Saturday 19 October 2024

Prayer of the Day Prayer to Joan of Arc

Prayer to Saint Joan of Arc
Prayer of the Day  

Sometimes, I don’t say the things that should be said,
or hesitate to ask for forgiveness because I fear rejection.
Instruct me in your ways, Lord.
Sustain me when I do not understand exactly what you are asking of me.
Give me a heart that is quick to obey.
Correct me when my judgment is in error.
Keep me from sin.
Lord, teach me to know your commands.
Inspire me with the urgency of your purpose.
Empower me to overcome any obstacles that arise.
Reassure me when I am uncertain.
Reveal the nature of true obedience to me.
Prepare me to accept any sacrifices I must make.
Show me how to keep your will at the centre of my life.
Reign as king over all my decisions and deeds.
And keep me always in your service.
Joan of Arc Pray for us. 

Prayer of the Day Prayer to Joan of Arc

This prayer comes from the above pictured book (top):

Born to Do This: 30 Days with Joan of Arc
Great Spiritual Teachers
ISBN 9781646803606 
eISBN 9781646803613 

I only encountered this prayer in the fall of 2024, I am working through the eBook mentioned above, and have given my youngest the physical book. Joan was her confirmation saint. There is a prayer each day in the volume, but this one really struck me, and I immediately added it to my daily prayers.

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