The Rosary
Juliette Levivier
Anna Gravier (Illustrations)
ISBN 9781860823978
CTS Booklet CH3
ISBN 9781784691646
CTS Booklet CH69
As of the reading of this book over the last few years I have read over 400 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society. I stumbled upon them while doing research on an author, and have been hooked ever since. This one is part of the CTS Children’s Book Series. It is the one of 7 by Levivier available from the CTS. Last year I started reading the CTS Children's and this year I will continue to track down more, to read and then donate to our kids Catholic Elementary school.
The description of this book is:
“Pray to Mary following Jesus’s life step by step. Beautifully illustrated and in simple language, this book is a wonderful way on introducing children to the prayer of the church.
The Rosary is a powerful prayer beloved by Catholics for centuries. A special moment for every parent is passing on important parts of the Catholic Faith to their children, and helping them to learn how to pray the Rosary is one of those moments.
This beautifully illustrated paperback book will serve as an invaluable aid to any parent or grandparent. The child-friendly language and colour will help bring this prayer of the Church to life, helping them to come to know Jesus and his life better through each mystery and the corresponding illustrations.
Children are also taught to apply each mystery to their own lives, so that through the Rosary they can come to learn how to live as Christians. These habits taught from an early age will help them on their journey to holiness throughout their lives.”
The description on the back of the book states:
“Pray to Mary following Jesus
life step by step. Beautifully
illustrated and in simple language,
this book is a wonderful way of
introducing children to the
‘prayer of the church.”
The edition I tracked down was the hardback edition published in 2006, and there is a reprint paperback edition that dates from 2016
The sections in this book are:
A crown for Mary
The mysteries of the rosary
When you pray
When you pray the rosary
How to pray the rosary
Praying with the children of the world
The joyful mysteries
The annunciation
The visitation
The nativity
The presentation of Jesus in the temple
Finding Jesus in the temple
A prayer to Mary
The mysteries of light
The baptism of Jesus
The wedding at Cana
Jesus preaches about the kingdom
Jesus is transfigured
Jesus gives us the eucharist
A prayer to Mary
The sorrowful mysteries
Jesus’ prayer in the garden
Jesus is whipped
Jesus is crowned with thorns
Jesus carries his cross
Jesus dies on the cross
A prayer to Mary
The glorious mysteries
The resurrection of Jesus
Jesus goes up to heaven
Mary goes up to heaven
The crowning of Mary
A prayer to Mary
Some places you can pray to Mary
This is a wonderful volume on praying the Rosary no matter your age. The illustrations are excellent. It is clear and concise, and I love the extra prayer at the end of each set of mysteries. A Sample text for a mystery is:
“Jesus is crowned with thorns
The soldiers made a
crown of thorns and put
it on Jesus’ head.
Like Jesus, I can reply
to evil with good
and to mockery
with forgiveness.
Sweet Virgin Mary, teach me not to
take revenge, to undo the bad things
I have done and to comfort people
who are suffering.”
A wonderful volume. It was great to read it and then pass it along to our kids former Catholic Grade School. The Librarian has loved many of the CTS books we have donated over the years. This is another excellent volume from the Catholic Truth Society. I am very thankful I picked it up and know it is one I will use often. A great resource I can easily recommend for church, home, school, or small group use.
Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.
Books by Juliette Levivier:
Francis: the Poor Man of Assisi
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