Monday 22 July 2024

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions

Praying the Rosary with Icons
Sr Marie-Paul Farran
Simone Finaldi (Translator)
ISBN 9781860826863
ISBN 1860826865
CTS Booklet D732

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions

I have read over 80 books and booklets that are part of the CTS Prayers & Devotions Series. Some of the earlier ones are just mark CTS Devotions, but more recent ones have both Prayers and Devotions listed as the series name. This series has spanned decades. It has had books come in and out of print. This volume was published in the 2010, translated from the original Italian by Simone Finaldi. All of the icons in the volume are from Sr Marie-Paul Farran. 

The description of this volume is:

“Pray the Rosary with beautiful icons and scripture passages.

In this beautifully illustrated, full-colour booklet Sr Marie Paul Farran's beautiful icons, tell the story of the mysteries of the Rosary and help to deepen our reflection, allowing us to delve into the pages of the gospels to search for hidden treasures. If we look closely and at attentively at the icons, they can become a meeting point between us and God, a place of supplication, healing and of love.”

About the artist and author we are informed:

“Sr Marie-Paul Farran belongs to the Order of the Benedictines of Our Lady of Calvary, and works from her convent in Jerusalem near the Mount of Olives. She has been writing icons since 1982. Her icon of the Holy Family is known throughout the world.””

The chapters and sections in this volume are:

(Monday and Saturday)
     The Annunciation 
     The Visitation 
     The Birth of Jesus 
     The Presentation in the Temple 
     Finding Jesus in the Temple 

     The Baptism of Jesus 
     The Wedding at Cana 
     Procla iming the Kingdom of God 
     The Transfiguration 
     Instituting the Eucharist 

(Tuesday and Friday}
     The Agony in the Garden
     The Crowning with Thorns
     The Crucifixion
     The Death of Jesus
     The Burial

(Wednesday and Friday}
     The Resurrection
     The Ascension
     The Assumption of Mary
     Mary, Queen and Mother

Hail Holy Queen
Litany of Loreto

     Holy Mother of the Redeemer
     Under your protection
     Act of Dedication to Mary

Concluding reflection

In the introduction we are informed:

“The Word and the Icon. These are the two paths along which we will contemplate the mysteries of the Rosary.

The Word, the first cause, is the 'Word made flesh' in Jesus of Nazareth. This word is written on every page of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. These twenty reflections, taken from the four gospels, will illuminate our journey. We will reflect
on the most significant episodes of Jesus' life, - the joyous, luminous, sorrowful and glorious episodes. Our journey will culminate in the mystery of his passion, death , and resurrection, and in the Holy Spirit poured out on every believer. We need to listen to the Word in order to accept and understand it.

The icon is a pre-eminent means of contemplation; it is a word written using an alphabet of colours; it is a spring that rises from a long tradition binding east and west together.”

A sample mystery is:

III The Crucifixion

When they had finished making fun of him, they led him away to crucify him. On their way out, they came across a man from Cyrene, Simon by name, and enlisted him to carry his cross. When they had reached a place called Golgotha, that is, the place of the skull, they gave him wine to drink mixed with gall, which he tasted but refused to drink. When they had finished crucifying him they shared out his clothing by casting lots, and then sat down and stayed there keeping guard over him. Above his head was placed the charge against him; it read: 'This is
Jesus, the King of the Jews'.

At the same time two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left.
(cf Mt 27:31-38)

Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory Be

Lord Jesus, you carried our sins onto the cross, you are the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Give me the grace to hand my sins over to you and to unite my crosses, both large and small, 'good' and 'bad', with yours.”

Over the years I have read many books about the Rosary or books on Marian prayers. I have also read about icons and have started collection replica icons a few years ago. This was an excellent little volume. I prayed my way through it twice and know it is one I will return to again. 

I only have 2 wishes regarding this book, I would love to see the CTS release an updated edition and have it available as an eBook. I would also like to see the opening and closing prayers of the rosary included, because we jump from the introduction right to the first mystery.

This booklet is an excellent read. It was wonderful to pray the 20 mysteries with these icons. It is another great read from the CTS.

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions Sample Mystery 1

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions Sample Mystery 2

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the CTS Prayers & Devotions series click here.
For reviews of other volumes about the Rosary click here.

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