictures of the four of them are all over news and media and branding them as terrorists. But in these darkest of days Amanda finds new hope and new peace. She becomes more rooted in prayer. In that prayer she soon realizes she is likely to face the red crown. And can she stand up for her faith and beliefs even if her life is on the line.

This is a great story about faith, family, and forgiveness. Even learning to forgive oneself. It is a deeply moving read. And it was very hard for me to put the book down. The story moves at a great pace, and the familiar characters and places are now seen in a different light. The characters are masterfully written. 

I said it before and I say it again, will be great for fans of similar works such as The Liberty series by Theresa Linden, Watchful Sky series by Roger Thomas, will likely enjoy this book. It is not as extreme as the I Am Margaret series by Corinna Turner but feels like it could have gone that way. This was a great conclusion to the trilogy. It is an excellent read. I would have no problems picking up the next offering from this writing team.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by C and C Spellman:
Shadows of Freedom Series:

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