Thursday, 13 March 2025

The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide - Fr. Mark-Mary Ames - Ascension Press

The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide
Fr. Mark-Mary Ames
ISBN 9781935940593
eISBN 9781935940609

The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide - Fr. Mark-Mary Ames - Ascension press

This is the first volume from Father Mark-Mary I have read but I am certain it will not be the last. I know other books from him will be very different than this volume, but reading through this volume and listening to the first 6 weeks of the accompanying Podcast has convinced me I will love his writings. But back to this volume. The description of this book states:

“The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide helps Catholics develop a lasting love for the Rosary and build a relationship with Jesus and Mary. Every day for 365 days readers will be accompanied through daily reflections, insights, and meditations as they grow in praying the Rosary.

The Prayer Guide includes:

The proprietary Rosary in a Year Reading Plan
An introduction from Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR
Introductions to each of the 6 phases of the learning method
The Scripture passages associated with each mystery of the Rosary
Sacred art to reflect on while praying each mystery of the Rosary
Reflections associated with specific days of the podcast
The full text of the prayers of the Rosary
The biblical foundation basis for the prayers of the Rosary
It’s the perfect way to help you develop the habit of praying the Rosary and go even deeper into each mystery!

Readers will be guided through the learning process with:

2 reflections from holy people on each mystery of the Rosary
3 sacred art images for each mystery of the Rosary to help you imagine the mystery
Daily prayer prompts
And even more prayerful content

In addition to the content that goes along with each day's reflection, readers will find information that helps them get even more out of the Rosary outside of the podcast. Written with an intentional Rosary experience in mind, The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide will help Catholics to grow in relationship with Christ through the Blessed Mother every day.”

I really appreciated that the eBook was available before the Podcast began. I have a dual form of dyslexia and prefer eBooks so I can change the font, and the colour of the font and page to make reading easier. I sat for a few hours one Saturday and read through the rest of this volume so I could review it during the inaugural year of the podcast. I did not think it would be fair to write a review without having finishing the volume. Even though I have read the other 6 ‘In A Year Companions’ for the Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year.  

The sections and chapters in this volume are:

How to Use This Book
Introduction by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames
A Roadmap for This Journey
     The Rosary in a Year Prayer Plan
The Basic Prayers of the Rosary
The Mysteries of the Rosary

     Days 1–7

     The Biblical Foundation of the Prayers of the Rosary
     The Biblical Foundation of the Mysteries of the Rosary
     Days 8–68

     Days 69–188

     Days 189–208

     Days 209–335

     When to Pray Each Set of Mysteries
     Days 336–365

How to Pray the Rosary
Prayers of the Rosary
Illustration Information and Credits

As can be seen from the Table of contents, each section has a separate introduction. And that Introduction includes tips for that section. For example for Phase 6:

About This Phase

During the final thirty days of the year, we will pray a 5-decade daily Rosary, using the skills and tools we’ve developed throughout the year.

We will begin praying the 5-decade Rosary, including the introductory and concluding prayers. You have been preparing to pray a full Rosary as you slowly built up to saying 5 decades a day in the last phase. If you struggle with this, have no fear; there will be advice along the way!

In addition, we will start praying the mysteries associated with each day of the week, rather than assigned mysteries. This way, you will be praying the mysteries of the day with Catholics around the world.

By the end of this phase, you will have prayed a daily Rosary faithfully for a month, in addition to all the work you have done to build the habit and practice meditation. You will be praying the Rosary like never before!

Every day of this phase, we will pray a 5-decade Rosary, including the introductory and concluding prayers. We will meditate on the mysteries of the day as we pray the prayers of the Rosary.

Tips for this phase
•If you have trouble remembering which mysteries to pray each day of the week, refer to the chart on the following page.
•The longer introductory and concluding prayers of the Rosary can be difficult to memorize. In the following pages, these prayers are printed out for you.
•At this point in The Rosary in a Year, you have faithfully been praying for almost a year! If the time of day you selected is not working anymore due to the longer time commitment, don’t be afraid to revisit and find a new time that works for you.
•We have included a chart for you in the following pages to fill in the mystery assignments for each day and track your progress as you finish the podcast.
•Keep up the habit. As we have discovered this year, there are so many rich graces available through the power of the Rosary. After the podcast ends, continue praying the Rosary for yourself, for your friends and relatives, and for the Church!

•Sundays: glorious mysteries*
•Mondays: joyful mysteries
•Tuesdays: sorrowful mysteries
•Wednesdays: glorious mysteries
•Thursdays: luminous mysteries
•Fridays: sorrowful mysteries
•Saturdays: joyful mysteries

*Optionally, the joyful mysteries may be prayed on Sundays in Advent, and the sorrowful mysteries may be prayed on Sundays in Lent.”

I especially appreciated sections 4 and 5, praying with reflections from the saints or with artwork. This is another excellent volume from Ascension. It is a great resource for those following the podcast. It a tool that will assist and help those following the podcast as they progress throughout the year. I can easily recommend it.

The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide - Fr. Mark-Mary Ames - Ascension press Sample 1

The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide - Fr. Mark-Mary Ames - Ascension press Sample 2

The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide - Fr. Mark-Mary Ames - Ascension Press Sample 3

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan!

Ascension Press In A Year Companions:

Books by Father Mark-Mary Ames:
Habits for Holiness: Small Steps for Making Big Spiritual Progress
The Father: 30 Meditations to Draw You into the Heart of God
Pocket Guide to Prayer

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