Monday, 4 November 2024

Praying with the First Christians - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier - CTS Children’s Books

Praying with the First Christians
Juliette Levivier
Anna Gravier (Illustrations)
ISBN 9781860824906
ISBN 1860824900
CTS Booklet CH10

Praying with the First Christians - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books

As of the reading of this book over the last few years I have read over 400 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society. I stumbled upon them while doing research on an author, and have been hooked ever since. This is the seventh in the CTS Children’s Book Series that I have read. It is the third by Levivier I have read. It is one of only a few books in the CTS Children's Books I have read, but I will continue to track down more.

The description of this book is:
“Get to know the saints who lived in the Church's early years. A beautiful little book which invites children to discover the first witnesses of the Christian faith and to pray with saintly heroes such as Stephen, Paul, Monica, Augustine and many others. These colourful hardback books are a delightful companion for young children discovering their loving friends in heaven and the story of their faith. The beautiful illustrations and the simplicity of the language lead children to a closer relationship with God. From 5 years”

Another description states:

“A little book to help you discover the first witnesses to the Faith and to invite you to pray with St Stephen and St Barnabas, St Monica and her son St Augustine, and many others … (From 5 years old..”

The sections in this book are:

Jesus sends his disciples.
The first Christians:
     St John
     St Paul 
     St Barnabas 
     St Philip 
     St Luke 

The martyrs, our elder brothers and sisters in the faith 
     St Stephen 
     St Tarcisius 
     St Blandino 
     St Felicity and st Perpetua 
     The martyrs of Abitina

The saints, our friends in heaven 
     St Anthony of the Desert 
     St Helen 
     St Monica 
     St Augustine 
     St Jerome 
     St Martin 
     St Nicholas 

A sample chapter is:

St Paul

Saul was walking towards Damascus where he wanted to arrest the Christians: he hated them! 

But something amazing happened on the way. All of a sudden, a bright light dazzled him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" ''Who are you, Lord?" asked Paul, terrified. "I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting" (Acts 9:4-5)

After praying for a long time, Saul received a visit from Ananias, a disciple of Jesus who baptised him: from then on, he was called Paul. He lived only for Jesus. He made many journeys to make Jesus Known to all men.

Like Paul, Jesus calls me to change my heart so that
I can share his love.

You are close to me, Lord,
but sometimes I cannot see you!
Open my eyes so that I can see you.
Open my mouth so that I can speak of you.
Open my hands so that I can serve you.
Open my heart so that I can love you.”

Another sample chapter is:

The martyrs of Abitina

"Everyone, out!" The Roman centurion burst into a small house where forty-nine Christians were celebrating the Eucharist He arrested them all and led them to the forum to have them tortured.

Despite their sufferings, they continued to proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ Young Felix, his friend Saturninus and even little Hilarion, all sang with Tazclita: "Lord Jesus, we are your servants. You are our hope, you are the hope of all Christians. Glory to you, Most Holy God!"

You don't need to be very big, or wise, to love Jesus or to give your life for him. For me, giving my life can simply mean serving those around me.

God Most Great, you are our life.
God Most High, you are our strength.
God Most Holy, you are our joy.
God Almighty, you are our hope.
May your name be glorified everywhere!
(The Prayer of the martyrs of Abitina)”

This is an absolutely wonderful volume. It was great to read it and then pass it along to our kids former Catholic Grade School. The Librarian has loved many of the CTS books we have donated over the years. I hope the sample chapters give you a feel for this volume. This is another excellent volume from the Catholic Truth Society. I am very thankful I picked it up and know it is one I will use often. A great resource I can easily recommend for church, home, school, or small group use. 
Praying with the First Christians - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 1

Praying with the First Christians - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 2

Praying with the First Christians - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 3

Praying with the First Christians - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 4

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Books by Juliette Levivier:
Francis: the Poor Man of Assisi

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