Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Prayers Around The Crib - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier - CTS Children’s Books

Praying Around The Crib
Juliette Levivier
Anna Gravier (Illustrations)
ISBN 9781860824456
ISBN 1860824455
CTS Booklet CH7

Ignatius – Magnificat Edition
ISBN 9781586177737
ISBN 1586177737

Praying Around The Crib - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books

As of the reading of this book over the last few years I have read over 400 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society. I stumbled upon them while doing research on an author, and have been hooked ever since. This is the twelfth in the CTS Children’s Book Series that I have read. It is the sixth by Levivier that I have read. Overall I have not read many of the CTS Children's Books but I have loved those I have and I will continue to track down more.

The description of this book is:
“Prayers Around the Crib Juliette Levivier A joyful book for young children preparing for Christmas, which explains the meaning of the Advent season with its special calendar and wreath, the Christmas tree, the various figures of the Nativity scene including the angels, shepherds, the three Kings, Mary, Joseph, Jesus and more. Ages 5 and up.”

The description of the Ignatius edition states:

“A joyful book for young children preparing for Christmas, which explains the meaning of the Advent season with its special calendar and wreath, the Christmas tree, the various figures of the Nativity scene including the angels, shepherds, the three Kings, Mary, Joseph, Jesus and more. Each of these important Christmas symbols is explained with a little story followed by a simple, heartfelt prayer. Illustrated throughout with sweet four-color pictures.”

The sections in this book are:

The Advent calendar
The Christmas tree
The Advent wreath 
Mistletoe and holly 
The crib
The donkey
The ox
Christmas – Jesus is born!
Christmas – Jesus come saves the world
Jesus will come again in glory
The Angels
The shepherds
The man overwhelmed with joy
The Miller
The other figures
The star
The three Kings
O come, all ye faithful!

A sample chapter is:

The donkey

Joseph also went up from Galilee,
from the city of Nazareth,
to Judea, to the city of David,
which 1s called Bethlehem,
because he was of the house and lineage of David.
Luke 2:4

The donkey that carried Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem was lying on the straw. It was happy to be resting. It had traveled a long way. It was hot and thirsty. It had carried a heavy load but had walked on bravely. Joseph's Kind voice and Mary's gentle touch had helped it on its way.

Sometimes people say donkeys are stubborn or stupid. It's true that this donkey didn’t understand much, but it was gentle and brave, and was happy to serve.

Sometimes I'm asked to do difficult things too, but I can try my best to help.

Lord, there’s a place in your Church
for everyone. Everyone can be a servant.
Everyone has gifts he can bring.
Everyone is important.
‘Teach me not to look down on anyone
but to recognize each person’s worth.

Another sample chapter is:


When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the
angel of the Lord commanded him.
Matthew 1:24

Standing near Mary, Joseph prays and keeps watch. He doesn't speak much. Like all the fathers of the world who are represented by him, he watches over the child. Joseph leans on God and trustingly obeys him.

I don't always like to obey! Obeying God means letting yourself be loved and responding to that love. It means accepting his plan of love for you. We get close to God by obeying his Word and his Church. Truly, obedience is wonderful!

I too want to come to you in silence
and offer you my life.
I want to pray in silence,
without speaking,
just contemplating you,
letting myself be guided,
letting myself be loved,
so that every day of my life
I may do what you ask of me.

This is a wonderful little volume. It was great to read and pray through, I even added one of the prayers to my daily prayer list. Then we passed it along to our kids former Catholic Grade School. The Librarian has loved many of the CTS books we have donated over the years. I hope the sample chapters give you a feel for this volume. This is another excellent volume from the Catholic Truth Society. I am very thankful I picked it up and know it is one I will use often. A great resource I can easily recommend for church, home, or school library. 

Praying Around The Crib - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 1

Praying Around The Crib - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 2

Praying Around The Crib - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 3

Praying Around The Crib - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 4
Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Books by Juliette Levivier:
Francis: the Poor Man of Assisi

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