Friday 17 May 2024

Saint Valentine The Man Who Became the Patron Saint of Love - Jeannie Meekins - 15-Minute Books Book 611

Saint Valentine: 
The Man Who Became the Patron Saint of Love
15-Minute Books 611
Jeannie Meekins
Learning Island
eISBN 9781310884344

Saint Valentine: The Man Who Became the Patron Saint of Love - Jeannie Meekins

This was the fifth volume I have read by Jeannie Meekins, and the sixth in this series about saints. According to amazon she has over 120 unique titles geared for young readers. Many are biographies, some are in a Fun Facts Series, and other appear to be short fiction. I first read one on Mary MacKillop, that was recommended because I had read other volumes about her. This is part of a series tagged as 15-Minute Books, which are geared to get children reading for 15 minutes a day. Based on what I have read I do not believe the author is not Catholic, but it is a biography of a Catholic saints. The Books I have read in the series have been hit or miss, some are excellent some were disappointing. This one is more favorable. 

The description of this volume is:

“You’ve probably heard of Saint Valentine’s Day. You may have given someone a card or a present. You may even have done it in secret, and watched the look of happiness on their face. You probably tried not to blush as that person tried to figure out who their secret Valentine was.

But what do you really know about the person who inspired one of the most popular days of the year?

Probably... not much. That’s because not much is known about who Saint Valentine was. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church lists three Saint Valentines. Other branches of the Christian religion claim there are up to seven Saint Valentines.

How do we know which is the right one?

Find out about the three men who may have inspired Valentine's Day in this 15-minute biography.

Ages 8 and up.”

The description of the Series is:

“ believes in the value of children practicing reading for 15 minutes every day. Our 15-Minute Books give children lots of fun, exciting choices to read, from classic stories, to mysteries, to books of knowledge. Many books are appropriate for hi-lo readers. Open the world of reading to a child by having them read for 15 minutes a day.”

The website is now defunct, but Learning Island when I checked the internet archive machine appears to have been a site with contributors from around the world. The oldest archived versions show books available for download in PDF format and exercises to go with the books. Later iterations of the site show link to purchase cheap eBook and later even print editions of the works. There are some numbered even into the1000’s. With the most recent being from early 2013 and numbered at 1014. But I only find 163 when I search Kindle. The sections in this booklet are:

Three Valentines
Three Valentines (Yes a second time)
Valentine, Priest of Rome
Valentine the Bishop of Interamna
Valentine the Priest of Africa
Since the Third century
Where is the Real Saint Valentine?
Blessings and Images

I have not read much about the real Saint Valentine or Saints as it may be. And I enjoyed this volume. I highlighted a few passages while reading it they are:

“Probably... not much. That’s because not much is known about who Saint Valentine was. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church lists three Saint Valentines. Other branches of the Christian religion claim there are up to seven Saint Valentines.”

“There are three different Saint Valentines connected with the date of February 14. All three of them lived in the third century AD.”

“One was a priest in Rome, Italy. One was a bishop of Interamna in Italy. The town of Interamna is now called Terni. One was a priest in Africa. In the third century, Africa was a part of the Roman Empire.”

“No one knows how long Valentine was in prison before he was executed. There is no date given for his arrest and imprisonment. There are also several dates given for his death. Some sources state it was 269 or 270 AD, while others claim it was 278 AD.”

“There are enough similarities in some of the stories to believe that these two Valentines may indeed be the same person. Or that perhaps there is confusion in exactly which events occurred to which Valentine. It is just as likely that similar things happened to two men with similar beliefs and faith.”

“Saint Valentine is the Patron Saint of bee keepers, engaged couples, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, people with epilepsy or fainting spells, plague, travelers, and young people.”

This biography was engaging and well written. It does not talk down to children, it includes complicated words. It is clear and concise. It is a fun introduction to this saint, or the three possible saints. 

This is a fun little book. I can recommend this volume for school, church or home library. A great read for young readers. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan

Books about Saint Mary MacKillop:

Books in the 15-Minute Books Series about Saints:

Joan of Arc: The Girl Who Fought For France - Jeannie Meekins

Mary MacKillop: Australia's First Saint - Jeannie Meekins

Saint Francis of Assisi: The Patron Saint of Animals - Jeannie Meekins

Saint George: Dragon Slayer - Jeannie Meekins

Saint Patrick Ireland Beloved Saint - Jeannie Meekins

Saint Valentine: The Man Who Became the Patron Saint of Love - Jeannie Meekins

The Lives of Seven Saints - Jeannie Meekins

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