Saturday, 15 March 2025

Prayer of the Day A Saint Michael Prayer

A Saint Michael Prayer  
Prayer of the Day  

Prayer of the Day A Saint Michael Prayer

St. Michael, glorious archangel, you know well the
wiles of the tempter. Defend me, protect me, and
pray for me, O prince of the heavenly host, that
my faith in God remains strong , my hope in Him
provides comfort, and my love for the Almighty
leads me to salvation. 
Breaking the Bread: A Biblical Devotional for Catholics Year C - Scott Hahn Ken Ogorek

Emmaus Road Publishing
ISBN 9781645854135
eISBN 9781645854159

In 2024 I received the above volume. This prayer is one I read when flipping through and checking out various Sunday devotions, it was part of the first Sunday of Lent. I immediately added it to my daily prayers.

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