Wednesday 21 August 2024

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Director Esther Jun
Set and Lighting Designer Echo Zhou
Costume Designer Michelle Bohn
Composer Njo Kong Kie
Sound Designer Olivia Wheeler
Fight Director and Intimacy Director Anita Nittoly
Movement Director Alyssa Martin
Executive Producer David Auster
Casting Directors Beth Russell and Ari Weinberg
Creative Planning Director Jason Miller

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review Stage Post Show

First I want to state that I greatly enjoyed this production, and there is a but, but I will get to that later in the review. Over the last few years my son, who is now 16, and I have attended a number of plays in Stratford at the festival. We eagerly await the announcements of the season’s shows and often debate what shows we want to attend and why and then we buy our tickets early in the winter. This was our third of four planned shows this season, and we also have tickets for Something Rotten, Romeo & Juliet, and Twelfth Night

My top ranking for the performances would be:

Allison Edwards-Crewe as Innogen
Lucy Peacock as Queen Cymbeline
Jonathan Goad as Belarius 
Jordin Hall as Leonatus
Irene Poole as Pisanio

My son’s top picks were:

Michael Wamara as Guiderius raised as Polydore 
Noah Beemer as Arviragus raised as Cadwal
Marcus Nance as Jupiter
Allison Edwards-Crewe as Innogen
Jonathan Goad as Belarius 

Full cast in order of appearance:

Jupiter - Marcus Nance
Philarmonous (Soothsayer), Briton Soldier - Cynthia Jimenez-Hicks
Duke, Roman Soldier - Rick Roberts
Posthumus Leonatus - Jordin Hall
Innogen¬ – Allison Edwards-Crewe
Cymbeline - Lucy Peacock
Pisanio - Irene Poole
First Lord, Ghost Brother 2 - Anthony Palermo
Cloten, Roman Soldier - Christopher Allen
Second Lord, Ghost Brother 1, Roman Soldier - Evan Mercer
Lady In Waiting, Roman Soldier - Caleigh Crow
Iachimo - Tyrone Savage
Philario, Jailer - Josue Laboucane
Frenchman, Ghost Sicillius, Roman Soldier - Anthony Santiago
Cornelius - Wahsontí:Io Kirby
Helen, Ghost Mother, Briton Soldier - Julie Lumsden
Caius Lucius - Matthew Kabwe
Belarius - Jonathan Goad
Guiderius - Michael Wamara
Arviragus - Noah Beemer
Roman Captain, Briton Servant - Chris Mejaki
Queen’s Guard 1 - Tara Sky
Queen’s Guard 2 - Jennifer Rider-Shaw

Posthumus Leonatus - Christopher Allen
Philarmonous (Soothsayer), Jupiter - Caleigh Crow
Queen’s Guard 1, Queen’s Guard 2, Roman Captain - Cynthia Jimenez-Hicks
Belarius - Matthew Kabwe
Pisanio - Wahsontí:Io Kirby
Cornelius, Roman Captain - Josue Laboucane
Innogen - Julie Lumsden
Guiderius, First Lord, Second Lord, Ghost Brother 1, Ghost Brother 2, Frenchman,
Ghost Sicillius - Chris Mejaki
Iachimo, Philario, Jailer - Evan Mercer
Arviragus - Anthony Palermo
Cymbeline - Irene Poole
Helen, Ghost Mother - Jennifer Rider-Shaw
Duke, Caius Lucius, Roman Captain - Anthony Santiago
Lady In Waiting - Tara Sky
Cloten - Michael Wamara

I have seen two other productions of this play over the years, one on film the 2014 edition and the other a staged production years ago. The first presented it as a tragedy in line with the first Filio from 1623. The second presented it more as a history or drama. But this production really emphasises that it can be presented as a comedy, and for the most part the only people who die are the ones who deserve it. The comedic aspect took both my son and I as a surprise. And after the production it was obvious the audience did not know what to make of it. It is the first play I have been to at Stratford over the last three seasons that did not receive a standing ovation. I was shocked and stunned by this fact, for even though it was not exactly what I was expecting and the switch of the key roles of King and Queen to Queen and duke, I thought it was an incredible performance. 

Lucy Peacock and Allison Edwards-Crewe do an amazing job in this production. And Jordin Hall does an incredible job in his role. But the one that surprised me most was Irene Poole as Pisanio, it was masterfully played. It was so obvious the cast was having fun during the final reveal, and though I expected a much more serious presentation this one was executed flawlessly. The audience laughed out loud on several occasions during this scene. 

This is one of my favourite productions in years. And though Richard III and King Lear are among my favourite plays, the way this production retold the story in a new way was magnificent. Two years ago I had the chance of seeing Richard III twice once on my own and again with my son when they filmed it. If this production is filmed I would love to be in the audience and return for the filming of the outtakes. If you can only get to two plays this season I would say go and see this and Something Rotten!

This is a fantastic production of a play you will often have the chance to see, I can easily recommend it and urge you to try and see it in theatre and if we are luck streaming on Stratford @ Home.

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

Cymbeline Stratford Festival 2024 A Review

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