Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Blood Country - Declan Finn - Honeymoon from Hell Book 2

Blood Country
Honeymoon from Hell Book 2
Declan Finn
Blood Country - Declan Finn - Honeymoon from Hell Book 2

This is the 50th volume I have read from the pen of Declan Finn, I read most in under a year after first discovering his works. I read them at the pace of about a book a week. This is the second story in the Honeymoon from Hell series, and the sixth story featuring Marco Catalano and Amanda Colt and it is an amazing story. It really packs a punch. It is the first of 5 planned in this series. And from where we leave off in this one, I am cannot imagine what they will get up to next! 

The description of this volume states:


Until death do they part.

After surviving their first stop, Marco and Amanda have arrived in wine country.

Everything should go well.

Assuming the dragon constructs made from fire don't derail their train. Or the local triads don't hunt them down. Or if the local politician doesn't turn into some sort of supernatural hell beast.

All in all, it should be a quiet trip."

The chapters in this volume are:

Playing in the Sandbox
Morning After
Going Back
Taken For a Ride
Flight of Dragons
Dragon Punched
(Asian Fusion) Take Out
Friends of Friends
Elf Help
Tea and Blood
Napa Valley of Death
The Rainbow Tastes You
Hell to Pay
Dirty Business
Nocked and Loaded
Blow Back
Big Trouble, Little Napa
Droning On
Dial M for Magic
Reach Out and Touch Someone
Play Through
Death Trap
Path of the Vampire
Enter Night
All in the Reflexes
Get Ahead

You can tell just by the chapter headings or titles how much fun this story is going to be. And there are so many one liners and nods to movies and tv shows I am not even sure I caught them all on my first read through. I am beginning to think of Marco as a mash up of Jack Reacher, John Wick, and the Punisher. He can dish it out, he can take it and with each encounter he seems to be changing and becoming stronger, faster, and smarter. 

This story and series tie this series into other works by Finn that I had not known were previously connected. In the last volume we found out that Galadren was a cousin or uncle to Marco, and that his full name is Galahad Wren, and he works for Sean A.P. Ryan And Associates, private security company. We have a convoluted cast of characters in this story and it ties to many of Finn’s other series in one way or another. Our main cast again includes:

Marco Catalano – the groom,  a physician assistant. Killer of evil, brilliant with a supercomputer like mind, and like Kirk does not believe in no win situations nor does he know how to back down.
Amanda Colt – 100 year old vampire, force for good. Takes communion, goes to confession, and has fought in almost every war for a century and is a spy with top clearance.
Jennifer Bosley – 400 year old vampire, president of the New York Vampire Association, mentor to Amanda,.
Raymond Wilson – Police Commissioner – Bosley’s plus one.
Enrico – crime family contact for Marco.
Galadren – relation to Marco, most dangerous man in middle earth. 
Merle Kraft – spook specializing the weird, strange and unusual. Runs a team out of San Francisco, has previously worked with Marko.
Rory – aka Sean Allis Treacy, a vampire who fights for good, an Irishman who still reminisces about eh old days. 
Father William Rodgers
Vatican Ninjas

A warlock who throws lightning
Triad minions with magic meat cleavers that throw fire.
Mad science and magic
Apparent Dragons
Magically infused weapons
And more

The events in this story take place over a few days. They pick up right after book 1. And For Marco and Amanda they take place in Chicago, on a train, in Napa Valley, San Francisco and a final battle against the big boss on a former military base. Some of our supporting cast have engagements in the Middle East, New York, and Mexico. The main story is Marco’s and Amanda’s honeymoon is continuing and with each new stop on their trip new foes are encountered and new baddies to destroy. It also includes the beginning of their honeymoon a tripped planned to take months and travel across America by train from New York to the west coast. People back in New York are gathering many who Marco has worked with in the past, and are beginning to realize that something very big is happening. Merle Kraft plays a much bigger role in this one, mostly cleaning up after Marco, and one of his brothers even makes an appearance with some advice. Unfortunately there were no Zombies in this part of the story, so it can’t connect to Zombie Death Extreme Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator by Karina Fabian.

This story if full of Finn’s usual action, and even levels it up. Marco continues to use a new toy sent as a wedding present. And Marco goes on a warpath. Challenging his no F’s given and no sh!t taken attitude to the max. Marco, Amanda are just trying to enjoy their honeymoon but when bad guys start burning down vineyards they have to step up and do something, because they can! Marco leaves a wake of destruction in his path including some broken bad cops. More work for Merle to clean up. There are some surprises and some great twists. It was nearly impossible to put this book down. I again, stayed up way too late on a work night finishing it. It will leave you desperate for the next volume. 

Another excellent read from the masterful pen of Finn. The second in what is shaping up to be an amazing new series. A book I can easily recommend. Urban Noir Fantasy crossover done to perfection.  

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Declan Finn:
Love At First Bite Series:
Short Stories:
     (Murphy's Law of Vampires)

Honeymoon from Hell Series:

Other books:

Anthologies contributed to:
Luna: Planetary Anhtology Series Book 2
Supernatural Streets
Starflight: Tales From The Starport Lounge
Tales of the Once and Future King
Mercury: Planetary Anthology Series Book 4
Venus: Planetary Anthology Series Book 5
Mars: Planetary Anthology Series Book 7
Places Beyond the Wild: A Z-Day Anthology
Shoot the Devil: Ten Tales of Humans Defeating the Demonic
Fantastic Schools, Volume 6
Fantastic Schools Staff 7 Staff
Shoot the Devil 2 Dark Matter
Beast Hunt Volume 1

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