Saturday 2 March 2024

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - Scott Carter (Editor)

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun
Scott Carter (Editor)

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - Scott Carter (Editor)

I try and pray a Way of the Cross each Friday during the year, and also each day during Lent. I have now read and prayed enough different versions to use a different one each day during Lent. But I have a preference for eBooks because of dyslexia, and being able to always have them on me. And as Mike Aquilina states; 

“Now we can travel with more books stored in our telephones than the ancient Egyptians kept in their vast library at Alexandria.”

I have a few favourite editions of this devotion by the likes of Escriva, Liguori, Newman, Benedict XVI, and Sheen. This volume has joined that list of favourites and it is one I will return to often. 

The description of this volume states:

“These Stations of the Cross feature meditations on how Father Kapaun carried his cross in imitation of his Savior, as well as reflections from Kapaun's own mouth.

Quotations taken from the homilies and comments of Father Kapaun, archives of the Diocese of Wichita.”

A sample station is:

Third Station
Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - Scott Carter (Editor) Image Station 3

Jesus Falls the First Time

Leader: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.
All: Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Meditation (Leader)
Beginning with a lengthy death march, captivity quickly proved a brutal taskmaster for the men Father Kapaun served. Many of the wounded stumbled and fell behind, in danger of being abandoned along the way. Yet their chaplain encouraged them to fight on, even placing the wounded sheep on his shoulders, carrying them in their time of distress.

Jesus, too, accepts the weaknesses and sufferings that belong to us due to sin and the hardships of life. As we walk the way of the cross with Him, we gain hope and strength from His falls.

Father Kapaun’s Words (All)
“That is the reason of the great joy which Holy Mother Church has today. She is still rejoicing, because Christ is still with her. He has never left her, and He will remain with her until the end of the world. On this earth, Holy Mother Church treads the way of the cross, but there is a goal to that way of the cross, and that is the way to heaven.”

Prayer (All)
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us, while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.”  (Heb 12:1-2)”

I hope that sample station gives you a feel for this version of this devotion. This is an excellent Stations of the Cross. The reflections were masterfully selected and the meditations are excellent. For a few years now my son and I have been reading books about Military Chaplains. We have read a couple about Kapaun, and a couple of others that mention him. Having this devotion with his own words is very moving for both of us. This is an excellent Stations, one I can easily recommend for personal, family, or corporate use. An excellent for any Catholic. 

Stations of the Cross with Servant of God Emil Kapaun - Scott Carter (Editor) Sample Station #1

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

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