Tuesday 14 May 2024

Behold Your Mother Marian Stations of the Cross - Marge Steinhage Fenelon

Behold Your Mother: 
Marian Stations of the Cross
Marge Steinhage Fenelon
Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN 9781639661510

Behold Your Mother Marian Stations of the Cross - Marge Steinhage Fenelon

I have read a few volumes by Marge Steinhage Fenelon and have benefited from them all. And Stations of the Cross are a passion of mine. I try and pray a stations each Friday of the year and every day during Lent. I was very excited to read this Stations, but I kept waiting for an eBook edition to appear. Alas at the time of the writing of this review it has still yet to happen. The description of this volume is:

“When we pray the Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside Jesus to Calvary. In Behold Your Mother: Marian Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside the Mother of the Redeemer as she accompanies him during his Passion and death. Written from the unique perspective of a child who is witnessing Mary's unspeakable anguish, this booklet helps us to grow in devotion to the Blessed Mother as she leads us closer to her Son.

Just before he died on the Cross for the salvation of the world, Jesus entrusted Mary to Saint John and Saint John to Mary. In that moment, Mary also became our mother forever - a beautiful, loving gift from the Redeemer himself. Behold your mother!”

The sections are:

Opening Prayer
1st Station 
2nd Station 
3rd Station 
4th Station 
5th Station 
6th Station 
7th Station 
8th Station 
9th Station 
10th Station 
11th Station 
12th Station 
13th Station 
14th Station
Closing Prayer

From the introduction we are informed:

“For centuries, Catholics have meditated on the Stations of the Cross, mentally and emotionally walking up the hill of Calvary with Our Lord. Because it’s such a popular prayer, there’s a plentitude of versions available. What makes this one different? It’s inspired by the writings of Fr. Joseph Kentenich, founder of the Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement, an international movement of Catholic renewal. From his earliest days, Father Kentenich had a deep attachment to the Blessed Virgin Mary and a profound understanding of her unique role in our salvation.”

And also:

“This book is written from the perspective of a child who is witnessing the unspeakable anguish of the Mother of the Redeemer due to the atrocious suffering of her only Son. The child knows that he’s partially to blame for this torment and wishes somehow to console the grieving mother. Yet she’s confidently resigned to God’s  perfect plan, and so they climb Calvary together.”

The opening prayer is:

“Father, I want to walk the way of the cross as a child.
Take from me all pretentiousness and inhibition so that,
as a child, I can be open to the inspirations of the Holy
Spirit as I meditate and pray. Through childlike eyes, let
me see the suffering of my mother as she accompanies
the Savior to Golgotha. Through a childlike mind, let
me experience her suffering, so that I may more clearly
understand your will. Through a childlike heart, let me
feel her suffering, so that I may be intimately drawn into
her Immaculate Heart. Through her, let me finally be
entirely converted. Amen.”

A sample station is:

Jesus Falls the Third Time

V: We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.
R: Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Leader: It’s almost as if Satan has laughingly taken hold of the cross and cast it down to the ground. Jesus has fallen so hard that I can’t imagine he’ll be able to get up again. In his human form, he seems too weak to counter the devil’s vengeance a third time. But as Son of God, he will be victorious. Nothing can get in the way of his love for us and his determination to secure our salvation. 

Hatred for Satan flares in your eyes, Mother, as you watch him battle with Jesus over the cross. Because you’re the Savior’s helpmate you, too, are determined to secure our salvation through the crucifixion. You await the destruction of the evil one’s realm so that I can be happy in heaven for all eternity.

All: Mother, I so often forget the depths of the love your Son has for me. Because of that, I easily fall for Satan’s tricks and deceptions. I know that grieves you even more! Please help me to stand firm against the evil one, as you and Jesus did on Good Friday.”

I hope that sample station give you a feel for this volume. It is wonderfully written. I found it very engaging. This is a wonderful stations of the cross. I absolutely loved it the first time I prayed it. And know it is one I will return to often. I believe that this stations has real staying power, I could easily see it becoming a spiritual classic. I have mentioned it to a few friends already and will keep telling others about it. I just wish there was a digital edition so I could have it on me always. 

A wonderful version of this devotion that I can easily recommend for personal, small group or corporate use. A great addition to my collection of Stations, and I am certain it is one you would benefit from reading and praying through.

Behold Your Mother Marian Stations of the Cross - Marge Steinhage Fenelon Sample Station

Behold Your Mother Marian Stations of the Cross - Marge Steinhage Fenelon Sample Station 2

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

Link to other reviews of Station or Ways of the Cross.

Books by Marge Steinhage Fenelon:
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots
My Queen, My Mother
Imitating Mary
Forgiving Mother
When’s God Gonna Call Me Back?
When’s God Gonna Show Up?
Reveille for the Soul
Strengthening Your Family: A Catholic Approach to Holiness at Home
10 Promises of Jesus: Stories and Scripture Reflections about Suffering and Joy

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