Sunday 15 September 2024

Prayer of the Day Prayer Secret of Success by Blessed James Alberione

Prayer Secret of Success by Blessed James Alberione
Prayer of the Day  

Prayer of the Day Prayer Secret of Success by Blessed James Alberione

Jesus, Divine Teacher, you call us to follow you and to spread the Good News of your Gospel to the ends of the earth. To undertake such a task, we must be holy as our Father is holy. Yet we are weak, unaware, incapable, and inadequate in so many ways. You instead are the Way and the Truth and the Life, the Resurrection, our one and supreme good. We trust in your promise: “I am with you always” (Mt 28:20). We have faith in you alone who assure us, “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, you will receive” (see Jn 14:13). For our part, we promise to seek only and always your Kingdom, your glory, and peace to all people. We trust that you will give us all we need: grace, discernment, and the means to do good in the world. Multiply our spiritual and apostolic efforts, Lord. We do not doubt you, but we fear our inconstancy and weakness. Therefore, good Master, through the intercession of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, extend to us the mercy you used with the Apostle Saint Paul, so that faithfully imitating you here on earth, we may be companions of the saints in heavenly glory.

Blessed James Alberione: Media Apostle
Encounter the Saints Series Book 32
Anne Eileen Heffernan, FSP
Charlie Craig (Illustrator)
Pauline Books and Media
ISBN 9780819812131
eISBN 9780819812148

I do not recall where I got this prayer from, but it was one of the many books from Pauline Books and Media or from a social media post from one of the sisters.

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