Tuesday 17 September 2024

St. Michael The Archangel History, Lent and Prayers - Maria Alinne Costa

St. Michael The Archangel: 
History, Lent and Prayers
Inspirativa Editora

St. Michael The Archangel History, Lent and Prayers - Maria Alinne Costa

I picked up this volume because Father Mike Schmitz posted a video on St Michael’s Lent. I tried searching up some information about it and this was the only volume in English I could find. Fortunately it is a concise book, and I was able to read it in 2 sittings and begin the devotion. It is a wonderful little volume. And It has instructions for doing the devotion at various points in the year.

The description of this volume is:

“Devotion to Archangel Saint Michael represents, within the heart of the Holy Church, a guarantee of victory over the forces of evil. Many know him only by name, unaware of his history and the significance of his mission in defending the Faith and the Catholic Church, protecting God's people, and guarding the souls destined for Heaven. This booklet was written with the purpose of presenting Archangel Michael in the light of Sacred Scriptures and the Church's Tradition, recounting his deeds, highlighting his decisive role in the fight against malevolent powers, and, above all, emphasizing his immense faithfulness to God, which we are also invited to emulate. In a simple and straightforward way, this publication provides an itinerary for cultivating with fearless a true and sublime devotion to Saint Michael the Archangel who, together with the other Angels of the Heavenly Court, intercedes for each of us in front of the Throne of Grace.”

About the author we are informed:

“Maria Alinne Costa is a writer and master in Philosophy. She loves researching, meditating and writing on topics related to Theology, Philosophy, Catholic Spirituality and Simplicity. She believes that each human being carries within them a unique message to be shared with the world, and decided to spread hers through writing.”

The chapters and sections in this volume are:

Who is Saint Michael The Archangel?
Origin of Lent of Saint Michael Archangel
The Power of Devotion to Saint Michael Archangel
Instructions for Well Praying Lent
Prayers for Every Day of Lent
     Invocation of the Holy Trinity
     Opening Prayer - Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
     Litany to Saint Michael
     Then pray (Instructions)
     Act of Consecration to St Michael the Archangel
     Our Lady, Queen of Angels
     Final Prayer
     The Angelic Crown or Chaplet
Saint Michael the Archangel Novena

I only highlighted a couple of passages while reading this little volume. They are:

“Saint Francis often prayed this prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, deliver the souls of all the departed from the pains of hell and the deep abyss, free them from the jaws of the lion, so that they may not be prey of tartarus and may not fall into darkness; but let Saint Michael the standard-bearer lead them to the holy light that you promised to Abraham and his descendants.””

“By inaugurating the time of devotion and grace that is the Lent dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, Saint Francis teaches us to pray incessantly and to seek in the Prince of the Celestial Militia the necessary strength to win the good fight with an unshakeable faith in the power of God and His unparalleled love, revealed through the sacrifice of His Son, Our Lord Jesus.”

This was a fascinating little read. The material was presented in a clear and concise manner. It was easy to understand. And To be honest anyone from about grad 7 or 8 up could read this and benefit from it. My son (16) and I are doing St Michael’s Lent together and this has proved an great resource.

I loved this little volume, and plan on picking up the only other volume from Costa that is available in English. And hope that the other three that are available in Portuguese are eventually released in English! I great booklet I can easily recommend!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Maria Alinne Costa:
31 Days with Mary

In Portuguese:
25 Orações de Poder para Vencer a Ansiedade
31 Dias com Maria
Via Sacra: Meditar a Paixão de Cristo
Santo Agostinho: A Interioridade como caminho para a verdadeira Felicidade
São Miguel Arcanjo: História, Quaresma e Orações

31 Days With Mary - Maria Alinne Costa

St. Michael The Archangel History, Lent and Prayers - Maria Alinne Costa

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