Wednesday 15 May 2024

Deliver Us From Evil - Bishops' Conference of England and Wales - Catholic Truth Society

Deliver Us From Evil
Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
ISBN 9781784697730
CTS Booklet DO968

I discovered the books and booklets from the Catholic Truth Society in 2018, I was doing research on Alice Curtayne and stumbled upon older out of print booklets from the CTS. Since then I have read nearly 400 different titles and many of them more than once. The booklet number for this volume is DO968 which marks it as being Doctrine, as opposed to Dxxx which would put it in the prayers and devotions series. I think it must be DO because we are informed in the introduction that this collection is based on Appendix 2 of the Church's Rite of Exorcism. That being said it is a wonderful little prayer book. 

The description of this volume is:

“This attractive volume is a treasury of prayers and supplications from Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition that can be used by the faithful in spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness, in any time of fear, distress or temptation.”

The chapters this volume are:

Prayers for Protection: Immediate
Prayers for Protection General
Prayers for Thanksgiving
Prayers of Faith and Confidence

I will provide the complete list of prayers at the end of the review. The introduction to the volume begins with:

“This booklet contains a selection of prayers and scripture passages which are supplications, thanksgivings and other prayerful words of defence against evil. The collection is based on Appendix 2 of the Church's Rite of Exorcism. Formal Exorcism is restricted to bi shops and priests whom they choose and delegate with the authority to carry out a formal exorcism in their diocese. This booklet is not intended for them, but is, rather, intended to be of universal help to all who are challenged by evil and those who have pastoral care for them.”

Later we are reminded:

“Pagan religions often include a belief that if particular words with particular rituals are used, their gods does not have any alternative other than to grant their request. This is a belief in incantation, always associated with a belief in a god who is not totally free . It has no place in Christianity.”

The general introduction ends with:

“In the early Church the gift of the 'Our Father' was treasured as a prayer partly because in praying 'deliver us from evil' we share in the limiting or restricting of the power of evil. The early Church tradition of praying the 'Our Father' three times a day continues to be commended for these reasons. The prayers in this booklet are additional prayers which may be used to this same great end of sharing in God's restricting or binding of what is evil so that good may flourish.”

This is an excellent little prayer book. I read it over a few days during a particular busy time at work, and with a busy family schedule and some serious family turmoil. I read about a section a day. We have the general introduction to the whole volume, but each section has its own introduction as well. Each section contains subsections and numerous prayers. The little maroon hardback with gold lettering on cover and image really stand out and images do not do it justice. It is a solid book and will last a lifetime. My son really liked mine and I have given it to him and already ordered a replacement for myself.

There are many great prayers in this volume. It could easily be prayed from beginning to end and start over again. And just keep praying your way through the volume. You can also use the table of contents and pick and choose depending on your current situation. I plan on keeping my copy in the pile of prayer books on my bedside table. My son is keeping his in his backpack. 

The complete list of chapters, sections and prayers is:


          Invocations to the Most Holy
               The Sign of thee Cross 
          Invocations to Our Lord Jesus Christ 
          Invocations to the Blessed Vi rgin Mary 
          Invocation to Saint Michael the Archangel 
          Litany Prayers 
          Phrases from Scripture 
          Psalm 70 (69) 
               The Lord's Prayer 
          Praying with Mary 
               Ave Maria 
               The Intercession of' Mary 
          Praying with the Angels 
               Prayer to the Guardian Angel 
          Prayers from the Tradition 

          Invocations to the Most Holy Trinity 
          Invocations to Our Lord Jesus Christ 
          Invocations to the Holy Spirit 
               Veni Snncte Spiritus 
          Invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
          Phrases from Scripture 
          Psalm 91 (90) 
        Prayer to the Most Holy Redeemer 
        Prayers from the Roman Missal 
            The Most Holy Name of Mary 
        Praying with the Angels 
            The Guardian Angels 
            The Holy Angels 
            Prayer for the Household 
        Praying with the Saints 
            Prayer to St Joseph 
            A Prayer of St John Henry Newman 
        Prayers from the Tradition 

        Invocations to the Most Holy Trinity 
        Phrases from Scripture 
        Psalm 30 (29) 
        Canticle of Mary (Magnificat) 
        Canticle of Zechariah (Benedictus) 

        Invocations to the Most Holy Trinity 
        Invocations to Our Lord Jesus Christ 
        Litany of the Sacred Heart
            Phrases from Scripture
            Psalm 27 (26) 
        Profession of Faith 
            The Apostles' Creed 
    Praying with Mary 
            Salve Regina 
            Alma Redemptoris Mater
    Praying with St Francis 
        Prayer for Peacemakets 
    Prayers from the Tradition 
    Prayers from the Roman Missal 

This booklet is a great resource. I highly recommend reading the introductions on each section at least your first time through the volume. When it was first announced I checked on an eBook edition, and for a while it was even up on Kobo for preorder. But the digital edition disappeared. I would love to have the eBook edition so I could have it on me at all times. I can easily recommend this booklet for any Catholic. It is another great read from the CTS.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the CTS Prayers & Devotions series click here.

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