Saturday 31 August 2024

Prayer of the Day Prayer to Saint Michael

Prayer to the Saint Michael
Prayer of the Day  

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defence against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly hosts,
by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world 
seeking the ruin of souls.

I do not recall where I got this prayer from. I have been praying it for a long time. The stained glass is from St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church Waterloo. Click here for a photo essay of the church from a number years ago.

Friday 30 August 2024

Catholic Prayers: Compiled from Traditional Sources Compiled by Thomas A. Nelson - TAN Books

Catholic Prayers: 
Compiled from Traditional Sources
Thomas A. Nelson (Editor)
ISBN 9781618900647 ‎
ISBN 9780895558497
eISBN 9780895559128
ASIN B004Q9U560

Catholic Prayers:  Compiled from Traditional Sources Compiled by Thomas A. Nelson - TAN Books eBook

This is a wonderful little prayer book from TAN Books it ofiginally released in 2006. It is well organized into four sections, and section three has some specific subsections. This volume is also available as a bonus at the back of some other TAN Books, and that was my introduction to it. 

The description of this book is:

“This is probably the greatest little Catholic prayerbook you will ever encounter because it has over 100 Traditional Catholic prayers and is comprised of 4 Parts or sections: Part I contains the common prayers every Catholic should know by heart over 25 including the Acts of Faith, Hope, Love and Contrition, plus numerous short invocations. Part II contains over 25 especially powerful prayers: to Our lady, St. Joseph, St. Anne, St. Jude, St. Philomena, St. Anthony, etc. Part III contains miscellaneous favorite prayers: e.g., Morning Offering, Prayers to Our Lady, to St. Joseph for Purity, to overcome a bad habit, for grace, the Te Deum, Consecration to the Holy Ghost, etc. And Part IV contains various other "favorite prayers," such as for a happy death, the choice of a state of life, for priests, Fatima Prayers, for safe delivery of a baby, for the dying, for the dead, for the Poor Souls, etc. For a small package, this little Prayerbook is dynamite, and should be carried by all!.”

Another online deception is:

“Catholic Prayers will fill a great need in the lives of all Catholics because it contains the favorite, well-known beloved prayers all Catholics should know by heart. Plus, it includes no fewer than 21 powerful prayers which people can use when they need quick, powerful, “certain” assistance. Also, this book has many popular favorite prayers of a general nature, and a large group of special prayers for particular need, e.g., the prayer to St. Gerard Majella for motherhood. All these prayers have been carefully selected and arranged for the maximum assistance to those who use this prayerbook, that they personally will be more edified and sanctified by its use, as well as more effective in soliciting graces and favors from God, the Blessed Mother, the Saints and the Angels in bringing down blessings and answers for themselves and all for whom they pray.This powerful prayerbook is ideal to give to all types of people because it is both scripturally based and in keeping with the mind of the Church, and there are simply no other prayers so powerful as the favorite prayers of the Catholic Church.”

The sections and chapters in the volume are:

The Sign of the Cross
Our Father
Hail Mary 
Glory Be
The Apostles’ Creed
The Act of Faith 
The Act of Hope
The Act of Charity 
The Act of Contrition
The Confiteor
The Hail, Holy Queen
The Memorare
Prayer After the Rosary
Prayer to St. Michael The Archangel
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Come, Holy Ghost
Morning Offering
Angel of God
Another Morning Offering 
Grace Before Meals
Grace After Meals
Eternal Rest Grant
The Angelus
The Regina Coeli
O Sacrament Most Holy
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
O My Jesus
Sacrifice Prayer

The Golden Arrow
Powerful Prayer To The Infant Jesus
Powerful Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus—A Favorite of Padre Pio
Pour Forth Thy Grace
Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy
Memorare to St. Joseph
Prayer to St. Joseph to Obtain a Special Favor
Prayer to St. Joseph In a Difficult Problem
An Ancient Prayer to St. Joseph
Prayer to St. Anne
Prayer to St. Jude
Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua
Miraculous Prayer to The Little Flower of Jesus
Novena Prayer to St. Philomena
Prayer to St. Rita
Prayer to St. Martin de Porres
Prayer of St. Gertrude The Great
Prayer to All the Angels For a Special Favor
Prayers in Honor of the Seven Sorrows Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayer to St. Expeditus
A Most Efficacious Prayer To Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

A Daily Consecration To the Holy Spirit
Dedication Prayer of St. Colette
A Morning Offering
A Prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola
An Act of Oblation
Prayer to Mary, Mistress of the Angels
Indulgenced Prayer to Mary, “Mother of Good Counsel”
Blessed Be the Hour
A Short Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Salutations to Mary
Novena of Confidence To the Sacred Heart
Offering of St. Ignatius Loyola
Memorare to Our Lady of The Sacred Heart
Prayer to One’s Patron Saint
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Prayer to Christ The King
An Act of Consecration of the Human Race to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Magnificat
The Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayer to St. Joseph
Litany of St. Joseph
The Te Deum

     Morning Prayers
An Act of Faith in the Presence of God
An Act of Adoration and Thanksgiving
An Act of Faith
An Act of Hope
An Act of Charity
An Act of Contrition, With Good Resolutions
To Our Guardian Angel

     Evening Prayers
Anima Christi
The Divine Praises
Prayer Before a Crucifix

     The Five Fatima Prayers
The Pardon Prayer
The Angel’s Prayer
Blessed Sacrament Prayer
Sacrifice Prayer
O My Jesus
How to Pray the Rosary
The Mysteries of the Rosary
Prayer after the Rosary

Prayer for the Seven Gifts Of the Holy Ghost
Prayer for Direction in the Choice of a State of Life
A Prayer for Priests
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe For the Conversion of the Americas And of the World
A Morning Offering
Novena Rose Prayer
Prayer to Our Lady of Mental Peace
Night Prayer for Daily Neglects
Prayer for Detachment From Earthly Goods
Prayer to St. Joseph for Purity
Prayer to St. Aloysius for Purity
Prayer to Overcome Sloth And Lukewarmness
Prayer to Overcome Bad Habits
Prayer to Overcome a Vice
Prayer Against Evil Thoughts
A Prayer for Grace
Prayer to St. Joseph for a Happy Death
Acceptance of Death
Prayer for Those in Their Agony
Prayer to Our Lord on The Cross for a Happy Hour of Death
Prayer for a Deceased Person
Prayer for the Poor Souls
A Prayer for the Dead
A Prayer for Our Dear Departed
Prayer to St. Peregrine
Prayer to St. Gerard for Motherhood
Prayer to St. Gerard for a Mother with Child
Prayer to St. Gerard in Thanksgiving for a Safe Delivery
Prayer in Honor of St. Dymphna, Patroness of Those with Mental And Nervous Disorders
Novena Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague for a Special Favor
Prayer of a Sick Person for Health of Body and Soul
Prayer in Time of Sickness
Prayer to St. Maria Goretti for Purity and Holiness
A Child’s Prayer through the Intercession of St. John Bosco
Prayer to St. Anthony Mary Claret
Prayer to St. Raphael The Archangel for a Cure
Prayer to St. Raphael For the Wise Choice of a Marriage Partner
Prayer to St. Raphael For Purity
Prayer to Our Sorrowful Mother for a Favor
Prayer for a Person Who is Seriously Ill
Novena Prayer to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
A Prayer to Our Mother of Perpetual Help for the Conversion of a Sinner
Deliver Us From Evil

This volume received both the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur in 2007. This book has a physical edition, an eBook edition as well as a leather bound edition, and also a large print edition. It is also available in Spanish in a few formats. A couple prayers I do not recall encountering before and really liked are:

Deliver Us From Evil
The prayer Libera Nos is said after the Pater Noster of the Traditional Mass.

DELIVER us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, from all evils, past, present and to come, and by the intercession of the blessed and glorious Mary ever virgin, Mother of God, and of Thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of Andrew and of all Thy Saints, mercifully grant peace in our days, that aided by the help of Thy mercy, we may be always free from sin and secure from all disturbance, through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 

Another Morning Offering
Based on Our Lady of Fatima’s requests

O JESUS, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings and all that this day may bring: for the love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

Prayer to St. Joseph
In a Difficult Problem

O GLORIOUS St. Joseph, thou who hast the power to render possible even things which are considered impossible, come to our aid in our present trouble and distress. Take this important and difficult affair under thy particular protection, that it may end happily. (Name your request.)
O dear St. Joseph, all our confidence is placed in thee. Let it not be said that we have invoked thee in vain, and since thou art so powerful with Jesus and Mary, show that thy goodness equals thy power. Amen.
St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.”

Novena Prayer to St. Philomena
Virgin, Martyr and Wonder-Worker

St. Philomena helps in all sorts of problems, but is particularly invoked for help regarding conversion of sinners, return to the Sacraments, expectant mothers, destitute mothers, problems with children, unhappiness in the home, sterility, priests and their work, help for the sick, the missions, real estate, money problems, food for the poor and mental illness.

O FAITHFUL virgin and glorious martyr, St. Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf of the poor and sorrowing. Have pity on me; thou knowest the multitude and diversity of my needs. Behold me at thy feet, full of misery, but full of hope. I entreat thy charity, O great Saint! Graciously hear me and obtain from God a favorable answer to the request which I now humbly lay before thee. (Here mention your petition.) I am firmly convinced that through thy merits, through the scorn, the sufferings, the death thou didst endure, united to the merits of the Passion and Death of Jesus, thy Spouse, I shall obtain what I ask of thee, and in the joy of my heart I will bless God, Who is admirable in His Saints. 

Normally I am an eBook guy. I love having all the prayer books with me all the time. But this is such an excellent volume I plan to pick up the physical copy as well and have it with my small stash of prayers books, and picking up copies for my children. 

This is a great little volume. It would be an excellent addition to any home library. I am typically an eBook guy buy as mentioned this on one I am going to have both versions of. I easily recommend this volume, nor matter which of the many formats you pick it up in.  

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan2024 Catholic Reading Plan

Catholic Prayers:  Compiled from Traditional Sources Compiled by Thomas A. Nelson - TAN Books eBook

Catholic Prayers:  Compiled from Traditional Sources Compiled by Thomas A. Nelson - TAN Books Leatherette

Thursday 29 August 2024

Ennia in Faerie - Manuel Alfonseca

Ennia in Faerie
Manuel Alfonseca
ISBN 9781520150789

Ennia in Faerie - Manuel Alfonseca - English Edition

This was the 24th volume I have read from the pen of Manuel. Or I should say 24th reading as I have read some of them more than once. It is a really fun story. With each new volume I read from the pen of Alfonseca I have a greater appreciation for his skill and talent as an author. I first encountered his works based on the recommendation of a friend back in 2017. Once I started reading this book I could hardly put it down.

The description of this volume states:

“Ennia sleeps. Suddenly, someone touches her elbow. She awakes and sees a black shadow in the blackness of her room. It is Mr. Otto, who invites her to go to Fairie and fulfil a mission. Which mission? She must discover that by herself. To help her in her trip, she is given a magic box with a screen. When Ennia makes a wish, the box will tell her whether it has been granted or not and why, with explanations such as: "You must not ask for things that you can get by yourself" or "Once you have made a wish, it cannot be undone".

Ennia is an allegory of life. As life is hard, it needs self-denial; as life is beautiful and unrepeatable, fantasy is a required help..”

About the author in a different volume we are informed that:

 “Manuel Alfonseca has published more than 50 books, including 32 novels in different genres: historical, fantasy, science fiction, mystery and adventure. In 1988 he won the Lazarillo Award, and in 2012 he won the fourth edition of the La Brújula de Valores Award. With this book he was a finalist for the 1990 C.C.E.I. Award.”

This volume has no prelude or information after the story. It does not even have an about the author section. I believe there are 6 editions of this between the Spanish and English editions and they were published between 2002 and 2016. The chapters in this work are:

A visit in the night
The prairie
The monster
In the forest
The king
The prophecy
Plans of escape
Awaiting the dragon
Alone again
An encounter
Another encounter
The forest again
Clouds pile up
The storm erupts
The dragon’s lair
After the storm

In some ways this story feels a bit like the authors own Chronicles of the Magic Jigsaw Puzzle series. And it has a bit of a Narnia feel as well. The story opens with these words:

“It was night and Ennia was sleeping. Her dreams were calm and happy. Suddenly, someone touched her elbow; a touch soft, gentle, almost shy. She opened her eyes and sat up. As it was dark, she at first saw no one. Then she noticed a black lump amid the blackness. The lump was huge, but for some reason Ennia was not afraid.

“Who are you,” she asked.

“My name would tell you nothing,” said the dark lump in a voice that could belong to a very old man. Ennia imagined a face full of wrinkles, a stooping body, a gnarled hand on a stick. She imagined that she could see all this perfectly, as though by daylight.

“But I must know,” she said. “Without a name, you wouldn’t exist for me.”

“You are quite right,” said the lump. His voice was thoughtful. “We’ll have to choose a name you can call me by. I know! How about Otto?”

“Mr. Otto?” asked Ennia, who was a nicely behaved girl.

“Mr. Otto will be fine,” said the voice. “Or you could call me Otto-san.””

Mister Otto gives her the opportunity to go on an adventure in Faerie, but there are rules in that land. And she must figure them out and obey them. She is given a small box that fits in her hand, She can make wishes and the wishes will either be granted or denied, if they are denied she can ask why and finds out more rules as she goes along. They quest is challenging, encouraging, frustrating and tests her character and her will. Along the way she meets many, some are friends, some have the potential of friendship and some are neither. She will also face the great Dragon that has been terrorising this land. She encounters the dragon in more than one format. There is also a city called ‘The Town of the Lost People’ which is where those who have lost hope of completing their quests have gone. There are also some who work for the dragon.

The characters are well written. It has an interesting plot. The story takes place over just a few days. There are some  important lessons to be learned. It deals with some serious issues like prejudices and unhealthy ambition, but it also has themes hope, and faithfulness, and fulfilling our calling. 

This is a wonderfully written adventure quest story. It could easily be read by a middle grade student, be entertaining for tweens, teens and young Adults and is good for anyone who just loves a great story! I can easily recommend this story for readers of all ages.  

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2023 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Manuel Alfonseca in English:
Jacob's Ladder
The Ruby of the Ganges
The Last Dinosaur
Ennia in Faerie
The Heirloom of King Scorpion
Beyond the Black Hole
The Water of Life

The Sleuths of the Spanish Transition Series:
Quetzalcoatl's Zahir

The Mystery of the Haunted House
The Mystery of the Sapphire Bracelet
The Mystery of the Honeymoon
The Mystery of the Egyptian Vulture Country House

Chronicles of the Magic Jigsaw Puzzle Series:
The Journey of Tivo the Dauntless
The Mystery of the Black Lake
The Silver Swan
The Secret of the Ice Field
The Lost Continent

The Chronicles of the Aeolian Family Series:

Human Cultures & Evolution
World Population: Past, Present, & Future
The Fifth Level of Evolution
Ennia - Manuel Alfonseca - Spanish Edition

Ennia in Faerie - Manuel Alfonseca - English Edition

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Goblin Macbeth Stratford Festival 2023 A Review

Goblin Macbeth
by Rebecca Northan with Bruce Horak
Directed by Rebecca Northan

Goblin Macbeth Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Goblin Macbeth Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Over the last few years my son, who is now 16, and I have attended a number of plays in Stratford at the festival. We eagerly await the announcements of the season’s shows and often debate what shows we want to attend and why and then we buy our tickets early in the winter. For the 2023 Season I did not get around to writing reviews during the season but wanted to still share my thoughts. And this production was just amazing. It was the last of five shows we saw in 2023, the others were: King Lear, Frankenstein Revived, Grand Magic, and A Wrinkle in Time. And to be honest other than Richard III this is the play my son talks about most to other people when they find out he has an interest in theatre. But back to this production.

Rebecca Northan 
Bruce Horak

This play has its world première in 2022 at The Shakespeare Company and Hit and Myth Productions in Calgary, Alberta. The entire play is put on by a cast of three assuming different stances, voices, postures and a few props to play the various roles in the play. This production was done in the Meighen Forum a small intimate space, with steep seating and seating in an arc around the performance area. The actors in full costume and character come in through the lobby prior to the doors being opened. 

Then they are wandering around the stage and interacting with the props and elements on stage. So the magic begins before they even utter a single line of the play. The characters often break the fourth wall and interact with the audience. Including having the audience become the attacking army. 

This was a near perfect production. The audience was engaged, enthralled and had an incredible time. The play was masterfully executed and I was amazed at how well the three put it on. The Music by Ellis fits perfectly with the actions and events. And the goblins costumes and acting was amazing. 

After the production my son and I went to a local eatery and ran into Stratford alumni Jamie Mac, he informed us that Bruce Horak is legally blind, this making the performance and play that much more incredible.

Macbeth, is amongst my favourite plays by the bard. In part because of being half Scottish, in part because of the legends and mysteries around the play and its many plagued productions, and in part I just love the story. That being said this Deadpool-ish production of the play is absolutely outstanding! 

Note: This production has shows in Toronto in October 2024, and in Edmonton in January and February 2025. Also they have now produced and performed Goblin Oedipus, which we will hope will have a stop in Stratford next season.

Goblin Macbeth Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Goblin Macbeth Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Product Review Executive Shaving Brush and MÜHLE Mug

Product Review 
Executive Shaving Mug 
Executive Shaving UK

Product Review Executive Shaving Brush and MÜHLE Mug

Over a year ago I switched to a safety razor that is produced here locally, after a year I can state I love it, and my 16 years old son has started shaving using a Dr Squatch Branded version. I love my Henson AL13 Razor it is the best shaves I have ever had and I have been shaving over 40 years now. When I first got my Henson I struggled with it and found a video from the Executive Shaving UK, that made a world of difference. And I wanted to give some of their products a try. My sister-in-law got a few of them for me for Christmas. The products I got were:

Description of the Large Synthetic Shaving Brush with Black Handle:

“Executive Shaving's Large Synthetic Shaving Brush with Black Handle can be used to lather shaving creams, soaps and gels with ease. 

The 28mm knot is packed full of soft synthetic fibres which are kind to the skin and completely free of animal hair making this brush a great choice for those with sensitive skin.

Designed to fit comfortably in the hand, the lathe turned resin handle is black in colour and features the Executive Shaving logo in the base.

Synthetic fibres will dry almost immediately after use and require minimal maintenance.

Comes to you in a branded box made from agri-waste which is 100% recycled and recyclable.”

Description of the MÜHLE Mug:

“MÜHLE's Black Porcelain Shaving Mug enables you to create a rich and creamy shaving lather from your shaving cream or soap.

The base of the mug has three ridges which increases friction to help lather shaving creams quickly. It comes in a traditional style with a perfectly moulded handle for secure holding and fine balance whilst applying lather. 

These shaving mugs are trimmed by hand and fired twice. It is during the second firing that the glazing of the classic black colour takes place.

Compatible with all MÜHLE Shaving Soap Refills, a selection of other soap refills as well as all shaving creams.


Height: 7.5cm
Top Diameter: 10.5cm
Bottom Diameter: 8cm.”

The ridges in the bottom of the mug make a world of difference. It causes the lather to build up so quickly and smoothly. It really is impressive. After using the mug for over 6 months I could not imagine going back to any other style or form of lubricant for shaving. The mug is sturdy and has a nice heft. And it looks sharp sitting on the counter. 

The brush is middle of the pack for price point. I like that it is a thick full head of bristles but they are so soft and flexible. It works perfectly and cleans easily. It has a decent weight and a wider diameter then many on the market. I still recommend the Executive Shaving video when I convince people to give a safety razor a try. And I pretty much follow his method each I lather up the two cheeks and shave, under the chin and shave then around the mouth.  

Here is the video that introduced me to their products!

(Video shared with permission from Executive Shaving.)

The shaving gel from Executive Shaving is the best I have ever used and this cup and brush help make each shave an excellent experience! And every time I shave I think of the many shaving scenes in M*A*S*H. But with Executive Shaving your equipment will be state of the art, no Korean War remnants. 

Hawkeye Shaving M*A*S*H

I am just getting ready to reorder shaving cream and will likely try at least 1 other scent from Executive Shaving UK!
Product Review Executive Shaving Brush and MÜHLE Mug 2

Executive Shaving Citrus Kiss Aftershave Balm

Executive Shaving Citrus Kiss Natural Shaving Cream

Monday 26 August 2024

Columbo The Grassy Knoll - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 1

Columbo The Grassy Knoll
TOR Columbo Series Book 1
ISBN 9780812530247
ISBN  9780312855369

Columbo The Grassy Knoll - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 1

Over many months, nearly a year to be more accurate I watched the complete run of Columbo, while researching an article I wrote as an overview on the series I discovered this novel and the other 6 in the series. I also found about casebooks, and  even a cookbook. I thought I would try tracking down these books and give them a try. They did not disappoint. It was almost like watching an episode, his mannerisms, his process, and even his favourite foods. I cannot see any fan of the series not enjoying this book, and if the other 5 in the series are a good I am in for some great reads!

The description of this book states:

“Who Killed JFK?

When controversial talk show host, Paul Drury, is murdered, Lt. Columbo, America’s favourite TV detective, must unravel the mystery that has help the world’s attention for thirty years.

For someone has sabotaged the broadcast of Drury’s final show, which promised to expose JFL’s real assassin.”

Another description is:

“After the murder of controversial talk-show host Paul Drury, Lieutenant Columbo must unravel the thirty-year-old mystery of the assassination of President Kennedy, a crime whose perpetrator Drury had been about to expose on his final show.”

In this story not only does Columbo solve the case in hand but gives clear evidence in who assassinated JFK. In a story with Hollywood personalities, a Texan, and a crime boss connection to Vegas this story has a bit of everything. It was interesting to see him work closely with Martha Zimmer a detective Columbo appears to respect and trust. As someone who works in IT and was hand building computers at Stapes before this episode aired it was interesting to see who the technology of the day was written, dual computers with redundant drives, back up to over 200 micro diskettes. Also the incorporation of a virus that could do a DOD quality wipe of a disk. When I was in college we had a floppy with a program you could boot into and do the same sort of thing.

But watching Columbo pull all the threads and eliminate some suspects, raise deeper concerns about others, and finding other connections was just as fascinating as watching the show. 

While researching for this review I discovered that there were also 6 Columbo novels in the 1970; 2 new stores and 4 novelizations of episodes and also a collection called The Columbo Collection of 12 stories by William Link. These 6 novels came out overlapping with the 6 of the last 8 episodes of the TV Movie Special Era. And if this one had been filmed I believe it would have been one of the most popular episodes of the series. 

A great read for fans of the series or JFK buff’s and for those who just like a good mystery.

Books about Peter Falk or Columbo:
Columbo Phile - A Casebook - Mark Dawidziak
Cooking With Columbo Suppers With The Shambling Sleuth - Jenny Hammerton
Just One More Thing - Peter Falk
Shooting Columbo - David Koenig
The Columbo Companion, 1968-78: Investigating Every Detail of All 45 'Classic Era' Columbo Adventures - The Columbophile

Related Posts:

Columbo Books:
A Christmas Killing - Alfred Lawrence
The Dean's Death - Alfred Lawrence
Any Old Port in a Storm - Henry Clements
By Dawn's Early Light - Henry Clements
Murder by the Book - Lee Hays
A Deadly State of Mind Book - Lee Hays
The Columbo Collection – William Link

Columbo Novels by William Harrington:
The Helter Skelter Murders (1994)
The Hoffa Connection (1995)
The Game Show Killer (1996)
The Glitter Murders (1997)
The Hover Files (1998)

Other Books by William Harrington:
Which the Justice, Which the Thief (1963)
The Power (1964)
     aka The Gospel of Death
Yoshar the Soldier (1966)
     aka One Over One
The Search for Elisabeth Brandt (1968)
Trial (1970)
The Jupiter Crisis (1971)
Mister Target (1974)
Scorpio 5 (1975)
Partners (1980)
The English Lady (1982)
Skin Deep (1983)
The Cromwell File (1986)
Oberst (1987)
For the Defense (1988)
Virus (1990)
Endgame in Berlin (1991)
Town on Trial (1994)
Murder at the President's Door (2001)
     with Elliott Roosevelt published posthumously. 

Columbo The Grassy Knoll - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 1

Columbo The Helter Skelter Murders - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 2

Columbo The Hoffa Connection - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 3

Columbo The Game Show Killer - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 4

Columbo The Glitter Murders - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 5

Columbo The Hover Files - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 6

Saturday 24 August 2024

Prayer of the Day Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Prayer of the Day  

O Holy Spirit soul of my soul I adore you. Enlighten guide, strengthen and console me.

Tell me what I ought to do and command me to do it. I promise to submit to everything that you ask of me and to accept all that you allow to happen to me. Just show me what is your will.


Prayer of the Day Prayer to the Holy Spirit

I do not recall where I got this prayer from. I have been praying it for several years. 

Friday 23 August 2024

My Simple Mass Book CTS Children's Books - Pierpaolo Finaldi, Bernadette Sweetman, and David Belmonte

My Simple Mass Book
Pierpaolo Finaldi
Bernadette Sweetman
David Belmonte (Illustrations)
ISBN 9781860828782
ISBN 1860828787
CTS Booklet CH48

My Simple Mass Book - Pierpaolo Finaldi, Bernadette Sweetman and David Belmonte - CTS Children’s Books

As of the reading of this book over the last few years I have read exactly 400 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society. This is one of a few books in the CTS Children's Books I have read, but I will be tracking down more. The few I have read are all excellent volumes, both for the young and the young at heart! 

The description of this book is:
“This illustrated guide to the Mass is an invaluable tool to help children engage with what is happening and why, while interspersing the texts of the Mass with devotional texts and child-friendly explanations. A perfect First Communion gift.

This handy guide to the Mass for children is a must-have for First Communion age children and above. To help enrich their experience of the Mass, the texts of the Mass are colourfully illustrated and interspersed with devotional texts and explanations of the various parts of the Mass, facilitating conscious and active participation on the part of the child. 

To further deepen the child's understanding, the illustrations depict not only the events happening in the church during Mass but their theological and personal significance for the child. A perfect First Communion gift and a great tool for teaching children what is happening at Mass and why it is happening.”

The sections in this book are:

Prayer Before Mass
The Introductory Rite
     Sign of the Cross
     Penitential Act
     Lord, Have Mercy

Liturgy of the Word
     First Reading
     Responsorial Psalm
     Second Reading
     Nicene Creed
     Apostles’ Creed
     Bidding Prayers

Liturgy of the Eucharist
     Prayer over the Offerings
     The Eucharistic Prayer
     Holy, Holy, Holy
     The Mystery of Faith
     The Doxology

The Communion Rite
     The Lord’s Prayer
     The Peace
     Breaking of the Bread
     Invitation to Communion
     Prayers Before Holy Communion
     Communion Procession
     Prayer After Communion
     Prayers After Holy Communion

The Concluding Rites

This is a wonderful little volume. Pierpaolo Finaldi and Bernadette Sweetman edited this volume and they did a wonderful job. It is illustrated by David Belmonte, the illustrations are great. Bright and vibrant and very engaging. 

It is an excellent little picture mass prayer book. My children are well past the age of picture books but I have loved this and the other CTS Children’s Books I have picked up we donate to their school library. My youngest finished grade 8 (or year 9) this spring but I will continue to pick up CTS Children’s books to give them to the school library. The librarian and teachers have loved them. 

We enjoyed this much we pleased to be donating a copy to the School Library, the primary school our children have attended has a resource section for the teachers and we believe this would be a wonderful addition. This is an excellent resource from the Catholic Truth Society. I am very thankful I picked it. A great resource I can easily recommend for church, home, or school library or even classroom prayer corner. I believe I have read all the books by Pierpaolo Finaldi and look forward to reading others from the CTS Children’s Books series.

My Simple Mass Book - Pierpaolo Finaldi, Bernadette Sweetman and David Belmonte - CTS Children’s Books Sample 1

My Simple Mass Book - Pierpaolo Finaldi, Bernadette Sweetman and David Belmonte - CTS Children’s Books Sample 2

My Simple Mass Book - Pierpaolo Finaldi, Bernadette Sweetman and David Belmonte - CTS Children’s Books Sample 3

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the CTS Children's Books series click here.

Book by Pierpaolo Finaldi:

Books In Polish:
Moja Mala Ksiazeczka do Nabozenstwa
Mój Mały Modlitewnik

Why Does Mary Wear Blue - Pierpaolo, Ettore and Mattia Finaldi - CTS Children’s Books

Why Does the Pope Wear White - Pierpaolo, Ettore and Mattia Finaldi - CTS Children’s Books

My Simple Prayer Book - Pierpaolo and David Belmonte - CTS Children’s Books

Thursday 22 August 2024

Two Sides to Every Murder - Danielle Valentine

Two Sides to Every Murder
G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
An imprint of Penguin Random House
ISBN 9780241722046
eISBN 9780593352069

Two Sides to Every Murder - Danielle Valentine

I picked this up to read because my 13 year old daughter wanted to read it. I try and read most of what my kids read, especially if I am unfamiliar with the author. She had bought herself a copy of it with her own money. She had recently finished the The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and is currently reading Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, But she had heard some things about book 3 and wanted to wait. I was most of the way through this before she was ready to read it and I was a little hesitant. I shared my concerns with her, particular as Christians and as Catholics about some of the content. So she was on the fence. I finished the book and told her there are a few concerning parts but she discerned she would rather not read it and exchanged it for a different volume. I did finish it, and seeing as over the last several years I have reviewed everything I have read …

The description of this volume is:

“From the author of How to Survive Your Murder comes a propulsive thriller about two teens who return to the site of the famous murder case that sealed their fates.

Most people’s births aren’t immortalized in a police report—but Olivia was born during the infamous Camp Lost Lake murders. Seventeen years later, Olivia’s life looks pretty perfect . . . until she discovers the man she calls dad is not her biological father. Now she wants answers about her bloodline, and the only place she knows to look is Camp Lost Lake.

Most people don’t spend their formative years on the run with an alleged murderer—but Reagan did. In the court of public opinion, her mom was found guilty of the deaths at Camp Lost Lake, and both of them have been in hiding ever since. But Reagan believes in her mother’s innocence and is determined to clear her name.

Luckily for Olivia and Reagan, Camp Lost Lake is finally reopening, providing the perfect opportunity to find answers. But someone else is dead set on keeping the past hidden, even if it means committing murder.”

The story is geared to tweens or teens and maybe the Young Adult audience. I have read a lot of crime lit from around the world and I had put together a lot of the story well before it was finished. The main character tells us at one point that she had only previously date 1 boy and one girl. And that she did not have those kinds of feelings for her friend who was here helping her try and clear her mothers name. There is a fairly intense scene where another girl is showing interest in her and then they are hiding in close proximity and she is pouring out her feelings and reactions. 

The actual plot is an intriguing concept. And there are some fun twists especially one at the very end of the story. Three and 2 start reviews are nearly as many as the 4 star and both the 3 and 4 eclipse the 5 star ones. A few people will love this, some will hate it. And others will be more ‘meh’. And I fall clearly in the ‘meh’ category, even if I remove the concerns. Because my blog and reviews focus mainly on Catholic and Christian books I would be hesitant to recommend this one. There are a lot of great reads out there both Christian and secular, my daughter decided not to spend her money on this one and that would be my recommendation. While researching this volume I discovered the author also publishes volumes under the name Danielle Vega, and if I had look at those books I would not have bothered reading this and would have discouraged my daughter even picking it up in the first place.

Books by Danielle Valentine:
How to Survive Your Murder
Delicate Condition
The Tale of the Twisted Toymaker 

Books as Danielle Vega:
Signs of a Toxic Relationship
7 Days of Encouraging Declarations
Born to Win
Danielle Devastating Beauty

Haunted Series:
The Haunted
The Unleashed

Merciless Series:
The Merciless
The Exorcism of Sofia Flores
Origins of Evil
Last Rites

Books as Danielle Rollins:

Burning Series:

Dark Stars Series:
Stolen Time
Twisted Fate
Dark Stars

Two Sides to Every Murder - Danielle Valentine

How to Survive Your Murder - Danielle Valentine

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Director Esther Jun
Set and Lighting Designer Echo Zhou
Costume Designer Michelle Bohn
Composer Njo Kong Kie
Sound Designer Olivia Wheeler
Fight Director and Intimacy Director Anita Nittoly
Movement Director Alyssa Martin
Executive Producer David Auster
Casting Directors Beth Russell and Ari Weinberg
Creative Planning Director Jason Miller

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review Stage Post Show

First I want to state that I greatly enjoyed this production, and there is a but, but I will get to that later in the review. Over the last few years my son, who is now 16, and I have attended a number of plays in Stratford at the festival. We eagerly await the announcements of the season’s shows and often debate what shows we want to attend and why and then we buy our tickets early in the winter. This was our third of four planned shows this season, and we also have tickets for Something Rotten, Romeo & Juliet, and Twelfth Night

My top ranking for the performances would be:

Allison Edwards-Crewe as Innogen
Lucy Peacock as Queen Cymbeline
Jonathan Goad as Belarius 
Jordin Hall as Leonatus
Irene Poole as Pisanio

My son’s top picks were:

Michael Wamara as Guiderius raised as Polydore 
Noah Beemer as Arviragus raised as Cadwal
Marcus Nance as Jupiter
Allison Edwards-Crewe as Innogen
Jonathan Goad as Belarius 

Full cast in order of appearance:

Jupiter - Marcus Nance
Philarmonous (Soothsayer), Briton Soldier - Cynthia Jimenez-Hicks
Duke, Roman Soldier - Rick Roberts
Posthumus Leonatus - Jordin Hall
Innogen¬ – Allison Edwards-Crewe
Cymbeline - Lucy Peacock
Pisanio - Irene Poole
First Lord, Ghost Brother 2 - Anthony Palermo
Cloten, Roman Soldier - Christopher Allen
Second Lord, Ghost Brother 1, Roman Soldier - Evan Mercer
Lady In Waiting, Roman Soldier - Caleigh Crow
Iachimo - Tyrone Savage
Philario, Jailer - Josue Laboucane
Frenchman, Ghost Sicillius, Roman Soldier - Anthony Santiago
Cornelius - Wahsontí:Io Kirby
Helen, Ghost Mother, Briton Soldier - Julie Lumsden
Caius Lucius - Matthew Kabwe
Belarius - Jonathan Goad
Guiderius - Michael Wamara
Arviragus - Noah Beemer
Roman Captain, Briton Servant - Chris Mejaki
Queen’s Guard 1 - Tara Sky
Queen’s Guard 2 - Jennifer Rider-Shaw

Posthumus Leonatus - Christopher Allen
Philarmonous (Soothsayer), Jupiter - Caleigh Crow
Queen’s Guard 1, Queen’s Guard 2, Roman Captain - Cynthia Jimenez-Hicks
Belarius - Matthew Kabwe
Pisanio - Wahsontí:Io Kirby
Cornelius, Roman Captain - Josue Laboucane
Innogen - Julie Lumsden
Guiderius, First Lord, Second Lord, Ghost Brother 1, Ghost Brother 2, Frenchman,
Ghost Sicillius - Chris Mejaki
Iachimo, Philario, Jailer - Evan Mercer
Arviragus - Anthony Palermo
Cymbeline - Irene Poole
Helen, Ghost Mother - Jennifer Rider-Shaw
Duke, Caius Lucius, Roman Captain - Anthony Santiago
Lady In Waiting - Tara Sky
Cloten - Michael Wamara

I have seen two other productions of this play over the years, one on film the 2014 edition and the other a staged production years ago. The first presented it as a tragedy in line with the first Filio from 1623. The second presented it more as a history or drama. But this production really emphasises that it can be presented as a comedy, and for the most part the only people who die are the ones who deserve it. The comedic aspect took both my son and I as a surprise. And after the production it was obvious the audience did not know what to make of it. It is the first play I have been to at Stratford over the last three seasons that did not receive a standing ovation. I was shocked and stunned by this fact, for even though it was not exactly what I was expecting and the switch of the key roles of King and Queen to Queen and duke, I thought it was an incredible performance. 

Lucy Peacock and Allison Edwards-Crewe do an amazing job in this production. And Jordin Hall does an incredible job in his role. But the one that surprised me most was Irene Poole as Pisanio, it was masterfully played. It was so obvious the cast was having fun during the final reveal, and though I expected a much more serious presentation this one was executed flawlessly. The audience laughed out loud on several occasions during this scene. 

This is one of my favourite productions in years. And though Richard III and King Lear are among my favourite plays, the way this production retold the story in a new way was magnificent. Two years ago I had the chance of seeing Richard III twice once on my own and again with my son when they filmed it. If this production is filmed I would love to be in the audience and return for the filming of the outtakes. If you can only get to two plays this season I would say go and see this and Something Rotten!

This is a fantastic production of a play you will often have the chance to see, I can easily recommend it and urge you to try and see it in theatre and if we are luck streaming on Stratford @ Home.

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review