Friday 27 September 2024

Poems for the Soul: Susan M. Werner Compiled by Fr. Mark Goring CC

Poems for the Soul: Susan M. Werner
Compiled by Fr. Mark Goring CC
ISBN 9798333411983

Poems for the Soul: Susan M. Werner Compiled by Fr. Mark Goring CC

I picked this book up as soon as Amazon suggested it. I have read many books by Father Mark, many books as part of his St Mark’s School of Reading. And two years ago we read a different volume of Susan’s poetry called, Always Near Volume 1, so I was excited to give this volume a try. 

The description of the book I which is a poem by Susan is:

“The soul of a poet,
Is different I’m told,
Born of the blessings,
Of cherishing His word.
Poems are the altar,
Their rhythm my joy,
Each with a cadence,
For me to employ,
Receiving a message,
Meant to be shared,
With subtle reminders,
Of how deeply He cared.
I welcome all readers,
To read and to glean,
How these verses touch you,
And what each may mean.

Susan M. Werner”

This description is also the first entry in the volume. Unlike the previous volume I read by Susan none of the poems in this volume have titles. The second entry is an introduction from father Mark it states:

“A poem appears in my in box,
From someone I do not know.
Oh no!
Too many emails already,
I'm about to click "delete."
But I notice it's only a few short verses.
Maybe I'll glance at the first line or two.
simple , beautiful, gentle;
And so I read on ...
And now my soul is a little more peaceful.
Wow! What a wonderful poem.
The next day, there's another poem in my inbox.

And now Susan and I are good friends.”

So it appears this volume is a collection of some of those poems that Susan sent to Father Mark. It is a wonderful collection of 92 poems if you include the preface one that doubles as the description of the work. They vary in length from 8 lines to 17 I believe. And none have more than the one stanza. A few that really struck me are:

“How great Thou Art, how small I am,
Your grandeur humbles me,
Gentle waters cleanse my soul,
You softly set me free.
Love alone shall purify,
I stand in hope and awe,
Thank you, Lord, for Grace received,
I prayed, You came, I saw.”

     “Our paths may have been different,
     The call has been the same,
     His voice has echoed in our hearts,
     He has called us each by name.
     Circumstances shape our lives,
     Our choices different too,
     May His love remain the bond,
     That ties the "me" to you.”

“Remake me, Lord, and purify,
My heart seems dense as mud,
Soften it with streams of grace,
And blessings from above.
The perfect Craftsman Who You are,
Will keep me on the wheel,
To shape me in Your image,
Yes, I am Yours to heal.”

           “You are a hero dear to me,
          A sinner who heard God's call,
          Struck by God's almighty hand,
          You became a voice for all,
          You suffered but you persevered,
          Your words became the guide
          Inspiring us through streams of Grace,
          That move us deep inside.
          Pray for me, beloved Paul,
          That I may be like you,
          Rich in Faith, steeped in Love,
          With a heart that's always true.”

“St. Michael you surround me,
With you r shield of cobalt blue,
Watching and protecting,
All I say and do.
Your sword points at the ready,
Warning any who come near,
Not to touch or harm me,
It's you they'll come to fear.
That sword tip now encircles me,
I know you will defend,
My life in every circumstance,
From beginning to the end.
I honor you for loving me,
This and every day,
I sing your praises in my heart,
To you I always pray.”

I hope those poems give you a feel for this excellent little volume. I loved reading through this collection of poems. There are many excellent offerings in the collection. I can easily recommend this volume and look forward to reading it with the School of Reading soon.

A great little collection of poems I can easily recommend. I just wish there was an eBook edition of it.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

Read as part of Father Mark Goring’s School of Reading for info click here.

Books by Susan Werner:
Always Near Volume 2
Always Near Volume 3
Always Near Volume 4

Books by Father Mark Goring:

Journal's by Father Mark:
40 Days Freedom Walk Journal: Volume II St. Mark
40 Days Freedom Walk Journal: Volume III St. Luke Workman Edition
40 Days Freedom Walk Journal: Volume IV St. John Life is Good Edition

Notebooks by Father Mark:
Disciple Notebook: Discipleship. Living in the Spirit. Evangelization 2018
Disciple Notebook: Discipleship. Living in the Spirit. Evangelization 2019

Non-English Editions:
San Jose el Protector: Una Preparacion de Nueve Dias para Consagrarse a San Jose
Duc Thanh Giuse Dang Bao Tro: Chin Ngay Chuan Bi de Dang Minh Cho Duc Thanh Giuse

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