Friday 11 August 2023

Super Creepy Camp - Barry Hutchison - Beaky Malone Book 3

Super Creepy Camp
Beaky Malone Book 3
ISBN 9781847158123
eIBSN 9781847158642

Last year before reading this I encountered the works of J.D. Kirk I also discovered that Kirk publishes children’s books as Barry Hutchison, and other adult fiction as Barry J. Hutchison. I have read 22 stories published under the Kirk Name and am now branching out to the ones under the Hutchinson names, this is the 17th under that name. He has written over 200 books across the three pen names, and many unattributed. If I had known that or I might not have picked up this first one. But I am very thankful I did. Friends call me a ‘completionist’ in that when I find an author I like, I try to read everything they have published. I have enjoyed all I have read from his pen and this one was no different.

The description of this story is:

“When Beaky, Theo and Wayne are chosen to take part in the annual inter-schools contest with Foxley Hill it can mean only one thing for Beaky … trouble. The contest includes a debate, a quiz and an overnight team-building exercise. With Wayne determined that their team be crowned the victor, Beaky's only hope is to keep his mouth firmly shut … unfortunately his brain has other ideas. Cue chaos, calamity and things that go bump in the night…”

This story is an early chapter book. Or middle grade read. It is in a series that currently has four titles:

Super Creepy Camp 2017
Weirdest Show on Earth

It appears that some of the four are also available in French and German. After Beaky was forced to tell the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth things went from bad to worse. But there is hope in that his sister has found online records of the Madame Shirley’s Marvellous Emporium of Peculiarities, the bad news is they are all over the world. Always look the same and appear empty and abandoned at some point. Not they just need to find her. And that is proving a difficult task. But back to this specific story.

This is a great story. Of the three I have read in the series so far it is my favourite. In this story Beaky, Theo, Wayne and Chloe are chosen for a contest. A contest their school has never won.  We are told about the competition that:

“The Wagstaffe Cup – or, to give it its full, completely idiotic title, the Winston and Watson Wagstaffe Cup of Competitive Chummery – was a cup awarded to the winner of an inter-school contest between our school and nearby Foxley Hill School. Every year, a Year Seven class was chosen – this year it was ours – then five pupils were randomly selected to take part. Today was the day the draw for the team was being made.”


“It might not have been a laughing matter but when it came to the annual contest with Foxley Hill School, our school was pretty much a laughing stock. Apparently no one had told Mr Lawson that, though.

The contest had originally been set up by the heads of our school and Foxley Hill, who were identical – and highly competitive – twin brothers. They were also, by all accounts, completely mad.

The original rule book for the Winston and Watson Wagstaffe Cup of Competitive Chummery was eight-hundred pages long, written in Latin and – if rumours were to be believed – bound in guinea-pig fur. The list of rules included one about pupils not being allowed to have more than two legs each and six pages dedicated to acceptable sock colours for competitors.”

““For thirty years, a team of our Year Seven pupils has competed against a team from Foxley Hill School,” said the head grandly. “Once a year, over two days, we have matched wits, knowledge, strength, skill, speed and stamina, determined to be crowned victor!””

From the start things do not look good for Beaky and the team. But as well all know from life things are not always how they appear. Can the team end the long losing streak? Is there hope or like the Gordon Korman book, are they really just ‘Don’t Care High’?. Can Wayne and Beaky overcome their differences? To find out you will need to read this great Middle Grade book.

This book marks the 39th offering from Hutchison I have read in the last year, under the three names he publishes under. They have all been entertaining reads. Some have been excellent. This story was a very entertaining read, but be warned the ending it will leave you desperate for the next instalment. It is a great book and series especially for younger readers and even reluctant readers. I can see school children loving these books and laughing out loud time and time again. It is a good read from the pen of Barry Hutchison, aka Barry J. Hutchinson aka J.D. Kirk!    

Books by J.D. Kirk:

DCI Logan Series:

Robert Hoon Thrillers:

DI Heather Filson Series:

Contributed to:
Everyday Kindness: A Collection of Uplifting Tales to Brighten Your Day

Books as Barry J. Hutchison:
Dan Deadman Space Detective Series:

Space Team Series:
The Search for Splurt 
Song of the Space Siren 
The Guns of Nana Joan 
Return of the Dead Guy 
Planet of the Japes 
The Time Titan of Tomorrow 
The King of Space Must Die 
Sting of the Mustard Mines 
Sentienced to Death
The Hunt for Reduk Topa
A Lot of Weird Space Shizz: Collected Short Stories

Sidekicks Initiative Series:

The Bug Books Series:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Complete Season One

Other Books:

Children’s books as Barry Hutchison:
Invisible Fiends Series:
The Crowmaster 
Doc Mortis 
The Beast 
The Darkest Corners 

The Missing Remote of the Apocalypse
The Book of Doom 

Benjamin Blank Series:

Beaky Malone Series:

Generator Rex Series:

Living Ted Series:
Revenge of the Living Ted
Invasion of the Living Ted

Spectre Collectors Series:
Too Ghoul for School
A New York Nightmare!

Other works:

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