Monday, 10 March 2025

Pocket Book of Hope: Words of Inspiration - Living with Christ

Pocket Book of Hope: Words of Inspiration 
ISBN 9781627858298

Pocket Book of Hope: Words of Inspiration - Living with Christ

I have been searching for books to read for the Jubilee Year of Hope this year in 2025. I loved 7 of the 8 volumes in the Notes on Prayer Series from the Catholic Truth Society. And the volume Hope: An Anchor for the Soul: 30 Daily Devotions by Amy Welborn was wonderful. This one on the other hand was a disappointment. With nearly each piece I read in this series my rating went down. But I will get to that in a bit. The description of this volume states:

“Where do you find hope in the world today? In this inspiring book, a dozen Catholic writers from different walks of life reflect on where they find hope in their work and in their lives, despite the many challenges and crises that surround us.

As we embrace the Jubilee Year 2025, whose theme is “Pilgrims of Hope,” we can all join in this pilgrimage and look for signs of hope, which “does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Romans 5:5).”

And the pieces in this booklet are:

Hope Takes Care
The Best Is Yet to Be
Hope from the Prophets of Today
A Promise of What Can Be
God Holds Death and Life
An Unwavering Spark
Storying Our Hope
Sustaining Sources of Hope
The Hand of God
Social Movements, Fountains of Social Hope
“That’s Why You Were Baptized”: The Decision to Hope

At the end of each chapter is a brief bio of the contributors, in order of appearance they are:

Anne Louise Mahoney is the editor of Looking to the Laity: Reflections on Where the Church Can Go from Here and of Never-ending Love: Sharing Stories, Prayers and Comfort for Miscarriage and Infant Loss, and is the author of I Hope, a book for young children.

Greg Kennedy works as a spiritual director and Executive Director at Ignatius Jesuit Center in Guelph, Ontario. He has authored Reupholstered Psalms and Amazing Friendships between Animals and Saints (Novalis).

Author and editor Catherine Mulroney is the mother of four and grandmother of two. She lives in Toronto, where she gardens, reads - and babysits!

Glen Argan has been a writer and editor in Canada’s Catholic press for more than 45 years. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta.

Mariette Martineau is an author, wife and mother, and the Canadian Religious Stewardship Community Consultant for three religious communities in Saskatoon. She is the former Religious Education and Family Life Coordinator of the Kenora Catholic District School Board.

Donald Bolen currently serves as the Catholic Archbishop of Regina, Saskatchewan. He has spent much of his priestly and episcopal life working on ecumenical and justice issues.

Stefany Dupont is originally from Gatineau, Quebec. She now lives in Vancouver, where she is pursuing a teaching degree.

Stephen Bede Scharper explores the interweaving of' ecology, spirituality, justice and compassion at the University of Toronto and beyond.

Christine Way Skinner is a doctoral candidate in theology at Regis St. Michael's i11 Toronto. She has been a lay ecclesial minister for over 30 years.

Dr. Constance Price works in theological and pastoral education. She is the author Beyond the Ramp: A Parish Guide to Welcoming Persons with Disabilities (Novalis and Twenty-Third Publications, 2020).

Joe Gunn is the farmer executive director of Citizens for Public Justice. He is a speaker, activist and author on social and environmental concerns.

Anne Walsh is from St. john's, Newfoundland and Labrador. She works with the Redemptorists in Adult Faith Formation and coordinating and resourcing Partnership in Mission. She holds the Office of Partnership in Mission for the Redemptorists worldwide and is Chair of the Redemptorist General Commission for Partnership in Mission.

Ok back to the volume. I believe all by three pieces have a focus or mention the ‘environmental crisis’. I just briefly and is a good piece. There were 2 pieces I loved, one other was good and 1 was just ok. When I was in high school Frank Coffee, my English Teacher said half of what I wrote was worth publishing and half he could use to wipe his … My problem with my dual form of dyslexia was I often cannot tell the difference. This volume I would put at 30/70 and that might be being generous.

One piece mentions a creator twice, focus on the environment it mentions the anointing of Jesus feet but in relation to how we should love the environment and states:

“Writing about hope will only get us so far. If we don't start caring for the generous creatures, both animate and inanimate, of this Earth, pouring out our thanks and love on them in ways that could appear excessive, but in fact are restorative and full of promise, we'll lose all hold on hope.” 

If it had been an eBook I would have returned it after reading the introduction and this first piece. The piece by Catherine Mulroney was worth the read. The piece by Archbishop Donald Bolen was great and ends with:

“Chris tian hope leads to gratitude, but it also leads to resilience, courage and action. Hope is not an end in itself May our hope inspire lives of commitment, generosity and trust as we spend ourselves at the service of others and our world, echoing the great self-gift of God in our crucified and Risen Lord.”

But most of the volume is just woke referencing Gahndi, Martin Luther King, Alexei Navalny, and Mandela without a clear focus on Christ and the Gospel in my opinion is an epic failure for a Catholic volume, from a Catholic Publisher, for the Catholic Extraordinary Jubilee year 2025 with the theme Pilgrims of Hope. Oh and taking pot shots at political figures south of the border.

Normally I pass on all physical books I buy, often to my son, to his school library, to friends or family. I cannot think of a single person I would give this to or could recommend it to. As such in ended up in the round filing cabinet under my desk!

I have read many great volumes for the Jubilee year and have a few others I still plan to read. I recommend you do not bother picking this one up or even giving it a read!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan! 

Jubilee of Hope 2025 Book List:
Faith is a Journey, Meditations for Pilgrims and Wayfarers - Pope Francis
A Light in the Night Meditations on Hope - Pope Francis

Notes on Prayer Series:
1. Prayer Today: A Challenge to Overcome - Cardinal Angelo Comastri
2. Praying with the Psalms - Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi
3. The Prayer of Jesus – Juan Lopez Vergara
4. Praying with Saints and Sinners - Fr Paul Brendan Murray, OP
5. The Parables of Prayer – Msgr Antonio Pitta
6. The Church in Prayer - Carthusian Monks
7. The Prayer of Mary and the Saints Who Met Her - Sr Catherine Aubin, OP

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