Friday, 31 January 2025

Nobody - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - aka At First Sight

aka: At First Sight
Carolrhoda Lab an imprint of
ISBN 9781606845080
eISBN 9781606843222

Nobody - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - aka At First Sight

Last year my daughter and I read The Naturals together. Or rather I read them, and she was reading one in class and had to wait before moving on. We both really enjoyed the series. My daughter was reading this and wanted someone to rant to without getting spoilers. She asked me to read it. So I read it over a couple of days. It was published the same year as the first book in The Naturals series but after 10 of her other works. I was surprised this and book 1 of The Naturals released in the same year because they have very different feels and I am surprised this ended as a standalone because it could have easily been the start of a series, with both prequels and continuations of this story.  

The description of this volume states:

“Author of the popular BookTok series The Inheritance GamesJennifer Lynn Barnes introduces us to . . . Nobody.

There are people in this world who are Nobody. No one sees them. No one notices them. They live their lives under the radar, forgotten as soon as you turn away.

That's why they make the perfect assassins.

The Institute finds these people when they're young and takes them away for training. But an untrained Nobody is a threat to their organization. And threats must be eliminated.

Claire has been invisible her whole life, missed by the Institute's monitoring. But now they've ID'ed her and have sent Nix to remove her. Yet the moment Nix lays eyes on her, he can't make the hit. It's as if Claire and Nix are the only people in the world for each other. And they are—because no one else can really see them.”

The book is a little too teen romance for me. But then I am not the target audience. Being in my mid-fifties. But it does have a strong enough story it did not end up on me ‘did not finish pile’. In some ways it reminds me of the TV series The Pretender, which ran for 1996-2000. A number of the elements overlap, including being taken by an organization and raised from a young age, being trained to maximize skills and talents, and being responsible for deaths. 

The story moves at a quick pace. Two individuals who always felt different find out they are different in the same way. Both their worlds are turned upside down, one has found a purpose and a meaning, the other realizes past mistakes and sets to atone for them. They must work together to overcome a longstanding secret organization. But even with all their skills and powers can they do it? 

To find out you will need to read this story about Nix and Claire.

Books by Jennifer Lynn Barnes:
The Lovely and the Lost (2019)
Nobody (2013)
Every Other Day (2011)

The Naturals Series:
The Naturals (2013)
All In (2015)
Bad Blood (2016)
Twelve (2017)

The Inheritance Games Series:
The Inheritance Games (2020)
The Hawthorne Legacy (2021)
The Final Gambit (2022)
The Brothers Hawthorne (2023)

Debutantes Series:
Little White Lies (2018)
Deadly Little Scandals (2019)

The Fixer Series:
The Fixer (2015)
The Long Game (2016)

Raised by Wolves Series:
Raised by Wolves (2010)
Sweet Sixteen (2015)
Trial by Fire (2011)
Taken by Storm (2012)

The Squad Series:
Perfect Cover (2008)
Killer Spirit (2008)

Tattoo Series:
Tattoo (2007)
Fate (2009)

Golden Series:
Golden (2006)
Platinum (2007)
At First Sight - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - aka Nobody

The Naturals - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 1  Reprint Edition

Killer Instinct - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 2  Reprint Edition

All In - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 3

Bad Blood - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 4  Reprint Edition

Twelve - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The Naturals Book 4.5  Reprint Edition

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