Saturday, 30 November 2024

Essential Prayers for the Dead - Mary Leonora Wilson FSP

Essential Prayers for the Dead
Mary Leonora Wilson FSP
ISBN 9780819883858
eISBN 9780819883865

Essential Prayers for the Dead - Mary Leonora Wilson FSP

I was fascinated by this book from when I first saw it announced many months before publication. Over the last few years, Purgatory and prayers for the dead have kept coming up in both the fiction and nonfiction I have been reading. And I really wanted to read this volume during the month of November when that is a focus within the Catholic tradition. The description of the paperback, eBook and kindle versions states:

“Jesus invites us to trust in his mercy and to hope in the Resurrection, especially in the face of death. We embrace this invitation every time we intercede for the Holy Souls who are joyfully awaiting heaven—both our own loved ones who have gone before us and the souls in purgatory whom we never had the chance to meet on this earth.

This collection of traditional and contemporary prayers draws from the Bible and the wisdom of the Church. May these essential prayers strengthen your relationship with those who have died and enliven your faith in the Resurrection and God’s loving mercy.

Intercede for the holy souls with this pocket-sized collection of prayers for the dead, featuring an explanation of Church teaching on purgatory; practical ways to help departed loved ones and to prepare for your own death; and traditional and contemporary prayers from Scripture, the saints, and the wisdom of the Church. Perfectly sized for prayer and travel, Essential Prayers for the Dead is an invaluable companion for Catholics committed to the spiritual work of mercy of praying for the deceased.”

The book received the:
Nihil Obstat:
Reverend Joseph Briody, S.S.L., S.T.D.

✠ Seán P. Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Boston
December 20, 2023

I actually ended up picking up 2 digital copies of this volume, one for Kobo and one for Kindle. There were issues with the Kindle release and I picked up the Kobo version and started reading it, but because I prefer the kindle interface once it was available I picked that us as well. I have also recommended it to a few friends. And plan on giving away copies to friends and family. My youngest 2 children each want a physical copy of the book for their prayer corners. . The sections and chapters in this volume are:

I. Purgatory—En Route to Heaven
     What Happens When We Die?
     What Does the Bible Say About Purgatory?
     Why Is It Important to Pray for the Dead?

II. Helping Those Who Have Died
     Twelve Ways to Help Our Beloved Dead
     The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
     The Rosary
     Friendship with the Souls in Purgatory
     Remember Us
     Covenant Prayer
     Prayer of Intercession
     I Promise Never to Forget You

III. Praying with Scripture for the Departed
     Psalms of Comfort (23, 27, 42, 63, 103)
     Penitential Psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143)
     Scripture Texts for Meditation

IV. Prayers for Our Own Beloved Dead
     Prayer for a Deceased Loved One
     Let Me Never Forget
     Prayer for Deceased Parents
     For a Deceased Spouse
     Parent’s Prayer at the Loss of a Child
     For a Departed Sibling
     For a Deceased Friend
     For a Deceased Priest
     Prayer After an Unexpected Death
     Prayer After a Violent Death
     Prayer in Time of Suicide
     For Those Who Gave Their Lives for Others
     Forty Day Prayer

V. Traditional Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory
     Eternal Rest Prayer
     Prayer of Saint Gertrude
     Heroic Act of Love
     Morning Offering for the Souls in Purgatory
     For the Faithful Departed
     Second-Century Prayer for the Dead
     The Seven Days Prayer for the Dead
     Offering of Christ’s Passion
     Offering of the Five Wounds of Jesus
     Byzantine Prayer for the Deceased
     Maronite Prayer for the Departed
     A Syriac Prayer for the Dead
     Litany for the Faithful Departed
     Litany for the Souls in Purgatory
     The Lord’s Prayer for the Departed

VI. Recommended Practices on Behalf of the Deceased
     Prayer for the Dead Before Mass
     Prayer for the Dead at the Offertory
     Prayer for the Dead After Mass
     Prayer at a Cemetery
     On the Anniversary of Death
     Stations of the Cross
     Novena Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Liguori
     Chaplet of Divine Mercy
     Chaplet to Jesus for the Souls in Purgatory
     Prayer of a Hundred Eternal Rests
     All Souls’ Day Prayer

VII. Mary, Gate of Heaven
     Rosary for the Faithful Departed
     Prayers of the Rosary
     The Joyful Mysteries
     The Luminous Mysteries
     The Sorrowful Mysteries
     The Glorious Mysteries
     The Memorare
     Litany to Our Lady, Help of the Souls in Purgatory
     Hail Mary for the Souls in Purgatory
     To Our Lady of Intercession
     To Our Lady of Sorrows
     To Our Lady of Mount Carmel
     Mary, Gate of Heaven
     Novena to God Through Mary for the Souls in Purgatory
     In Honor of Mary’s Seven Sorrows
     In Honor of Mary’s Seven Joys

VIII. Preparing for Heaven
     Means to Grow in Relationship with God and Shorten Purgatory
     Invocations for a Holy Death
     For Perseverance Until Death
     To God Our Father
     To Jesus for Protection
     Prayer for Mercy
     To Jesus Crucified
     Anima Christi
     Lead My Soul to Heaven
     To Saint Joseph for a Happy Death
     To My Guardian Angel

List of Contributors

The contributors are:

Blessed James Alberione, SSP
Saint Gertrude of Helfta
Benedict Groeschel, CFR
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Saint John Chrysostom
Saint John Paul II
Saint Faustina Kowalska
Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Blessed Mary of Providence
Saint Mechtilde of Hackeborn
Saint John Henry Newman
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino
Saint Odilo of Cluny
Saint Paul VI
Karl Rahner, SJ
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi
Mary Leonora Wilson, FSP

The compiler of the volume, Mary Leonora Wilson, FSP composed 17 of the prayers in the volume. But this is much more then a collection of prayers. Each chapter has teaching at the beginning of throughout. It gives historical and biblical background to the practice and some of the specific prayers and devotions. I only highlighted a few passages or prayers my first time through this book, some of them are:

“This book is a tribute to all who have gone before us, living this pilgrimage called life to the best of their ability, not perfectly but sincerely and full of hope in the promise of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a booklet for all who mourn a loss and want to continue to help their loved ones and experience their nearness. May these texts and prayers help you to draw closer to those who have died and increase your faith in the resurrection of the dead and in the loving mercy of God. God bless you.”

“And in a last moment unperceived by us, they may have silently reached out to God for help, asking for mercy. God rejects no one who turns to him, as the dying thief on Calvary witnesses (see Lk 23:43). Thus, it is always important to pray for our dead. Divine mercy desires to liberate all these souls and open to them the gates of heaven as soon as possible—asking our collaboration through prayers and good works. May our love for the deceased compel us to pray for them with Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ, and in Jesus Christ.”

“Let Me Never Forget O God of those who are silently summoning me to enter into your life, never let me forget my dead, my living. May my love and faithfulness to them be a pledge of my belief in you, the God of eternal life. Let me not be deaf to the call of their silence, which is the surest and sincerest word of their love. May this word of theirs continue to accompany me, even after they have taken leave of me to enter into you, for thus their love comes all the closer to me. O my soul, never forget your dead, for they live. And the life they live, now unveiled in eternal light, is your own life, which will one day be revealed also in you. . . . My waning life is becoming more and more a life with the dead. I live more and more with those who have gone before me into the dark night where no one can work. By your life-giving grace, O Lord, let it become ever more a life of faith in your light, shining now dimly in this earthly night. Let me live with the living who have preceded me in the sign of faith, who have gone before me into the bright day of eternal life, when no one need work, because you yourself are this day, the fullness of all reality, the God of the living. When I pray, “Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them,” let my words be only the echo of the prayer of love that they themselves are speaking for me in the silence of eternity. O my soul, never forget the dead. O God of all the living, do not forget me, the dead one, but come one day to be my life, as you are theirs. Amen.
Karl Rahner, SJ”

“Suscipe Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace; that is enough for me. 
Saint Ignatius of Loyola”

“Prayer for Mercy O my Lord and Savior, be merciful to me now that my life is approaching its end and the evening awaits me. My sins are so many. Heal me while I am still on earth, and I shall truly be whole. In your mercy, move me to repent so that I shall not be ashamed when I encounter you in heaven. Amen.”

“To My Guardian Angel My guardian angel, you are always near me, inspiring me to choose the good and strengthening me in the battle against Satan and the forces of evil. Keep me always aware of your presence and mindful of your inspirations. Be with me especially at the last moment of my life. Do not leave me, I beg you, until you see me safe in heaven, praising God and singing his mercies for all eternity. Amen.”

I hope those few quotes give you a feel for this excellent volume. I have added the last three prayers to my daily prayer list. This is the newest in a series of ‘Essential Prayer’ books from Pauline Books and Media. They are:

Essential Healing Prayers 
Essential Spiritual Warfare Prayers 
Essential Eucharistic Adoration Prayers
Essential Prayers for the Dead

Three of the four are edited and compiled by Sister Mary Leonora Wilson. I have had the other two edited by her for a while now but have not got around to reading them. After reading this excellent volume they have jumped way up on ‘my reading list’.

This is an excellent resource that any Catholic would benefit from reading and praying through. It would be great for any school, church, or home library, or for your prayer corner. I highly recommend you pick up this volume and give it a read!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan

For all reviews of prayer books click here.
For all reviews of books from Pauline Books & Media Click here.

Books by Mary Leonora Wilson:
Essential Healing Prayers: For Peace and Strength
Essential Spiritual Warfare Prayers: For Protection and Deliverance

Contributed to Mary Leonora Wilson:

Translated by Mary Leonora Wilson:
Mother Teresa: Saint Among the Poor

Related Posts about Purgatory:


Essential Eucharistic Adoration Prayers - Marie Paul Curley FSP

Essential Prayers for the Dead - Mary Leonora Wilson FSP

Essential Spiritual Warfare Prayers - Mary Leonora Wilson FSP

Essential Healing Prayers - Mary Leonora Wilson FSP

Friday, 29 November 2024

The Ghost of Halloween Past and Other Catholic Tales from the Edge - Joseph Cillo Jr.

The Ghost of Halloween Past and Other Catholic Tales from the Edge
Infornuity Publishing
ISBN 9781942590484
eISBN 9781942590491

The Ghost of Halloween Past and Other Catholic Tales from the Edge - Joseph Cillo Jr.

This was one of a few seasonal volumes I picked up for Hallowtide that were recommended by Catholic Reads in their newsletter. I had never heard of the author but the cover was intriguing and the description grabbed my interest. The description states:

“Make Halloween Catholic again!

For centuries, Halloween had been a Catholic holiday, All Hallows Eve. Isn't it high time we got back to telling tales of Catholic horror where the enemy is the devil and his demons, and failure means an eternity in hell?

This collection of ten Edgy Catholic tales will keep you on the edge of your seat, whether it's Halloween or any other spooky night when the moon is full...

Follow along as a mysterious child haunts a woman's dreams in The Ghost of Halloween Past, or witness a painter complete a killer work of art in The Self-Portrait of Andre Duvall. And don't miss out on Home for Christmas, where a man is forced to confront his past during the holiday season. These and other thrilling stories will leave you wanting more.

The Ghost of Halloween Past and Other Catholic Tales from the Edge is a collection of short stories written by Joseph Cillo Jr. that include preternatural and speculative elements and are meant to be spooky.

Experience the horror from a Catholic perspective!”

The stories in the collection are:

Trigger Warnings:
The Ghost of Halloween Past
The Self-Portrait of Andre Duvall
Home for Christmas
Cellar Door
The Devil’s Hour
The Propagandist of Death
The End of Justice
Memento Mori
The God Killer
The Devil Smokes Marlboros
The End?

I laughed out loud at the warning:

“Any reader who needs a trigger warning for anything should not read this book. The stories deal with edgy material, and while there is no foul language nor nudity, any number of other things might trigger a sensitive reader.”

The preface begins with these words:

“The great Catholic writer, Flannery O’Connor once wrote:
“The novelist with Christian concerns will find in modern life distortions which are repugnant to him, and his problem will be to make these appear as distortions to an audience which is used to seeing them as natural; and he may be forced to take ever more violent means to get his vision across to this hostile audience. When you can assume that your audience holds the same beliefs you do, you can relax a little and use more normal ways of talking about it; when you have to assume that it does not, then you have to make your vision apparent by shock—to the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost blind you draw large and startling figures.”
That bit of wisdom was originally published in 1957. If Catholic writers required shouting and large and startling figures to get their point across in 1957, what might be required in 2024? Perhaps a hard slap in the face?”

Each story in this collection was the result of a Reedsy Prompt. Before each story the author give a quick highlight, the prompt he was working from and a link to get prompts for your own writing. There is also an image for that specific story.

I was surprised by a number of stories in this collection. The stories are pretty hard hitting. Reminds me of Declan Finn but not as smooth. The definitely push the boundary. Some of the stories have very stark and moving events. I found The Ghost of Halloween Past very moving. I was surprised by the twist in The Self-Portrait of Andre Duvall. I absolutely did not see the ending coming in Home for Christmas. And I really enjoyed The Devil Smokes Marlboros. 

It was a solid 4/5 stars for my first read by the author. And the stories show a range of the genres he writes in. I would be willing to give another of his works a try. But not for all readers, and I would only recommend for older teens, young adults or up. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Joseph Cillo Jr.:
Merry Friggin’ Christmas: An Edgy Christmas Comedy
Merry Friggin’ Christmas: An Edgy Christmas Comedy – Naughty Edition

Blind Prophet Series:
Episode 1: A Prophet Is Born
Episode 2: Spiritual Warfare
Episode 3: The Prophet Goes To Washington
Episode 4: The Great Demon Of Pride
Blind Prophet, Part 1 (Episodes 1-4)

Elektra Voltare Series:
Blessed with Awful
Eve of the Memes
Instrument of God
Elektra Voltare Complete Series

When the Wood is Dry Series:
Call of the Innocent
Omnibus Editions:
When the Wood Is Dry: An Edgy Catholic Thriller
When the Wood Is Dry: An Edgy Catholic Thriller – Catholic Edition

Thursday, 28 November 2024

31 Days with Mary - Maria Alinne Costa

31 Days with Mary
Inspirativa Editora

31 Days With Mary - Maria Alinne Costa

This is one of only two volumes available from Maria Alinne Costa in English. She currently has 4 available in Portuguese. I picked up the other volume St. Michael the Archangel History, Lent and Prayers, because of Father Mike Schmitz posted a video on St Michael’s Lent. I loved that one so much I picked this up and began reading it the day I finished the St Michael volume.

The description of this volume is:

“Mary, the most sublime of all creatures, dreamed by God to be the mother of his beloved Son, lived all the virtues with excellence and her soul is a cradle of holiness. Many saints were trained at the school of Mary. Those who listen to her advice, and imitate her example, climb the steps that lead to Christian perfection with determination. The school of Mary is the school of the humble, of those who recognize the value of a mother's prayer for her children and never tire of praying for the help of the Blessed Virgin.

This book has thirty-one meditations, and at the end of each, there is a prayer. It can be started at any time, regardless of the month or day. Being with Mary over the next thirty-one days will be a unique opportunity to meditate on the life and virtues of the Mother of God and let herself be guided by her towards her Son Jesus.”

About the author we are informed:

“Maria Alinne Costa is a writer and master in Philosophy. She loves researching, meditating and writing on topics related to Theology, Philosophy, Catholic Spirituality and Simplicity. She believes that each human being carries within them a unique message to be shared with the world, and decided to spread hers through writing.”

The chapters and sections in this volume are:

Hail Holy Queen
Day 1 - Mary's Faith
Day 2 - The Holiness of Mary
Day 3 - Mary's Humility
Day 4 - Mary's Obedience
Day 5 - Mary's Patience
Day 6 - Mary's Fidelity
Day 7 - Mary's Prayer
Day 8 - The Purity of Mary
Day 9 - Mary's Modesty
Day 10 - Mary's Fortress
Day 11- Mary's Love for God
Day 12 - Mary's Love for her Neighbor
Day 13 - Mary's Service
Day 14 - Mary's Piety
Day 15 - The Wisdom of Mary
Day 16 - Mary's Advice
Day 17 - Mary's Silence
Day 18 - The Joy of Mary
Day 19 - The Meekness of Mary
Day 20 - Mary's Prudence
Day 21 - The Sweetness of Mary
Day 22 - Mary's Mercy
Day 23 - Mary's Perseverance
Day 24 - Mary’s Peace
Day 25 - Mary's Serenity
Day 26 - Mary's Gratitude
Day 27 - Mary's Poverty
Day 28 - Mary's Justice
Day 29 - Mary's Trust
Day 30 - The Beauty of Mary
Day 31 - Mary's Hope

I only highlighted one passage while reading this little volume. It is:

“Mary's faith is alive and does not encounter obstacles in the difficulties that arise throughout her life. From the birth of the baby Jesus in a stable, without any comfort; to her flight to Egypt to protect her Son from Herod's clutches; to Simeon's revelation that a sword would pierce her soul; and even when Jesus faced persecution during His public life, abandonment by His friends and, in the end, being crucified and killed; in each of these moments, even though she didn't fully understand the plans of divine providence, the Blessed Virgin's faith was an immense beacon pushing back the darkness of unbelief.”

A sample day is:

Day 13

After the Angel Gabriel's annunciation, Mary could have continued in her little house, taking care of her things, while waiting for the child to be born. However, the Blessed Virgin, who had lovingly, voluntarily and selflessly consecrated herself totally to the Lord's service and also made herself the servant of others out of love, when she heard that her elderly cousin Elizabeth was pregnant, had no doubts, got up and hurried to the city of Judah, located in a mountainous region, very far from where she lived.

When she learned of her cousin's need, Mary didn't wait. She forgot herself and went to meet Elizabeth to serve her with her holy care for three months. The visit was an opportunity for Mary, as well as helping her cousin, to share the grace she had just received. The mere presence of Mary, carrying the blessed fruit in her womb, filled the house with the Holy Spirit. As soon as Elizabeth heard her greeting, the child in her womb, John the Baptist, shuddered with joy.

Mary is the faithful servant; she puts herself at the disposal of God and her brothers and sisters readily, that is, willingly. The Holy Mother does what the Lord asks of her, with ease and without indolence or laziness, as many of us, when we don't run away from the service that God proposes to us, usually do. No matter how difficult or painful the work the Lord offered her, Mary refused none of it; she renounced everything out of love, including herself, so that God's name would be glorified through her service.

Following the example of her Son, who, being God, did not take advantage of His divine condition, but stripped Himself of it to take on the condition of a slave, a humble and suffering servant, becoming obedient to the point of death on a cross (Philippians 2, 6-8), Mary did not consider the privilege of being the Mother of the Savior and made herself the servant of humanity. The Blessed Virgin came to serve, imitating the footsteps of Christ who “also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10, 45): this is also our destiny while we are in this world.

If we want to achieve spiritual greatness and perfection in love, if we want to be the first in the Kingdom of Heaven, let us be the last, those who serve everyone (Mark 10, 43-44). Mary reached perfection in love because she reached perfection in service, with courage, simplicity and without murmuring, always trusting that God does not give us a cross greater than we can bear.

Most faithful servant of the Most High God, Virgin Mary, many times I stopped serving God and my neighbor with good will and joy. With a closed and selfish heart, I thought only of myself and my needs, of being served rather than serving. O my precious Mother, seeing how zealously and carefully you welcome and serve the multitude of your children, including me, I feel ashamed of not imitating such sublime self-giving. Teach me, beloved Mother, to serve as you do, with willingness, good will and beauty, without grumbling and giving thanks to God for everything. May my service reflect in the world the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose self-giving was total and unreserved. Blessed Mother, I ask you to accompany me and enlighten me on this journey of growth in love for God and for my brothers and sisters. Amen.”

This was a wonderful little read. It was very hard to stick to just one day at a time. I did miss a few days while sick, but loved working through this volume. I hope that sample day give you a feel for this book.

I loved this little book, and plan on picking up any future volumes from Costa that become available in English. And hope that the other three that are available in Portuguese are eventually released in English! A great book I can easily recommend!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Maria Alinne Costa:

In Portuguese:
25 Orações de Poder para Vencer a Ansiedade
31 Dias com Maria
Via Sacra: Meditar a Paixão de Cristo
Santo Agostinho: A Interioridade como caminho para a verdadeira Felicidade
São Miguel Arcanjo: História, Quaresma e Orações

31 Days With Mary - Maria Alinne Costa

St. Michael The Archangel History, Lent and Prayers - Maria Alinne Costa

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers - Ave Maria Press

The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers
ISBN 9781646802265    
eISBN 9781646802272
The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers   Ave Maria Press

I was intrigued by this volume from the first moment I saw it. I picked up the eBook as soon as it was available, and after a few days of reading ordered the hardback to have on my bedside table. I worked my way through it over a month praying my way from beginning to end. 

The description of this volume states:

“The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers is an indispensable keepsake of classic and contemporary prayers that every Catholic should know. 

This timeless resource includes a variety of devotions, psalms, and litanies that showcase the diversity of voices and traditions that have been part of the Catholic Church for more than two thousand years. 

The hardcover, full-color volume contains all of your favorite prayers and some that will become familiar over time, including:   

• essential prayers, such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, creeds, and Confiteor;
• prayers for talking with God throughout the day;
• prayers for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion;
• devotions and consecrations to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; and
• prayers from saints for each of the five main forms of prayer listed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church--prayers of blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.

Elegant, vintage lithographs and engravings taken from traditional prayer books, psalters, and Bibles and presented in a contemporary design add to the beauty of the book. 

An index makes it easy to find prayers based on the saint or topic of devotion.”

The chapters and sections in the book are:

General Prayers
     The Sign of the Cross
     The Our Father (The Lord’s Prayer)
     Hail Mary
     Glory Be
     O My Jesus Prayer
     The Jesus Prayer
     Te Deum
     Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit)
     The Apostles’ Creed
     The Nicene Creed
     Act of Spiritual Communion—St. Alphonsus Liguori
     Act of Faith
     Act of Hope
     Act of Charity
     Prayer for the Faithful Departed
     Angel of God
     Litany of Saints
     Prayer to the Holy Family—Pope Francis

Daily Prayers for Speaking with God throughout the Day
     Morning Prayers
     Prayers before Work
     Midday Prayers
     Afternoon Prayer
     Evening Prayer
     Bedtime Prayers

Prayers for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
     Have Mercy on Me, O God—Psalm 51:1–2, 10
     Prayer before the Examination of Conscience
     Examination of Conscience Based on the Ten Commandments
     Examination of Conscience Based on the Beatitudes
     Act of Contrition I
     Act of Contrition II—St. Julie Billiart
     Prayer of Heartfelt Penitence and Thanksgiving—Psalm 33:18–22
     O Lord, You Have Searched—Psalm 139:1

Prayers for the Holy Eucharist
     Prayer before Mass—St. Thomas Aquinas
     Thanks Be to God—2 Corinthians 9:15
     This Morning My Soul Is Greater Than the World—St. Margaret of Cortona
     Bread of Heaven—St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
     Anima Christi—St. Ignatius of Loyola
     Prayer of Thanksgiving—Attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas

Prayers for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
     A Day in Your Courts Is Better Than a Thousand Elsewhere—Psalm 84:10
     Here Am I—Exodus 3:4
     Speak, Lord, for Your Servant Hears— 1 Samuel 3:9
     Your Face Is the Only Fatherland for Me— St. Thérèse of Lisieux
     O Salutaris Hostia (O Saving Victim)—St. Thomas Aquinas
     Tantum Ergo—St. Thomas Aquinas
     The Divine Praises

Prayers and Devotions to Jesus Christ
     St. Patrick’s Breastplate
     Take My Heart, Dear Lord—St. Lutgarde of Aywieres
     Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus—St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
     O Heart of Love—St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
     Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
     Divine Mercy Chaplet
     Prayer before a Crucifix
     Prayer before the Crucifix at San Damiano—St. Francis of Assisi
     Behold the Cross of the Lord—St. Anthony of Padua
     Prayer to Christ the King

Prayers and Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary
     Mary, I Love You—St. Philip Neri
     Stabat Mater
     Ave Maris Stella
     The Litany of Loreto
     Memorare—St. Bernard of Clairvaux
     Act of Entrustment to Mary—St. John Paul II
     Totus Tuus Prayer—St. John Paul II
     Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas
     The Holy Rosary

Prayers and Devotions to St. Joseph
     Litany of St. Joseph
     St. Joseph Memorare
     Prayer to St. Joseph, Man of Silence—Pope Francis
     Prayer to Sleeping St. Joseph
     St. Joseph, Just Man and Husband of Mary—Pope Francis
     St. Joseph, Father in Tenderness—Pope Francis
     Prayer to St. Joseph for the Protection of Workers—Pope Francis
     St. Joseph, Guardian of the Pure in Heart

Prayers of Blessing
     Prayer of Blessing to Be Used in Various Circumstances
     Blessing of a Family
     Blessing of a Married Couple
     Blessing of Children
     Blessing of a New Home
     Blessing of Homes during the Christmas and Easter Seasons
     Blessing on the Anniversary of a Baptism
     Blessing on the Occasion of a Birthday
     Godparent’s Blessing of a Child
     Blessing of an Engaged Couple
     Blessing of the Sick
     Blessing of a Person Suffering from Addiction
     Blessing of the Elderly
     Blessing of Those Who Are Homebound
     Prayer with the Dying
     Prayer for the Dead

Petitionary Prayers: Drawing Close to the Lord in Times of Need
     Abba, Father—Mark 14:36
     Grant Me the Favor I Implore—St. John Eudes
     Prayer of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
     Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ—St. Richard of Chichester
     God of Life—St. Augustine
     Bookmark of St. Teresa of Avila

Prayers for Deliverance
     St. Michael the Archangel
     Lord, I Cannot Do This Unless You Enable Me—Br. Lawrence
     The Dragon Is Here Again—St. Gregory Nanzianzus
     Prayer for Times of Illness—St. John Bosco

Prayers for Special Graces
     Serenity Prayer—Attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr
     Litany of Humility—Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val y Zulueta
     Litany of Trust—Sr. Faustina Maria Pia
     Prayer of Trust and Confidencee— St. Padre Pio
     Although My Frailty Is Great—Servant of God Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez
     Into Your Hands—Servant of God Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez

Prayers of Surrender to God’s Loving Will
     If You Want It, I Want It Too—Bl. Chiara Badano
     O Jesus, I Surrender Myself to You—Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo
     Lord, Give Me the Grace to Welcome the Grace—
          Servant of God Chiara Corbella     Petrillo
     Prayer for Generosity—St. Ignatius of Loyola

Prayers for the Grace of Forgiveness
     Prayer for Understanding—
          Adapted from the Novena for Forgiveness to St. Josemaría Escrivá
     Prayer Asking for Mary’s Help Forgiving Another—
          Adapted from the Novena for Forgiveness to St. Josemaría Escrivá

Intercessory Prayers
     Grant Us Your Help and Protection—St. Clement of Rome
     Prayer for Marriage and Families—St. John Paul II
     Prayer for Christian Unity
     Prayer for the Church through Mary’s Intercession—St. John Paul II
     Prayer for Vocations—St. Paul VI
     Prayer for Seminarians—St. Thérèse of Lisieux
     Prayer for Priests—Pope Benedict XVI
     Prayer for Priests through Mary’s Intercession—
          Attributed to St. Teresa of Calcutta
     Prayer for Souls—St. Gertrude
     Prayer for Our Country—
          Servant of God Theotonius Amal Ganguly
     Prayer for Peace—Pope Francis
     Prayer for Marginalized Persons
     Prayer to Cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s Movement in the World—
          Servant of God Thea Bowman
     Prayer for Breaking Racial and Social Barriers—
          Servant of God Thea Bowman
     Prayer for Healing for Victims of Abuse
     Prayer for Community
     Prayer for the Life and Dignity of the Human Person
     Prayer to End Abortion—Priests for Life
     Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
     Prayer to Care for Our Common Home—Pope Francis

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Praise
     Act of Thanksgiving
     Act of Adoration
     We Give Thanks to God—St. John Chrysostom
     For All the Times You Have Delivered Us—
          Servant of God Thea Bowman


In the introduction we are informed:

“This exquisite collection of prayers—150 of them—has been carefully curated to represent the truly “catholic” nature of the Church, with prayers from every corner of the world and from throughout her history. Slip this book into your pocket or handbag to refer to throughout the day. Let it guide you in praying not only the prayers you ought to know (General Prayers) but also the prayers you need, when you need them most. You will find, too, a scattering of quotes from the saints—each a role model of personal prayer—to inspire you to offer up your own intentions. (If you would like a place to write these down, as a record of your own prayer journey, pick up a copy of The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal.)”

When this arrived my youngest two children immediately asked for a copy for their prayer corners. I can easily understand their interest. It is a well-made and very beautiful. The volume is printed in tricolour; black, gold, and blue. It is a great size 5 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches. It is a volume that should last a lifetime. There are many prayers and the index makes it easy to search and find prayers for specific needs or from specific saints. 

This is a great volume that would be a perfect to any home library or prayer corner. I can easily recommend this little volume.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!

The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers - Ave Maria Press  Sample 1

The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers - Ave Maria Press  Sample 2

Other books from Ave Maria Press:
The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration
The Ave Guide to the Scriptural Rosary
The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers
The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Barbara Calamari
Fair Winds Pr
ISBN 9781931412322

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua Cover Kit

I stumbled upon another volume by this writing team and have since reading that first one tracked down all but 1 in digital format. Because of a dual form of dyslexia I greatly prefer eBooks. The first volume I read was all about Holy Cards, and it was a fascinating read. There are three editions of this work I can find released between 2004 and 2015. The was a box set Prayer Kit, a hard cover edition of just the book and then the eBook edition I read. 

The description of this volume states:

“She is exalted above angels. She is the Mother of All, offering her protection and comfort to all creation. This inspiring story of Our Lady of Guadalupe -- and Juan Diego's miraculous vision -- reveals a message of pure love and compassion.
Since the Virgin Mary's apparition on a Mexican hilltop in 1531, countless miracles have been attributed to her assistance. Unlike other visions of Mary throughout the world, the appearances of Our Lady are not shadowed in eerie mystery. She is very real, and the cloth impressed with her image has become the most popular shrine in the world, attracting up to 10 million pilgrims a year.

Beautifully illustrated in full color, this intriguing book includes nine novena prayers to bring the ritual of prayer and the legend of Our Lady of Guadalupe into your home.”

The chapters in this book are:

“Am I Not Your Mother?” 
The Story Of The Apparition 
Why Guadalupe? 
The Two Religions 
The Tilma And It’s Meaning 
Guadalupe And The World 
Novena Prayers 
Bibliography and Credits 

I have read about Guadalupe before but this volume brought it to life in a whole new way. I had never encountered the witness accounts prior to reading this volume, and the extensive use of the image in art, architecture and culture. I was also unaware of the ever growing worldwide devotion. And throughout the book are photos or the image of Guadalupe from a wide variety of usages. It was a great little read.

I will note the formatting on the eBook is not perfect. But the volume is so good I still gave it a solid 5/5 stars. This is an excellent little volume. I absolutely loved working through it and will likely read it again. It does a wonderful job of providing information about this apparition, its history, an English text of the witness and a collection of prayers. It is a great book I can easily recommend for home, school, or church library!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua Cover Kit

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua Cover eBook

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua Cover Hardcover

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua Sample 1

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua Sample 2

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua Sample 3

Books by Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua:
Our Lady of Guadalupe in a Box: A Novena Prayer Kit (2002)
Holy Cards (2004)
Patron Saints: A Feast of Holy Cards (2007)

Books by Barbara Calamari:
The Bible Companion: The Complete Illustrated Handbook to the Holy Scriptures

Reviews of other books about Guadalupe:

Monday, 25 November 2024

The Dwarf's Dryad - Cedar Sanderson

The Dwarf's Dryad 
ISBN 9781301608720

The Dwarf's Dryad - Cedar Sanderson

To start at the beginning I first encountered the works of Cedar several years back in Cracked: An Anthology of Eggsellent Chicken Stories, and after reading her piece there knew I had to track down and read more from her pen. I was asked recently why I keep mentioning this anthology in my reviews of Cedar’s books, in part it was just an excellent anthology, in part there are several contributors whom I am trying to read all their books now, and in part because I am so thankful to have stumbled upon Cedar’s works in it! This is the twenty-seventh volume from the masterful pen of Sanderson that I have read. To date everything I have read has been entertaining and some have just been amazing stories. I since found out that she is friends with a number of authors I love and respect. I am working my way through her back catalogue. This is another wonderful and moving story. 

The description of this volume states:

“Short StoryTwo people who share a common plight… His magic holds the key to release both of them, but first, she has to steal it back. It's a good thing she is a professional thief, but it's a bad thing that her target is a witch.”

About Cedar at the back of this volume we are informed:

“Cedar Sanderson, mother of four, family entertainer, student, and author, grew up without television in the Alaskan bush. A remote upbringing with no television, and learning to read at age four have skewed her world toward books. A house full of books and a part-time librarian job keep that going to this very day. She writes what she wants to read herself, and hopes someday her children will like her books. She writes because she can’t help it, gets a story stuck in her head and has to write it out or it bothers her. Which led to enjoying the crafting of stories over the years, but she didn’t seek to become published for a long time – she was content just to write. Now, she’s sharing some of her work.”

This was a moving little story. A young Dwarf trapped away from home his magic slowly dwindling.  A young girl basically a slave and thief to a cruel Lord a nasty witch, and two strangers that meet by chance. A gift given with no strings and a sense of debt. The two quickly share concern for the other and a desire to help if possible. To find out what happens you will need to read this moving short story.  

It is another excellent read from the masterful pen of Sanderson. I have been impressed with all of Sanderson’s writing that I have read including those published under the name of Lilania Begley. I can easily recommend this story if you like it a story told in a classic fantasy style. A wonderful story I can easily recommend.

Books by Cedar Sanderson:
Warp Resonance
One-Eyed Dragon
Snow Angel
Inktail & Friends: A Coloring Book
Voyageur's Cap
Fairy Little Sister
Crow Moon
Zombie Maggots
Poor Gregory

The Groundskeeper Series:

Pixie for Hire Series:
Dragon Noir
Pixie for Hire: Omnibus Edition

Children of Myth Series:
Vulcan's Kittens 
The God’s Wolfling

The Tanager Series:
Jade Star
Tanager's Fledglings 

Witchward Series:
Possum Creek Massacre

Illustrated by Cedar:
Something Wicked #15
Jormungandr's Venom (Fenris Unchained Book 3)
Hunted Behavior
A Time To Die

Contributed to:
The Hearts' Enchantment
Calexit- The Anthology
Supernatural Streets
Something Wicked Anthology, Vol One
Something Wicked #15
Mythic Delirium Magazine Issue 0.4
The Haunted Library Anthology: Volume 1 
But Not Broken - Hope and Healing Book 2
Postcards From Mars - Postcard Stories Book 1
Space Cowboys - Raconteur Press Anthologies Book 4
Space Cowboys 2: Electric Rodeo - Raconteur Press Anthologies Book 5
Twisted Tropes
Steam-Powered Postcards - Postcard Stories Book 2
Space Marines - Raconteur Press Anthologies Book 6
Fanta-Fly Postcards: A Micro-Fiction Collection
Postcards from Foolz: A Micro-Fiction Collection
Falcons of Malta
Space Marines 2 - Raconteur Press Anthologies Book 9
Single Servings of Liberty - Postcard Stories Book 5
Tales From The Occupation: A Fae Wars Book 4

Books as Lilania Begley:
Slice of Pie

Sumire Series:

Bluehills Series:

Contributed to as Lilania Begley:
He Was Dead When I got There