Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Ministering the Word of God - Father Allen Morris - CTS Books

Ministering the Word of God
Father Allen Morris
Catholic Truth Society
CTS Booklet LT13

Ministering the Word of God - Father Allen Morris - CTS Books

Over the last number of years I have read over 400 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society I have loved the vast majority of them. This is one of a few books that released in 20204 in support of the new Lectionary being released in England and Wales. For that New Lectionary they are switching from the Jerusalem Bible to the Catholic Edition of the English Standard Version (ESV). It has been interesting to watch this process from across the pond. And thought I do not attend a church that will use this new lectionary, being in Canada, I am greatly intrigued by the process. I loved reading Bishop Hugh Gilbert’s volume, Hearing Christ’s Voice A New Lectionary for the Church, and this volume is a great continuation of that.  

The description of this volume states:

“This brief introduction to the liturgical ministry of Reader explains how the Liturgy of the Word works and its place in the life of the Church as well as giving guidelines for Ministers of the Word at Mass and leaders of children’s liturgy and Lectio Divina.

Revised and expanded to mark the introduction of the new Lectionary in England, Scotland and Wales, this brief introduction to the Liturgical Ministry of Reader answers the most important questions for those who proclaim the Word of God to the faithful. Explaining how the Liturgy of the Word works and its place in the life of the Church this booklet includes guidelines for Ministers of the Word at Mass, leaders of Liturgy of the Word with Children and leaders of Divine Prayer and Lectio Divina.

COMPANION ITEM: The Word is Very Near to You, a workbook for the training and formation of Ministers of the Word.

For parishes wanting to help the faithful understand the changes to the Lectionary, we recommend Hearing Christ's Voice instead.”

The chapters in this volume is:

Extract from Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass 
Liturgical Ministry: What is Liturgy?
What is Ministry? 
A Theology of the Mass 
The Theology of the Word 
The Liturgy of the Mass as it Relates to the Ministry of Reader 
Guidelines for Ministers of the Word at Mass, Leaders of Liturgy of the Word with Children, and Leaders of Liturgy of the Word and Lectio Divina 
Order for the Blessing of Readers 
Additional Resources to Support the Ministry of the Word

About the author we are informed:

“Fr Allen Morris is a Parish Priest in the Archdiocese of Birmingham and former Secretary of the Department of Christian Life and Worship of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.”

I highlighted numerous passages while reading this volume, some of them are:

“Christ's Word gathers the People of God as one and increases and sustains them. This applies above all to The Liturgy of the Word in the celebration of Mass: there is an inseparable union between the proclamation of the death of the Lord, the response of the people listening, and the offering through which Christ has confirmed the New Covenant in his blood.”

“In the Liturgy of the Word, the congregation of the faithful still today receives from God the Word of his covenant through the faith that comes by hearing. The must respond to that Word in the same faith so that more and more they may become the people of the New Covenant.”

“When they hear the Word of God and reflect deeply on it, the faithful receive the power to respond to it actively with full faith, hope, and charity through prayer and self-giving, and not only during Mass but in their entire Christian life. (Cf. Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass 44-48)”

“Liturgy is the public worship of the Church. It is first and foremost a participation in Christ's worship of the Father, and it is in this worship that the Church is most evidently herself.”

“Liturgy is always something more than just what we happen to do in this place, here and now. It is always a work of the whole Church. It is most fundamentally the participation of the whole Church, the Body of Christ, in the worship offered to God the Father by God the Son, Jesus Christ. It is a work that is visible here on earth but which is, invisible to us, shared in also by saints and angels.”

“The passage reminds us of several things.

• The Mass is firmly established in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus's Passion, death and resurrection.
• The Mass is about the gift of Jesus's Body and Blood, the new covenant offered to us. The Mass is an expression of the Tradition of the Church, handed on through the Church down the ages, and presently entrusted to us.
• Our participation in the Mass - especially in the eating and drinking of the Lord's Body and Blood – is a memorial, an active remembering, of him. And our participation means that we here and now proclaim and witness to our faith in His saving death.”

“The transformative power of the Eucharist however does not depend only on the enthusiasm and personal commitment of those Christians present to celebrate at any particular place or time. Most importantly it depends on the real presence of Christ in, for, and with that community. Our new life, gifted to us in the Eucharist, is His present gift.”

“This real presence of Christ- in all its various modes – is extraordinary. It is a grace of the Paschal Mystery. It is truth that enables all Liturgy to be the occasion of a new personal encounter between the risen Lord and the community of disciples: an encounter as real as those of which we read in the Gospels - and including in it just the same encouragement and challenge.”

“The celebration of the Liturgy of the Word prepares us for the central action of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist: for the prayer of Thanksgiving in which the Sacrifice of Jesus becomes present in the act of consecration, through the ministry of the priest, is re-presented to the Father, and then shared with us in Holy Communion.”

“Thus nourished, thus sustained, in the Concluding Rites the community prays, grateful for what has been shared with it and knowing itself newly called to be the Body of Christ for the World.”

“The Scriptures are part of the Tradition handed on to us. They require interpretation but in interpreting Scripture we need to ensure that we read and interpret in communion with the Church, and guided by the Spirit.”

“Christ is present to us in His Word not simply to be present, but to enable our more faithful living not as disciples only but as missionary disciples.”

“The Scriptures proclaimed at Mass can be seen as nourishment not only for during the Mass but as food we take away with us, to continue listening to and praying with in the days to come.”

“Ministers of the Word will of course need to read and pray their readings before Mass, to discern their meaning and consider how best to proclaim them. However the wider congregation too might be encouraged to familiarise (or re familiarise) itself with the Sunday readings before coming to Mass.”

This was a wonderful book to read. I have only ever served as a reader on a few occasions when Father specifically asked me to. Because of my dyslexia I am always nervous. But reading this little volume that is intended to be a primer for those who do, and for some of the rubrics around it in the UK was fascinating. 

I greatly enjoyed this book and can easily recommend it for anyone who wants to understand the process better. It is an excellent resource from the Catholic Truth Society.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Books by Father Allen Morris:
Ministering Communion
Celebrating Your Marriage in the Catholic Church
A Prayer book for the Jubilee Year of Mercy
Holy Communion of the Sick

Hearing Christ’s Voice A New Lectionary for the Church - Bishop Hugh Gilbert, OSB

The Word is Very Near to You - Father Allen Morris - CTS Books

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