40 Days Freedom Walk Journal:
Volume 2 - St. Mark Includes Fasting Component
This is the twelfth volume I have read by Father Mark Goring, and I have read at twice that number from his Saint Mark’s School or Reading. This was a brand new volume and from the second in a series. It took me over a year to finish this volume. It started great but after an incident with a horse and the better part of a year on crutches or using a cane. Once I got back to walking I finished it and there other two volumes have been long available.
With each volume I have read by Father Mark, I have been blessed and this is an excellent offering well worth picking up. In fact my youngest two children liked the idea so much I picked up copies for them and they are about a week behind me in working through the 40 day.
The description of the book is:
“Congratulations on taking up the 40 Day Freedom Walk Challenge! This challenge is for people who want to be free—free from a bad habit, a stubborn sin, or unwanted attitude.
There are seven keys that will make this program effective.
The first key on this path to freedom is walking every day. Your daily walk can be done in whatever way suits you.
The second key is daily journaling. Journaling every day for 40 days will help you maintain your resolve.”
The sections in the book are:
Seven Keys to Freedom
Other Points
Days 1-41
Each of the days is designed with the same sections and on sets days an extra section for Celebration of milestones. Those sections are:
"Day XX
Do Not Worry About Tomorrow!
Bible Verse
Did I send my daily report?
Good Deed?
Pre-walk Notes:
Post-Walk Notes:
Did I pour out my heart to the Lord?
Did I Listen to the intuition of my heart?
Did I reflect on today's scripture?
What did God say?
Walk highlights:
Destination ideas:
Celebration ideas: "
With checkboxes next to several them or space to write your notes. I admit I struggled with destination ideas and celebration ideas again this time and most were repeats from the first volume. Many repeated them often, some repeat destinations were Knock, Fatima, Compostela, and the Oratory in Montreal. I also made a digital version of the daily template and did my journaling in OneNote.
With checkboxes next to several them or space to write your notes. I admit I struggled with destination ideas and celebration ideas again this time and most were repeats from the first volume. Many repeated them often, some repeat destinations were Knock, Fatima, Compostela, and the Oratory in Montreal. I also made a digital version of the daily template and did my journaling in OneNote.
What I loved most was that this book was life changing for me both spiritually and physically. When I did the first one I really did not expect to make it through the 40 days of walking. A few years back I sprained both my knees a few times over an 18-month period doing Karate with my kids. I had given up on exercising other than weights because they kept swelling up randomly. Doctors said I was too young for replacements so just wait 10 years and take it easy.
Each of the first four weeks I doubled my steps over the starting week. I was 2000 steps week 1, 4000 week 2, 6000 week 3, and 8000 week 4 and am now between 8500 and 12000 a day. And then I experienced injuries again. I started and topped this journal 3 times over the year. But I made it through and am looking to start the next volume soon.
I want to thank Father Mark so much, for the challenge and the inspiration, and that inspiration got me through numerous setbacks over the last year. As mentioned, I bought extra copies of the book and my 12 year old and my 14 year old are doing their own challenge as well. I have gone from under 2000 steps a day to over 8k on average with the first volume, not I am slowy working it back up to that point again. It all starts with the prayer walk. My brother who lives in Kingston has also started walking again even dealing with a back injury from his time in the military. I checked in with my brother and my youngest two each day after my first walk.
Because of my past injuries and work and life schedule some days I have to do 2-4 shorter walks, but I have had walks over 100 minutes in a sitting for the first time in years. And the prayer benefits have been even more rewarding.
I often pray a rosary and divine mercy chaplet along with an audio. And often when doing yard work or cleaning listen to a book. Using this book from Father Mark my first walk or first 30 minutes of a walk is quiet prayer time. No distractions. Just praying and listening.
This book took a good prayer life and made it even better. It helped me get more active for the first time in a few years. And that is having benefits in all other areas of my life. I can easily recommend this book, and guarantee that you will not be the same after the 40 days. It is an amazing resource so pick up a copy or pick up a few and give them to friends and family. I believe this is a book any Catholic, any Christian would benefit from praying through over 40 days!
Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2023 Catholic Reading Plan!
Books by Father Mark Goring:
Journal's by Father Mark:
40 Days Freedom Walk Journal: Volume III St. Luke Workman Edition
40 Days Freedom Walk Journal: Volume IV St. John Life is Good Edition
Notebooks by Father Mark:
Disciple Notebook: Discipleship. Living in the Spirit. Evangelization 2018
Disciple Notebook: Discipleship. Living in the Spirit. Evangelization 2019
Non-English Editions:
San Jose el Protector: Una Preparacion de Nueve Dias para Consagrarse a San Jose
Duc Thanh Giuse Dang Bao Tro: Chin Ngay Chuan Bi de Dang Minh Cho Duc Thanh Giuse
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