Friday 20 September 2024

Shadows Visible & Invisible 7 Stories for Teens - Catholic Teen Books

Shadows Visible & Invisible 7 Stories for Teens 
From Catholic Teen Books
ISBN 9798985348521

Shadows Visible & Invisible 7 Stories for Teens - Catholic Teen Books

This is the fifth anthology from the authors at the Catholic Teen Books collective. Each has been a great read. This collection of stories is focused on the triduum of Allhallowtide which focuses around All Hallows Eve, All Saints’ Day, an All Souls’ Day. Normally, one of the things I love about reading anthologies, is discovering new authors. That was not the case with this one. I have read books by all of the contributors. In fact, at the time of writing this review, I have written 124 reviews and articles from authors that are part of the CTB group. I knew I was in for some great reading when I picked up this collection. I had some high expectations, based on the contributors and the previous four anthologies. Yet even with those high expectations, I was terribly impressed with this collection and, to be honest, each story within it. Often when I read an anthology, there are a few great reads, some good reads, and some okay reads. That was not the case this time. Each story was a excellent. I read the volume in a single sitting because I could not put it down. Then I went back and reread it a story a day. 

In the foreword for Secrets, Visible & Invisible, the first anthology in this series, Mark Hart of Life Teen International states:

“We call Him Savior, Teacher, Wonder Worker, and Lord. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Bread of Life and the Light of the World. He is the Messiah, the Promised One, the Divine Physician…the Good Shepherd. Jesus Christ is all of these titles and an endless list of more. Yet, there is one title that I’ve rarely – if ever – heard used to describe Jesus of Nazareth, and I feel it is a glaringly myopic omission on our part. Almost never have I heard Jesus Christ described as “Master Storyteller,” though He most certainly was.”

The contributors in this collection, in their own way, imitate Christ and are master storytellers in our generation. I have a great deal of respect for the seven authors who contributed to this series. And a couple of them are among my all-time favourite authors. And I read a couple hundred books a year. This is an excellent collection of seven faith filled stories by 7 great authors.


In this collection we have one short story from each of the contributors. Some contain characters you can encounter in novels by the authors. Some are from books and series that have been around for a several years.

Grace and the Grave Robber - Leslea Wahl
Bogey in the Belfrey - Carolyn Astfalk
A Very Jurassic Hallowtide - Corinna Turner
Lucy and the Forbidden Secret - Antony B. Kolenc
Helpless - Theresa Linden
At the End of His Tether - Marie C. Keiser
The Far End of the Cemetery - T. M. Gaouette

I was very intrigued when I found out the title of this latest anthology from Catholic Teen Books. For the last 5 or 6 years Purgatory has been a theme coming up in my reading, and more and more in my prayer life. Looking up the meaning of the word I discovered:

“The word Allhallowtide was first used in 1471, and is derived from three words: the Old English word hallow, meaning holy, the word tide, meaning time or season (cf. Christmastide, Eastertide), and all (from Old English eall) meaning "every". The latter part of the word Hallowmas is derived from the word Mass.”

I also found out:

“Allhallowtide, Hallowtide, Allsaintstide, or the Hallowmas season is the Western Christian season encompassing the triduum of All Saints' Eve (Halloween), All Saints' Day (All Hallows') and All Souls' Day, as well as the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (observed on the first Sunday of November) and Remembrance Sunday (observed on the second Sunday in November) in some traditions. The period begins on 31 October annually. Allhallowtide is a "time to remember the dead, including martyrs, saints, and all faithful departed Christians." The present date of Hallowmas (All Saints' Day) and thus also of its vigil (Hallowe'en) was established for Rome perhaps by Pope Gregory III (731–741) and was made of obligation throughout the Frankish Empire by Louis the Pious in 835. Elsewhere, other dates were observed even later, with the date in Ireland being 20 April. In the early 11th century, the modern date of All Souls' Day was popularized, after Abbot Odilo established it as a day for the monks of Cluny and associated monasteries to pray for the dead.”

Maybe it is because I am past the half century mark, or maybe just finally growing up a bit, or even because if have lost a sibling to addiction, but whatever the reason for the last 5 years the concepts of purgatory, and praying for the dead have been more and more on my mind, on my heart, and part of my daily prayers. Because of that this anthology touched me deeply. Each of the seven stories caused me to reflect, think and pray. 

Grace and the Grave Robber 

This story includes strange encounter in a graveyard. A commitment to prayer for the deceased, and a Grandmas brownies and an incredible story. This is a story that will stay with you. The characters in this story appeared in a previous story and will be featured in an upcoming novel.

Bogey in the Belfrey 

An intriguing story of family, faith, and a special prayer card. William and his friends are exploring the belfry when they are started and depart quickly and just a little afraid. But William wants to know what is behind the secret door and what caused the yellow light. Will his curiosity get the better of him? A wonderful tale with a surprising twist.

A Very Jurassic Hallowtide 

Anytime there is a new story in the unSPARKed world my son and I get terribly excited. I have read unSPARKed stories 39 times not counting a number of times for each anthology they appear in. This was a deeply moving story about friends, a tragedy from long ago, and maybe surprising repentance. Harry has a surprising dream and a vision. This Hallowtide will not soon be forgot.

Lucy and the Forbidden Secret 

I absolutely love the Lucy short stories by Tony Kolenc, they fit between main stories in his Harwood Manor series. In this one Lucy gets in trouble for keeping secret. But there is far more at play at Harwood Abbey than just a novice slipping out and another struggling with distraction and just plain being mean. To find out the trouble Lucy gets into this time and how she gets out you will need to read this wonderful story.


Three friends visit a grave year to find out about rumours of strange lights. They are frightened off but Vanessa returns the next night, because her grandfather was recently interned and if the lights are just kids being jerks she wants to put an end to it. But after a fall and a strange encounter she just might be seeing life and death in a whole new way. An inspiring story from Linden.

At the End of His Tether 

The only science fiction offering in the collection Keiser’s story is one of family, family and service. It is also about maturing and finding your place in the work. Philip wants to show that he can help, that he brings value that he can contribute. He is desperate to do so. He wants to be part of the crew that attends the graves on the hull of the ship on All Souls’ Day. No matter the risk

The Far End of the Cemetery 

This story begins with a spark and grows into flames. A story about the power of prayer and intercession. A story of hope, and of desire. A wonderful story that I serious hope becomes part of a bigger novel.

As I have previously mentioned this is a great collection of short stories. I really could not pick a favourite or least favourite. Each story is very well written. And I thoroughly enjoyed them all. 

For fans of any of the authors in this collection, you need to pick this book up to read their contribution. For readers who love remarkable stories, this collection is for you also. And if you want some great reads that are clean Catholic fiction this is the book for you. This anthology is excellent!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

Links to other reviews of books by the contributors:

Anthologies from the Catholic Teen Books Authors:
Secrets Visible & Invisible 7 Amazing Stories 
Gifts Visible & Invisible 8 Christmas Stories for Teens
Treasures: Visible & Invisible 8 Stories for Teens 

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