Friday 24 May 2024

The Way of the Cross According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi

The Way of the Cross
According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi
ISBN 9780895553140

The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi Booklet

Back in 2006 a year after I started writing reviews for newspapers and magazines I wrote a couple of posts with quick short reviews of various Stations of the Cross or Way of the Cross versions that I used often. One of the volumes covered then was 
The Way of the Cross According to the Method of St. Alphonsus Liguori, I recently wrote a longer review of it and while researching that review stumbled across this volume. I have this specific edition from TAN in Booklet format, audio book, and I really wish there was an eBook version available. 

This volume includes the Nihil Ovstat, the Imprimatur from the 1939 Benziger Brothers edition. There is also a note about an Impratur from a 1913 edition. And we are informed that the pictures are from a 1908 edition. We are also informed that the text for this edition of the Franciscan Way of the Cross was taken from The Congregation Prays by Rt. Rev. Msgr. M.A. Schumacher. And that the Stabat Mater and its English translation are from Fr. Lasancc's Blessed Sacrament Book by the Benziger Brothers 1913 edition.

The short description of this booklet is:

“We consider this the best Way of the Cross we have ever seen. Traditional, edifying pictures. The Stabat Mater is given in Latin and English.”

The longer description is:

“In this small yet powerful booklet, the traditional method of The Way of the Cross of St. Francis of Assisi provides a beautiful meditation on the Passion, death, and burial of Our Lord. In this booklet, all fourteen Stations of the Cross are complemented by the Stabat Mater in both Latin and English. Also included with the method of St. Francis in this accessible devotional are:

A preparatory prayer
Traditional illustrations
Steps to gain a partial or plenary indulgence

Because it is pocket-sized and complete with numerous resources, this booklet can easily be used for:

Church events
Family devotions
Personal devotions
Religious Education
Youth and Young Adult Groups
And Catholic groups of any kind!

No matter when or how you use it, this devotional will be a great aid in your prayer life and give you a deeper love of Christ Crucified. This extremely popular version of the Way of the Cross is an excellent resource for any Catholic! 

“O merciful Redeemer, who hast said, ‘And if I be lifted up from earth, will draw all things to Myself,’ draw my heart and my love to Thee.””

This edition includes returning to the altar for the Prayer to Jesus Crucified at the end. It is followed by the Stabat Mater in parallel. 

A sample station is:

Ninth Station

Eia Mater, fons amoris,
Me sentire vim doloris.
Fae, ut tecum lugeam.

Jesuss Falls the Third Time.

V. We adore Thee, 0 Christ, and we praise Thee,
R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

Priest: Jesus, arriving exhausted at the foot of Calvary, fall s for the third time to the ground. His love for us, however, is not diminished, not extinguished. What a fearfully oppressive burden our sins must be to cause Jesus to fall so often! Had He, however, not taken them upon Himself, they would have plunged us into the abyss of Hell.

People: Most merciful Jesus, I return Thee infinite thanks for not permitting me to continue in sin and to fall, as l have so often deserved, into the depths of Hell.  Enkindle in me an earnest desire of amendment; let me never again relapse, but vouchsafe me the grace  to persevere in penance to the end of my life.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

V. Lord .Jesus, crucified,
R. Have mercy on us!

O thou Mother! fount of love,
Touch my spirit from above.
Make my heart with thine accord.”

I love edition of this devotion from TAN and having recently picked up the audio version read by Joe Hunninghake, I look forward to praying along with it and reviewing it separately. I just really wish there was a digital eBook edition so I could have it with me always.

This is a Way of the Cross that I believe I have used for the first time this year, but it is one I am likely to return to often. I try and pray a stations each Friday throughout the year and every day during Lent. I can easily recommend this version for personal, family, small group or even public devotion. This is wonderful Stations and it is well worth having in your home, school, or church library.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

The Way of the Cross According to the Method of St. Alphonsus Liguori Audio

The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi Audio

The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi Booklet

The Way of the Cross According to the Method of St. Alphonsus Liguori Booklet

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