Church Fathers and Teachers:
From Leo The Great to Peter Lombard
Pope Benedict XVI
ISBN 9781621646518
eISBN 9781681491004
This marks the 29th volume by Pope Benedict I have read over the last few years. In that time I have read a number of books by and about Pope Benedict XVI. Of the popes in my lifetime, I find his writings of immense spiritual benefit. I would state that I underappreciated him until his resignation. And since then, I have read much. And with each piece I read I appreciate his wisdom, faith, and stand against modernism to an even greater extent. This is an excellent read, even though it overlaps with other volumes I have read.
The description of the edition of the book is:
“After meditating on the Apostles and then on the Fathers of the early Church, as seen in his earlier works Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church and Church Fathers, Pope Benedict XVI devoted his attention to the most influential Christian men from the fifth through the twelfth centuries. In his first book, Church Fathers, Benedict began with Clement of Rome and ended with Saint Augustine. In this volume, the Holy Father reflects on some of the greatest theologians of the Middle Ages: Benedict, Anselm, Bernard, and Gregory the Great, to name just a few. By exploring both the lives and the ideas of the great popes, abbots, scholars and missionaries who lived during the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of Christendom, Pope Benedict XVI highlights the key elements of Catholic dogma and practice that remain the foundation stones not only of the Roman Catholic Church but of Christian society itself. This book is a wonderful way to get to know these later Church Fathers and Teachers and the tremendous spiritually rich patrimony they have bequeathed to us.”
The chapters in this edition are:
1. Saint Leo the Great
2. Boethius and Cassiodorus
3. Saint Benedict of Norcia
4. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
5. Saint Romanus the Melodist
6. Saint Gregory the Great (1)
7. Saint Gregory the Great (2)
8. Saint Columban
9. Saint Isidore of Seville
10. Saint Maximus the Confessor
11. John Climacus
12. Saint Bede, the Venerable
13. Saint Boniface, the Apostle of the Germans
14. Ambrose Autpert
15. Germanus of Constantinople
16. John Damascene
17. Saint Theodore the Studite
18. Rabanus Maurus
19. John Scotus Erigena
20. Saints Cyril and Methodius
21. Saint Odo of Cluny
22. Saint Peter Damian
23. Symeon the New Theologian
24. Saint Anselm
25. Peter the Venerable
26. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
27. Monastic Theology and Scholastic Theology
28. Two Theological Models in Comparison: Bernard and Abelard
29. The Cluniac Reform
30. The Cathedral from the Romanesque to the Gothic Architecture: The Theological Background
31. Hugh and Richard of Saint-Victor
32. William of Saint-Thierry
33. Rupert of Deutz
34. John of Salisbury
35. Peter Lombard
The volumes that overlap with this one are:
Fathers and Writers of the First Millennium - The Spiritual Masters (Chapters 10-20)
The Medieval Fathers and Writers - The Spiritual Masters (Chapters 21-35)
Those two volumes are preceded by:
The Fathers of the Church - CTS Books
Which are preceded by:
Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church and Church Fathers
And they are followed by:
Holy Men and Women from The Middle Ages and Beyond
Which I only discovered while reading the description of this volume, while working on this review but have now added to my wish list. But back to this volume. It should also be noted there is no introduction of conclusion to the volume.
I have read much about the church fathers and by the church fathers over the years. Both in school and personal reading, much of it by Mike Aquilina. This is an absolutely fantastic volume. You can read it from beginning to end, or jump around and pick and choose the Fathers in a random order.
This is a wonderful volume to read and having read a chunk of it in a different edition it was a refresher on the church fathers and teachers. This volume at the start of each chapter had the name, date of the audience and location, for example:
Peter Lombard
Paul VI Audience Hall
It is a great resource that any Catholic would benefit from reading, it would be great for any Christian. An excellent volume.
Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!
Books by Benedict XVI:
The Way of the Cross - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI
Finding Life's Purpose: Inspiration for Young People
Don't Be Afraid To Be Saints - with Pope John Paul II
Confession Advice and Encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI
From the Depths of Our Hearts - Pope Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah
Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers
Way of Calvary: Stations of the Cross
Spiritual Masters Fathers and Writers of the First Millennium
Spiritual Masters Medieval Fathers and Writers
Finding Life's Purpose: Inspiration for Young People
Don't Be Afraid To Be Saints - with Pope John Paul II
Confession Advice and Encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI
From the Depths of Our Hearts - Pope Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah
Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers
Way of Calvary: Stations of the Cross
Spiritual Masters Fathers and Writers of the First Millennium
Spiritual Masters Medieval Fathers and Writers
Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church and Church Fathers
10 Things Pope Benedict Wants You To Know - John L. Allen Jr. - Liguori
Books About Pope Benedict:
Habemus Papam! Pope Benedict XVI - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
Benedict XVI - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
A Pope of Surprises: The First Five Years of Pope Benedict XVI's Papacy - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI - Amy Welborn and Ann Kissane Engelhart
Take Five: Meditations Pope Benedict XVI - Mike Aquilina and Fr. Kris Stubna
Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion – Amy Welborn and Ann Engelhart
Habemus Papam! Pope Benedict XVI - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
Benedict XVI - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
A Pope of Surprises: The First Five Years of Pope Benedict XVI's Papacy - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI - Amy Welborn and Ann Kissane Engelhart
Take Five: Meditations Pope Benedict XVI - Mike Aquilina and Fr. Kris Stubna
Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion – Amy Welborn and Ann Engelhart
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