Wednesday 26 June 2024

Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity - Third Plenary Council of Baltimore - TAN Books

Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity
Third Plenary Council of Baltimore
ISBN ‎9781505128338
eISBN 9781505128345
eISBN 9781505128352

Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity - Third Plenary Council of Baltimore - TAN Books

This is a wonderful new edition of this book from TAN Books released in 2024, it was revised and completely new typesetting. They released a new imitation leather and eBook editions at the same time. It was originally published in 1888 as A Manual of Prayers for the Use of  the Catholic Laity by Clarence Woodman and later republished in a new edition in 1930 by John Murphy Company

The description of this book is:

“From the same council that issued the Baltimore Catechism, Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity will be the constant reference for any Catholic seeking to increase his devotion to God and to cultivate a deeper prayer life.
This latest leatherette edition has a new typeset to provide editorial notes, increase readability, and maintain the traditional aspects of the original.
You will also find:

1. Prayers and Psalms in both Latin and English,
2. Both the traditional (old) and the new liturgical calendars,
3. Traditional Devotions: The Forty Hours Devotion, The Seven Last Words of Christ, Sacred Heart, etc.,
4. Hymns and sequences for the Church's seasons in Latin and English, and
5. The Proper of the Mass for Sundays and Feast Days.
Manual of Prayers offers the pious soul a beautiful companion of prayers and sacred truths that have been the source of daily sanctity for Catholics in the United States since its first release in 1888. This new edition will lead future generations of Catholics deeper in love and adoration to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

The chapters in the volume are:

Christian Doctrine
Christian Faith and Practice
Morning Prayers
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto)
Evening Prayers
Instructions for Hearing Mass
Devotions at Mass
Responses and Instructions for Serving a Priest at the Tridentine Mass
The Ordinary of the Holy Mass
Special Prayers
Occasional Prayers
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
The Blessing of Children
The Seven Penitential Psalms
The Litany of the Saints
Instructions and Devotions for Confession
Instruction for Holy Communion
The Forty Hour’s Adoration
Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Stations of the Cross
The Devotion of the Seven Words upon the Cross
The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Devotions to Saint Joseph
Devotions to Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Instruction on the Sacraments in General
The Sacrament of Baptism
The Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Blessing of Women after Childbirth
Blessing of Throats
Devotions for the Sick
The Holy Viaticum
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
The Visitation of the Sick
The Last Blessing and Plenary Indulgence
Prayers for the Sick and the Dying
The Burial of the Dead
Hymns and Sequences for the Church’s Seasons
The Proper of the Mass

One of the bests parts is the Calendar section at the beginning of the volume. It first contains info on the moveable feasts. And then It has the feasts for the year but contains both the New and old versions of the feasts days. For example January:

New Calendar
 2. Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, B.D.
 3. The Most Holy Name of Jesus (opt.)
 4. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, R. (USA)
 5. Saint John Neumann, B. (USA)
       b) Saint Andre Bessette, R. (USA) (opt.)
       Sunday after 6 January: The Baptism of the Lord – feast
 7. Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Pr. (opt.)
 8. Of the Season
 9. Of the Season
10. Of the Season
11. Of the Season
12. Of the Season
13. Saint Hilary, B.D. (opt.)
14. Of the Season
15. Of the Season
16. Of the Season
17. Saint Anthony, Abb.
18. Of the Season
19. Of the Season
20. Saint Fabian I, P.M. (opt.)
20. Saint Sebastian, M. (opt.)
21. Saint Agnes, V.M.
22. Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of
      Unborn Children (USA)
23. Saint Vincent, Dc.M. (USA)
      Saint Marianne Cope, V. (USA)
24. Saint Francis de Sales, B.D.
25. The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle – feast
26. Saints Timothy and Titus, B.
27. Saint Angela Merici, V. (opt.)
28. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Pr.D.
29. Of the Season
30. Of the Season
31. Saint John Bosco, Pr.

Old Calendar
 2. The Most Holy Name of Jesus
 3. Of the Season
 4. Of the Season
 5. Saint Telesphorus, P.M. (comm.)
     Sunday after the Epiphany: Feast of the Holy Family
 7. Of the Season
 8. Of the Season
 9. Of the Season
10. Of the Season
11. Saint Hyginus, P.M. (comm.)
12. Of the Season
13. Baptism of the Lord
14. Saint Hilary, B.C.D. Saint Felix, Pr. M. (comm.)
15. Saint Paul, the First Hermit, C.
      Saint Maurus, Abb. (comm.)
16. Saint Marcellus I, P.M.
17. Saint Anthony, Abb.
18. Saint Prisca, V.M.
19. Saints Marius and his Companions, M. (comm.)
      Saint Canute, K. (comm.)
20. Saints Fabian and Sebastian, M.
21. Saint Agnes, V.M.
22. Saints Vincent and Anastasius, M.
23. Saint Raymond of Pennafort, C.
      Saint Emerentiana, V.M. (comm.)
24. Saint Timothy, B.M.
25. Conversion of Saint Paul, Ap. (Comm. of Saint Peter)
26. Saint Polycarp, B.M.
27. Saint John Chrysostom, B.C.D.
28. Saint Peter Nolasco, C. Saint Agnes, V.M. (comm.)
29. Saint Francis de Sales, B.C.D.
30. Saint Martina, V.M.
31. Saint John Bosco, C.

Also many section that contain prayers have both the Latin and English version. Normally I am an eBook guy. I love having all the prayer books with me all the time. But this is such an excellent volume I plan to pick up the physical copy as well and have it with my small stash of prayers books.

This is a wonderful volume. It would be an excellent addition to any home library. I am typically an eBook guy buy as mentioned this on one I am going to have both versions of. I can easily recommend this volume.  

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan2024 Catholic Reading Plan

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