The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers
I was intrigued by this volume from the first moment I saw it. I picked up the eBook as soon as it was available, and after a few days of reading ordered the hardback to have on my bedside table. I worked my way through it over a month praying my way from beginning to end.
The description of this volume states:
“The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers is an indispensable keepsake of classic and contemporary prayers that every Catholic should know.
This timeless resource includes a variety of devotions, psalms, and litanies that showcase the diversity of voices and traditions that have been part of the Catholic Church for more than two thousand years.
The hardcover, full-color volume contains all of your favorite prayers and some that will become familiar over time, including:
• essential prayers, such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, creeds, and Confiteor;
• prayers for talking with God throughout the day;
• prayers for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion;
• devotions and consecrations to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; and
• prayers from saints for each of the five main forms of prayer listed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church--prayers of blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.
Elegant, vintage lithographs and engravings taken from traditional prayer books, psalters, and Bibles and presented in a contemporary design add to the beauty of the book.
An index makes it easy to find prayers based on the saint or topic of devotion.”
The chapters and sections in the book are:
General Prayers
The Sign of the Cross
The Our Father (The Lord’s Prayer)
Hail Mary
Glory Be
O My Jesus Prayer
The Jesus Prayer
Te Deum
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit)
The Apostles’ Creed
The Nicene Creed
Act of Spiritual Communion—St. Alphonsus Liguori
Act of Faith
Act of Hope
Act of Charity
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Angel of God
Litany of Saints
Prayer to the Holy Family—Pope Francis
Daily Prayers for Speaking with God throughout the Day
Morning Prayers
Prayers before Work
Midday Prayers
Afternoon Prayer
Evening Prayer
Bedtime Prayers
Prayers for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Have Mercy on Me, O God—Psalm 51:1–2, 10
Prayer before the Examination of Conscience
Examination of Conscience Based on the Ten Commandments
Examination of Conscience Based on the Beatitudes
Act of Contrition I
Act of Contrition II—St. Julie Billiart
Prayer of Heartfelt Penitence and Thanksgiving—Psalm 33:18–22
O Lord, You Have Searched—Psalm 139:1
Prayers for the Holy Eucharist
Prayer before Mass—St. Thomas Aquinas
Thanks Be to God—2 Corinthians 9:15
This Morning My Soul Is Greater Than the World—St. Margaret of Cortona
Bread of Heaven—St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Anima Christi—St. Ignatius of Loyola
Prayer of Thanksgiving—Attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas
Prayers for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
A Day in Your Courts Is Better Than a Thousand Elsewhere—Psalm 84:10
Here Am I—Exodus 3:4
Speak, Lord, for Your Servant Hears— 1 Samuel 3:9
Your Face Is the Only Fatherland for Me— St. Thérèse of Lisieux
O Salutaris Hostia (O Saving Victim)—St. Thomas Aquinas
Tantum Ergo—St. Thomas Aquinas
The Divine Praises
Prayers and Devotions to Jesus Christ
St. Patrick’s Breastplate
Take My Heart, Dear Lord—St. Lutgarde of Aywieres
Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus—St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
O Heart of Love—St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Prayer before a Crucifix
Prayer before the Crucifix at San Damiano—St. Francis of Assisi
Behold the Cross of the Lord—St. Anthony of Padua
Prayer to Christ the King
Prayers and Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mary, I Love You—St. Philip Neri
Stabat Mater
Ave Maris Stella
The Litany of Loreto
Memorare—St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Act of Entrustment to Mary—St. John Paul II
Totus Tuus Prayer—St. John Paul II
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas
The Holy Rosary
Prayers and Devotions to St. Joseph
Litany of St. Joseph
St. Joseph Memorare
Prayer to St. Joseph, Man of Silence—Pope Francis
Prayer to Sleeping St. Joseph
St. Joseph, Just Man and Husband of Mary—Pope Francis
St. Joseph, Father in Tenderness—Pope Francis
Prayer to St. Joseph for the Protection of Workers—Pope Francis
St. Joseph, Guardian of the Pure in Heart
Prayers of Blessing
Prayer of Blessing to Be Used in Various Circumstances
Blessing of a Family
Blessing of a Married Couple
Blessing of Children
Blessing of a New Home
Blessing of Homes during the Christmas and Easter Seasons
Blessing on the Anniversary of a Baptism
Blessing on the Occasion of a Birthday
Godparent’s Blessing of a Child
Blessing of an Engaged Couple
Blessing of the Sick
Blessing of a Person Suffering from Addiction
Blessing of the Elderly
Blessing of Those Who Are Homebound
Prayer with the Dying
Prayer for the Dead
Petitionary Prayers: Drawing Close to the Lord in Times of Need
Abba, Father—Mark 14:36
Grant Me the Favor I Implore—St. John Eudes
Prayer of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ—St. Richard of Chichester
God of Life—St. Augustine
Bookmark of St. Teresa of Avila
Prayers for Deliverance
St. Michael the Archangel
Lord, I Cannot Do This Unless You Enable Me—Br. Lawrence
The Dragon Is Here Again—St. Gregory Nanzianzus
Prayer for Times of Illness—St. John Bosco
Prayers for Special Graces
Serenity Prayer—Attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr
Litany of Humility—Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val y Zulueta
Litany of Trust—Sr. Faustina Maria Pia
Prayer of Trust and Confidencee— St. Padre Pio
Although My Frailty Is Great—Servant of God Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez
Into Your Hands—Servant of God Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez
Prayers of Surrender to God’s Loving Will
If You Want It, I Want It Too—Bl. Chiara Badano
O Jesus, I Surrender Myself to You—Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo
Lord, Give Me the Grace to Welcome the Grace—
Servant of God Chiara Corbella Petrillo
Prayer for Generosity—St. Ignatius of Loyola
Prayers for the Grace of Forgiveness
Prayer for Understanding—
Adapted from the Novena for Forgiveness to St. Josemaría Escrivá
Prayer Asking for Mary’s Help Forgiving Another—
Adapted from the Novena for Forgiveness to St. Josemaría Escrivá
Intercessory Prayers
Grant Us Your Help and Protection—St. Clement of Rome
Prayer for Marriage and Families—St. John Paul II
Prayer for Christian Unity
Prayer for the Church through Mary’s Intercession—St. John Paul II
Prayer for Vocations—St. Paul VI
Prayer for Seminarians—St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Prayer for Priests—Pope Benedict XVI
Prayer for Priests through Mary’s Intercession—
Attributed to St. Teresa of Calcutta
Prayer for Souls—St. Gertrude
Prayer for Our Country—
Servant of God Theotonius Amal Ganguly
Prayer for Peace—Pope Francis
Prayer for Marginalized Persons
Prayer to Cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s Movement in the World—
Servant of God Thea Bowman
Prayer for Breaking Racial and Social Barriers—
Servant of God Thea Bowman
Prayer for Healing for Victims of Abuse
Prayer for Community
Prayer for the Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Prayer to End Abortion—Priests for Life
Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
Prayer to Care for Our Common Home—Pope Francis
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Praise
Act of Thanksgiving
Act of Adoration
We Give Thanks to God—St. John Chrysostom
For All the Times You Have Delivered Us—
Servant of God Thea Bowman
In the introduction we are informed:
“This exquisite collection of prayers—150 of them—has been carefully curated to represent the truly “catholic” nature of the Church, with prayers from every corner of the world and from throughout her history. Slip this book into your pocket or handbag to refer to throughout the day. Let it guide you in praying not only the prayers you ought to know (General Prayers) but also the prayers you need, when you need them most. You will find, too, a scattering of quotes from the saints—each a role model of personal prayer—to inspire you to offer up your own intentions. (If you would like a place to write these down, as a record of your own prayer journey, pick up a copy of The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal.)”
When this arrived my youngest two children immediately asked for a copy for their prayer corners. I can easily understand their interest. It is a well-made and very beautiful. The volume is printed in tricolour; black, gold, and blue. It is a great size 5 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches. It is a volume that should last a lifetime. There are many prayers and the index makes it easy to search and find prayers for specific needs or from specific saints.
This is a great volume that would be a perfect to any home library or prayer corner. I can easily recommend this little volume.
Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan!
Other books from Ave Maria Press:
The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration
The Ave Guide to the Scriptural Rosary
The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers
The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal
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