Sunday 12 November 2023

Blood of the Martyrs and Other Stories - John Desjarlais

Blood of the Martyrs and Other Stories
John Desjarlais

I have been aware of the name of author John Desjarlais for well over a decade now. Two different Catholic authors I interviewed back in 2010 recommended his books (Karina Fabian and Regina Doman), I have picked up a couple that have eBook editions and even emailed him about eBooks for others, because with my dual form of dyslexia I prefer digital books so I can change the font, and both the font and page colour. I was awaiting the release of The Light of Tara: A Novel of Saint Patrick, when I read of his passing in 2023. I decided to move the few of his I had to the top of my reading list and this is the first I read. I read this volume while handing out candy on Halloween eve. It seemed a fitting work based on the title and tile story. 

The description of this collection states:

“An eclectic collection of short stories: a medieval cleric investigates a brutal murder that may lead to millions more. An elderly widower seems to find just what he needs when he needs it - except what he needs the most. A witty lovebird offers his owner advice on relationships. And three others, all previously appearing in literary journals.”

The pieces in this collection are:

Blood of the Martyrs
Assisted Living
Saint Patrick in Training
Strawberry Fields

The pieces in this collection show a wide skill in writing. The stories are quite varied in depth and style. From Historical fiction, to modern fiction to supernatural. I was really impressed with the offerings in this collection. And know that Desjarlais’s books I have; have jumped in my pile of ‘to be read’ books. And that some of the older out of print ones that had originally been recommended, I am now even more eager to track down.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews 2023 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by John Desjarlais:
Bleeder Series:

Tara Series:
The Throne of Tara
The Light of Tara: A Novel of Saint Patrick

Other Books:
The Kill Floor
Blood of the Martyrs and Other Stories

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