Thursday 11 April 2024

Jellybean: A Baby’s Journey to Heaven - Theoni and Bastian Bell with illustrations by Bernadette Gockowski

Jellybean: A Baby’s Journey to God
Bernadette Gockowski (Illustrator)
ISBN 9781959418160

A few years ago I read the novel The Woman in the Trees by Theoni and was greatly impressed by it. My own children are well past the age of picture books, so it has been a few years since I have reviewed one. I chose to read and review this one because of the author and the subject covered, though it is not an easy topic. I have known a number of friends who have been through this process at various stages of pregnancy. This volume handles the subject well, with sensitivity, and compassion. 

This is a deeply moving volume. Following the development of the baby, the book shows the family’s interactions with each other and with the baby. This will be an excellent resource for families that lose an expectant child. The illustrations by Gockowski are amazing; soft water colours that are vivid and evoke strong emotions and feelings. 

The story follows the development of Jellybean, up to her loss. Then, it shows the family’s experience after her parting; and her own experiences being taken to heaven.

This is an excellent picture book, one I can easily recommend, especially for families who face loss in this way.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Theoni Bell:

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